Workout of the Day
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
125 Foot Handstand Walk (as quickly as possible)
Rest until the clock reaches 2:00, and then…
20 Seconds to Snatch
(Snatch weight for all five sets should be the weight you envision opening with in this event for Regionals. – Same drill that we practiced last week, we’re looking for consistency to help you determine an optimal opening weight.)
Please note how many of the five attempts were successful.
Every 15, 20 or 30 seconds, for a total of 15 total repetitions:
15′ Rope Climb x 1 ascent
Choose the time domain that you believe you can hold for a total of 20 repetitions. Athletes who would like to be sub-9:00 should try to hold one climb every 15 seconds. Athletes who hope to be sub-11:00 should hold 20 second intervals, and athletes who are aiming for sub-15:00 should be holding 30 second intervals.
Three sets of:
Row 20/15 Calories
Rest 30 seconds
25 Power Snatches (75/55 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
Keep the row and the power snatches under 60 seconds. Work on mechanics of the power snatch and mimic your planned pacing and movement strategies for regionals.
Three sets of:
20 GHD Sit-Ups
75 Double-Unders
Rest 2 minutes
Sorry I forgot to post yesterday! A) couldn’t do 125ft in under 2 min, so I did 100ft and then opening snatch weight. Hit my opener first 3 sets and failed last 2. B) I did 1 rope climb every 30 secs and felt pretty good! I think I could have pushed it a little bit more. C) Row times: :46, :54 :58 PS times: :59, 1:00, 1:02 D) 1:49, 1:49, 1:49 -unbroken DU on 2nd and 3rd round GHD hurts my lower back – I think because I don’t fit in it that well and really have to arch.… Read more »
A) :47 165F :50 165F/165 1:00 155 1:08 155 Apparently I’m not as strong as I thought, and opening at 165 isn’t looking like a good :/ B) 1 climb every :30. I did these with a pair of gardening gloves and they felt Much better. My fingers don’t have slivers or blisters today. I don’t know if I could go/want to go much faster than that. C) rows all around :49 and sbatches around :50. All 3 sets ub D) just did 3 sets of 20 ghd raises. What’s the “optimal set up” for a ghd? Does Antypne have… Read more »
go to around 8:30, thats when they start talking about set up for GHD sit-ups
Thanks Girl!!
Is this what we do if we are competing Friday?