Workout of the Day
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
125 Foot Handstand Walk (as quickly as possible)
Rest until the clock reaches 2:00, and then…
20 Seconds to Snatch
(Snatch weight for all five sets should be the weight you envision opening with in this event for Regionals. – Same drill that we practiced last week, we’re looking for consistency to help you determine an optimal opening weight.)
Please note how many of the five attempts were successful.
Every 15, 20 or 30 seconds, for a total of 20 total repetitions:
15′ Rope Climb x 1 ascent
Choose the time domain that you believe you can hold for a total of 20 repetitions. Athletes who would like to be sub-9:00 should try to hold one climb every 15 seconds. Athletes who hope to be sub-11:00 should hold 20 second intervals, and athletes who are aiming for sub-15:00 should be holding 30 second intervals.
Three sets of:
Row 20/15 Calories
Rest 30 seconds
25 Power Snatches (75/55 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
Keep the row and the power snatches under 60 seconds.
Three sets of:
20 GHD Sit-Ups
75 Double-Unders
Rest 2 minutes
A. 220f/220f/220 make/220 make/220 make.. Went a couple pounds heavier today to try it out, I think I’ll have to stick to a weight around here for my opener.
B. Done at 20 seconds.. This is a doable pace.
C. First 2 rounds were good then my grip totally fell apart on the third set of snatches.. rows all around :40-:45, snatches at :55, 1:02, 1:26 haha dang grip.
D. 1:24/1:28/1:22 GHD in :33-:37
Rough day today but got it done ..
A. Handstand walk mostly ub. Getting better at faster walking. Snatches 225f/225/225/225f/225 better then I felt
B. 12 every 15 sec, then 8 every 20 sec… took about 5:45
C. Row/snatches both under 60sec… rowing a consistent 1800cal/hour
D. Complete but did 15 ghdsu each round because of accidentally doing 100 on weekend
And Thanks for the Invictus Shirt!!! So cool
A. I thought I was good at HS walking, until I see how good these other gals are! I got through 100 ft each time but was super smoked after. 135 felt so challenging. After the 15m went for an attempt every min. Went all the way to 150
B. Did every 20sec and it took anywhere from :09-:15 each time.
C. 8:14 total, tried to go UB on snatched and couldn’t manage. Shoulders!
D. 4:45 – my sweet sweet jams. This boosted my mental game.
Morning Session Wanted to save snatches for when I was a little more awake/alert so I did the second half first. C) rows were around 0:48 and snatches right under a min D) didn’t focus on times, worked more on pacing my GHDs at the speed I plan to do the 100 and relaxed double unders Evening Session A) I haven’t snatched heavy since right after the open when I hurt my shoulder so I decided to do my first 125ft walk then test my two lifts and…..2 for 2! 155 and 165 lbs felt good. I think I’ll stick… Read more »
so strong! nice work on those snatches.
Awesome snatches!!
Are you planning on wearing your gloves at the actual event? What kind do you have??
Thanks! Yeah I plan to but have been taking them off about half way through once my grip gets too tired for them and I need a bare palm with chalk. They are Harbingers and I got them at Dick’s Sporting Goods… they just have a leather palm and nothing grippy or sticky so I’m hoping they’ll be allowed. They really make descents much faster and save the biceps.
A. Warmed up and hit 150 for a PR! This was just slightly over 100ft kept it similar to last time and focused on speed and I was a lot faster 1:07/1:14/1:13/1:37/1:48 snatch 135-135-140f-140-140f the less rest I get the harder it is to hit my snatch these were close misses if there is such a thing. B.20 rope climbs tried to stay at 20 sec finished in 7:45 C. This was 10 min post rope climbs GROSS! Rows 40-41-44 snatches 45-48-1:07 the last one was mental and I gave up very disappointed in myself on tht D.1:34-1:36-1:33 du unbroken… Read more »
A: Have to drop every 50ft… Took roughly 1:15-1:30 towards the end. Need to get faster. Snatches: 145/145/145/145/150 no misses, press out on the last 150. Warm up didn’t feel great – hoping to open at 150/155… TBD.
B: between :20/:30 – steadily improving. Finished all 20 at 9:31.
C: Finished at 8:30 – Snatches were: 25/15-10/15-10, rows between :50-1:08.
D: Skipped until tomorrow and got Event 7 done instead: 2:11 – could get under 2:00 with smarter MU scheme and slightly faster clean set up/transitions.
Fast event 7!! Great job!
Thanks! And Congrats to you on the Snatch PR! So exciting!
Thats a great event 7! How did you break up your Muscle ups??
On a really good day I can do 15 UB… Yesterday was just okay, went 11-3-1. Last one was just stupid… Time included a run to the bars and to finish.
A. :38/215, :43/215, :42/215F, :41/215, :45/215 (all hs walk UB, snatch 4 out of 5. was like 3 of 8 last week)
Andy, you need to shut down climbs for a while until that is healed.
A. 125ft took about 1:10-1:20 (have to drop and turn every 50ft)
snatches done at 215/215f/215/225/225f didnt feel it today mentally
B. Done every 15secs
C. Row was anywhere from :43-:50.
all sets of snatches were just under a minute. 25UB/25UB/15-10
D. Done all 3 rounds UB
Today was rough for me today…. just one of those days
keep your head up! we’re so close to the end, just keep on keepin on. tomorrows a new day!
AM session:
A. HS walks: 0:57; 0:48; 0:53; 1:03; 1:22. wow these got tough
snatches: 145#; 145# fail; 140#, 140#, 140# fail.
C. Row: 0:44; 0:48; 0:52
Snatches: 1:02 UB; 1:25; 1:29. Last 2 sets were not UB. this was a LOT harder than expected. so much for keeping each set <60 seconds 🙁
D. 1:30 for all sets, all UB. finally found a good, fast pace on GHDs. realized today that I didn't have it set up properly when i went through the chipper on saturday. having it at the proper settings makes a huge difference.
PM session:
Sounds like some good learning occurred today. Glad you found that fix to your settings.
A. HSW 125 feet: 33,33,36,37,37 seconds.
Snatches: 120, 120(f)x2, 120, 120, 120kg. 4 out of 5. Hmm.
B. Done with every 15 secs – actually felt alright throughout the whole 5 mins. Starting to like this event.
C. 8.08 total. Tough.
D. 1.28 and 1.29. Luckily no tripping on the DUs.
Solid work Filip!
A. HSW-30m Snatches 205-205-205-205-215lbs
B.20sec done
A. HSW : 50~60 ft
Snatch: x-x-135-x-135
Struggling with the snatch today.. It’s the weight I can usually hit with no problem. Did a few more reps right after Part A, and hit it every single one. Meh
B. Went every 30 seconds, took 9-10 second including the descent. I think I can go every 20 seconds
C. Row: :51 / :56 / :59
Snatch: 1:09 / 1:13 / 1:06
oh boy
D. 1:35 / 1:43 / 1:55
20 GHD Sit ups took about 33-35 seconds
Can someone clarify that it looks like we al have the same workout today no matter the Regional? Is that correct? I see a week 1 separate posting but if I’m not mistake it’s the same workouts?
It looks the same to me except for that “week 1” is doing 15 rope climbs rather than 20.
Ahhh ok cool. Thanks girl!