May 12, 2015 – Team Invictus

Workout of the Day

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Primary Team Training Session

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Two sets, each completed within 60 seconds, of:
0:15 seconds – Snatch x 1 rep @ opening weight
Change to second attempt weight
0:30 seconds – Snatch x 1 rep @ desired second attempt weight
Change weight to your teammate’s opening weight
Rest 2 minutes

Two sets, each completed within 60 seconds, of:
0:15 seconds – Snatch x 1 rep @ opening weight
Change to second attempt weight
0:30 seconds – Snatch PULL x 1 rep @ desired second attempt weight
Change weight to your teammate’s opening weight
Rest 2 minutes

Three sets for times of:
100 foot Handstand Walk

Complete rounds of 15, 10 and 5 reps for time of:
Synchronized Deadlift (410 lbs)
Synchronized Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

For time:
30 Toes to Bar
Rest 60 seconds
50-Foot Overhead Walking Lunges

Work on any notable weakness, but do not exceed the following volume – handstand walk (3 x 50′), handstand push-ups (3 x 10 reps) or muscle-ups (3 x 4 reps)

Three sets of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85%
Rest as needed

Three sets of:
Row or Assault Bike for 5 minutes @ 80-85%
Stretch Left Hip Flexor for 2 minutes
Stretch Right Hip Flexor for 2 minutes

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Clare Warren
Clare Warren
May 13, 2015 1:08 am

A. 140,145
B. Worked on progressions and they’re feeling a lot better
C. Taylor and I did it earlier on in the morning. 6:03
D. 1:08, then 47 seconds for the overhead lunges. I did an extra 10 ft on accident.

A. HS walks
B. all three sets at 255
C. Done with Air Dyne

Lisa O'Kane
Lisa O'Kane
May 12, 2015 10:13 pm

A. Worked on HS walks, MU, HSPU, and some synchronized C2B/kipping C2B
B. 3 sets at 215
C. Done
A. First weight 125, second 135. First set made 125, missed 135. Second set made both.
B. Didn’t get time for first set, 3:55,3:20. Lots of improvement with distance and speed.
C. Did with Mike. Took a little bit on set of 15 pull-ups to figure out rhythm with each other but flew on DLs and sets of 10/5. Great improvement and partnership!
D. Total time 2:10: 1:04 and 1:06

Mika Ingley
Mika Ingley
May 12, 2015 10:03 pm

A. 235 for first rep and 245 for second. Felt weak so I didn’t push it
B. Done fastest set was 43s others were like 1:10-1:25ish shoulders took forever to open up
C. Done with Lisa. Once we figured out the pullups we were good but first 3/4 mins of workout figuring out each other’s rythym.
D. 1:48 total time. :38 on t2b and went straight into lunges and did those UB as well. forgot there was a rest time
Ran out of time for optional… 🙁

Taylor Shramo
Taylor Shramo
May 12, 2015 7:38 pm

Had to drive up to LA today so the sessions were kind of jumbled: Primary: A. I was really inconsistent with the weights today, did several rounds staying in the time domains changing the weights but was missing a lot of the lifts (it got quite frustrating) C. Did this part next due to time constraints Clare and Shramo 6:03 Still working on pull up consistency, but we were able to do all the deadlifts unbroken. B. Did three sets of handstand walks, had to break because I was doing 2.5 lengths of the gym (40ft each way) 1:11 1:16… Read more »

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