Accumulate 15-20 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand
(hold for 1 second in the handstand, but goal is to get comfortable finding balance point)
followed by…
Three sets of:
30 seconds of Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold
Rest 60-90 seconds
Five sets of:
Kipping Pull-Ups on Rings x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Ten sets of:
Box Jump-Ups (low catch) + Ring Dips
Rest as needed
40-54: 4 Ring Dips
55+ 2 Ring Dips
Spend 3-5 minutes working on Muscle-Up transition on low rings.
Choose one of the following:
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
For time:
One round of:
100 Double-Unders
50 Squats
25 Pull-Ups
followed immediately by . . .
Two rounds of:
60 Double-Unders
30 Squats
15 Pull-Ups
followed immediately by . . .
Three rounds of:
40 Double-Unders
20 Squats
10 Pull-Ups
20 Minute Tempo Run
< 6 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 7 minute mile pace (1:45 per lap)
< 7 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 8 minute mile pace (2:00 per lap)
< 8 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 9 minute mile pace (2:15 per lap)
Three sets of:
Bar Muscle Up Leg Position Drill x 5 reps
Rest as needed
and then . . .
One set of:
Jump to Bar from Squat (straight arms) starting on box x 30 unbroken reps
For time:
1,000-Meter Bike
100-ft. Handstand Walk
10 Overhead Squats
500-M Row
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
5 Overhead Squats
40-49: 225/155 lbs; 12″ box 40 reps, 24″ box 10 reps/6″ box 40 reps, 12″ box 10 reps
50-54: 205/135 lbs; 50-ft. Handstand Walk; 12″ box all 50 reps/6″ box all 50 reps
For time:
1,000-Meter Bike
45/25 Overhead Walking Lunge x 50 ft
10 Overhead Squats (185/115 lbs)
500-M Row
50 Burpee Box Step Overs (can step onto the box)
5 Overhead Squats
Time cap – 16:00
20 Minute Tempo Run
< 6 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 7 minute mile pace (1:45 per lap)
< 7 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 8 minute mile pace (2:00 per lap)
< 8 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 9 minute mile pace (2:15 per lap)
1 mi run.
Bench Press 135-205.
Back Squats 135-170.
50 PUs.
50 ring dips.
50 GHDs.
1 min run.
Back in Germany and back to a regular work out schedule, well at least for 2 weeks until I move permanently back to the US. Did this on Sunday.
Off Season
A: done. Kick ups felt good. Actually accumulated some time without hands moving.
B: Done
Did a little snatch practice. No more than three misses. 15 sets up to 85kg. Missed 82.5kgx2; 87.5kg
C: Total time – 11:31 Rds were 2:54; 4:09; 4:28- Thos was a fun one!
did games prep
Session one I dropped down to 205 and skipped most of the 10 reps of squats after a mental disaster when I could not handle the 225. I finished my lest reps of Burpees Box jump overs after the 16 min mark- Cheryl talked me into doing 5 OHS at 205 to finish- I was able to do them unbroken. small win after a mental melt down
Temp run 2.6 miles at 24 min – 9:11 pace
BTW Its fun watching Invictus athletes crushing in Cal Regional
That is a fantastic win! We are loving Regionals !
Games Prep: A. 30 mins of Ring Muscle up work: I can string 3 to 4 together now but still missing that explosive hip drive so I went back to working on Singles and doubles today… Until I ripped my callous off! ? Thank you for the help Al! B. Regional Event 6: 14:49 Rx. Was a little unsure how the overhead squats would feel at 155# for that many reps; went 5/3/2 on first 10, and then ironically the last 5 OHS felt easier than the first set did, and was able to hang on unbroken on those. C.… Read more »
You are amazing! Keep being you Chery! You are rock solid!
Aww thank you Tracy! I appreciate that! 🙂
Amazing Cheryl!
Our box jump overs werenʻt nearly as wide as what they have at Regionals, and apparently I didnʻt do the correct height for the last 10…oh well! I think hindsight I should have pushed the pace more…just wasnʻt certain how those last set of OHS were going to feel.
Nice Cheryl! That’s a great time! Just watched the Pacific ladies do it. Miss watching you crush regionals ?
Thanks Teesh! I think I could have gone faster, now that Iʻve done it! 😉
Yes, I believe that! You usually went a little faster on your second go at it, under the lights ???
Off Season
A. Done
B. Pullups on rings end up like peek-a-boo swings(is that right?), bju to dips done, 5:00 of transition work
C. 20:11
You should be pulling more vertical than a peek-a-boo swing
Off Season
Done~Did not do dips with jumps. Thank you Tracy for looking at my video transition.
DU whew the smoothest I have done. Took it slow.
Squats were good.
Pull-ups no singles~That was my focus.
No problem Cheryl! So awesome those pull ups are being strung together! Your progress continues. Keep on it lady!
20 minute run done: 2.48 miles; 8:04 pace, that hurt
Session 1, 9:30am:
A. Bar MU, pistol and HS walk practice
B. Class WOD, 30 mins
Session 2, 5:00pm:
A. 2-mile time trial at the track 14:07 (7:02/7:05)
Have a great weekend!
Off Season
Session 1
A. Done
B. Done
C. DUs/Squats/PUs: 12:22 (all movements unbroken)
Session 2 will do tomorrow.
Session One
A. Done
B. Done
C. Did a wod with my partner for a competition next week.
5 rounds: i go, you go.
3 Power Clean 180
30 Du
Rest 2 min
Bonus: Benchpress * 4 115/135/145/155/165
I will do Session two tomorrow.
A. Done
B. Done
C. 28:54
Session 2 in afternoon
8 min @ 8:32 pace
8 min @ 9:40 pace
4 min @ 10:40 pace
Total of 2.13 miles
Great -thanks for recording this Kevin!
Session 1
A. Did 20 of the Kick-ups to handstand. Found that on the second half I had quite a few where I hit that balance spot. Happy with how that went.
B. Kipping Pull-ups. – able to do sets of 10. Certainly a little more tiring than on a bar.
Box Jump-ups – 10 sets with 2 dips
C. 16:48 – DU’s and Squats unbroken, but split up the Pull-ups into sets of 5.
Session 2 – later today
Great Barry, that is what we are looking for with all those kick ups!
Only had time for Off-Season C- 14:47.
Nice work at Regionals so far Invictus!!!!
Thanks Tony!
Did Team workout with class today.
Teams of 2: 30 min AMRAP
2000m row (alt. every 250)
80 box jumps (alt. every 10)
100 push press (115#, alt. every 10)
1000m row (alt. every 250)
80 OHS (115#, alt. every 10)
100 DUs each
500m row (alt every 250)
80 hand release push ups (alt. every 10)
With time remaining: Max effort muscleups.
We did 4 muscle ups. PP and OHS were rough, especially after last night’s Friday workout.
A. Done
B. Difficult to do kipping when I’m use to butterflies at the bar.. Just keep on training! Just dips for me. MU transition, feet on floor.
C. Done and the air squats went well with my knee.
Session two.
Did a interval running at the treadmill with 1:40 intervall with inclination or maybe you call it grade ???…
These two sessions made me sweat!!!
Session 1
Kick-up HS: 20
Nose to wall: 3x30sec.
-Kipping Pull-ups 5×10: 1=/2,4,4 2=/6,4 3,4,5=/10 UB
-Box Jump to low catch ring dips 10×4: Done
-MU Transition work 3-5min: 5min of “feet on box”
Time: 20:09
Round1: 6:18
Round2: 13:18 (7:00)
Round3: 20:09 ( 6:51) (only UB Rd)
Session 2….Coming soon
Off-season A. Kick-up to HS- 20, the last 10 or so I was able to settle in for a few seconds each time. A big win for me. Yea. Nose to Wall done 3×45 secs B. Kipping PU on Rings 5×10. First time doing these and it took a few to find myself on them. Held hollow stayed long and found a nice rhythm. Enjoyed this drill. Ring dips and MU transition work done. C. 9:32 Post – Iron Scap then Rev Hyper 4×15 Session Two – 30 minutes later 7:00 min mile pace – completed the 20 min with… Read more »
Awesome Art!
A/B. Done
C. 13:19 Rx with a jacked heartrate the whole time!
Hope to run later. Happy Saturday everyone!!
Thanks Leticia!
a – done held 3 handstands for 30 seconds each one
Wall holds done
B – ring pull ups done
Box jump ups to rings do
C done
D. 2:26 /6:05/ 11:13. Wow that was a Gasser
Session 2
Track was shut down 🙁
Did stadium stairs
And… Ran a mile at 7:30 pace
So fast on C!! Nice job!
Thanks Leticia… I did this with a seventeen year old kid who beat me by about 15 seconds… ?? But his pull ups were sketchy. I had problems with the las three sets of DUs breaking. I need to get faster at those.
Haha! Always fun to stay with the youngsters. For me it was all about managing my heartrate; need to continue to improve my capacity there!
Worked on Strict MU 5×3
Workout with class
Completed last weekends snatch/row + burpee box jump & added a 1mile run
Just a chill fun morning
Great week everyone!