Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
Sloth Viking Press x 10 reps per side
Rest as needed
In 20 minutes, build to a 1-RM Snatch with a 2 second pause at your knee
(Perform a regular snatch, but, you’re going to pause at the middle of your knee for 2 seconds in the pull)
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 80%
55+: Back Squat x 3-5 reps @ 80%
Four sets for times:
Assault Bike x 25/20 cals
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Rest 2 minutes
55+: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
I should see consistent times across the board for this. Please video your chest-to-bar pull-ups if you feel like you struggle them and upload them to our FB group so myself and our gymnastics coach can take a look at them.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes, complete (3 sets):
Interval 1 – Handstand Marching Against Wall x 20 reps
Interval 2 – Toes-to-Bar x 8-12 reps (focus should be on finding a good rhythm)
Interval 3 – Wall Sit x 45 seconds
Three sets of:
Barbell Roll-Outs x 10-12 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Side Hand Plank Hip Circles
x 30 seconds per side
Rest 60 seconds
A) 155 #
5 # less that my PR
B) 275# 5 x 5
C) 2:57/3:12/3:41/4:04 10/5, 11/4, 10/5, 9/4/2 C2B
A) 190# Felt heavy today
B) 265# 5 x 5
C) 2:20/2:32/2:53/3:23 nothing left at the end 8/7, 8/7, 8/4/3, 6/5/4 BF C2B, first sets felt strong and smooth, fatigued on the last few of the 15
Today was tough. Super stressed at work and felt just totally overwhelmed and generally unmotivated when I arrived at the gym. DMA – done A – this was all wrong today. Got up to 80#, then failed 4 times at 85# (my 1RM is 95#). I’ll try and upload videos. B – started the back squats (@160#) and they felt so ridiculously heavy that I just could barely do 3. Decided to abandon them. Didn’t feel like doing a WOD by myself today, so jumped in with the class WOD: Descending ladder of front squats (135/95): 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 paired with ascending… Read more »
I hope you have a good weekend Silke! Sorry this week was stressful at work!
Thank you, Nichole!
Hang in there lady!!
Thank you, Miki!
A. 172. New pr felt good.
B. 320 for all sets. Last one hurt.
C. 3:27, 3:06, 3:37, 4:06. First round was paced, obviously went out too hard 2nd and paid for it in 3rd and 4th.
A. Up to 155 with power snatch. Felt out of whack and mobility was terrible today.
B. 285 for all sets
C. 2:18, 2:26, 2:34, 2:46. RPMs progressively lower each round. C2Bs progressively smaller sets.
Then did core workout with class.
As usual on Fridays, seem to have nothing in the tank.
Good to know about Fridays – be mindful of the volume accumulation throughout the week. Try doing a little less volume on Wednesday and see if that helps your Fridays.
Today I had: A. 20 min emom: Odd: 2 PC Even: 2 SC Same weight building up B. 4 sets: 3 min rest 500m row 25 over erg burpees 50 du 12 pull ups C. 3 sets: 2 min rest Max unbroken wall balls. Go big here, like literally to the last rep. 🙂 Awesome day!!! A. 65/75/85/95/105/115/125/135/1pc@145, 2 misses sc. B. Times: 6:18/ 6:34/ 6:37/ 6:42. This was great!! Things that made me happy: keeping good form and decent pace on the rows (2:05-2:15 pace); unb, consistent burpees over the erg; DUs in decent chunks w/o too much tripping;… Read more »
DMA – Complete
A.) 195#- The last 5mins I attempted 205 but just couldn’t stick it. 🙁 Ill get it! (Snatch w/2sec pause at knee)
B.) 325# all sets (BackSquat)
C.) 2:08/2:20/2:35/2:40 – Pace initially was 72RPM then 70RPM for remaining. Last round was struggling to hold onto 70RPM. C2Bs were 5s first two sets then 5/3/2/2/2/1. Last set was all kipping and reps were 2-3s. (ABx25Cal & C2Bsx15; 4 sets w/2min rest between)
Great job on A, B & especially C.
Thanks Richard!
Where were you missing Phil?
Missed it in the receiving position…uploaded video to FB. Must admit that video was taken after multiple attempts.
warm up & mobility: done
A. done: got to 85# that pause is tough!
B. done: 161#
C. skipped because we had a later session to work on mu’s
DMA) done
A) 200! Was really happy with this! Had been struggling with the pause so felt like I finally was being explosive from that point
B) 295 all sets…. was supposed to be at 300 so was a little off
C) 1:28,1:26,1:35,1:54
First 3rds of c2b unbroken, 4th rd 12/3
Was all that bervthe placce on the bike 80-73 rpms
Wahoo – that is massive Joshua!! Great work on your snatch!!! And awesome work on your C2B!
Nicely done.
A) 90#, took lots of video, once I figure out how to post, I’ll do it.
B) 160#
C) 2:30,2:31,2:35,2:37, that is a tough combo for me. Ugh, struggle bus ?
Optional done with ski erg for toes to bar, tore just a bit on my last pull-up.
Yay!!! Post, post, post !! 🙂
A. Built to 135.
B 280
C. done
Wrist did not allow any hand stand March did DB z press(not happy)
Overnight work trip to Albacete, Spain = globo gym with no shoes or chalk
A. Up to 155 in order not to drop the barbell
B. 275 x5 across
C. No assault bike, life fitness bike at 15:
2:38, 2:28, 2:40, 2:45. 5/5/5 on C2B
Way to still get it in Michael!
A. Up to 175. Positioning feels real
B. 225 x 5 x 5 sets.
C. 1:57/1:57/1:56/2:03
Welcome back to pull-ups 🙂
Knee issues again so been off program a bit.
A. Did class work out of snatches
EMOM x 5 min. -6 UB power snatch- 135
EMOM X 5 min. -3 UB power snatch- 155
Every :30 x 5 min. -1 power snatch- 185
B. 3 rounds
10 C&J @ 135 UB
400m run
C. 4 rounds
25 cal Ass bike
15 C2B
Any particular movement bother the knees?
Staying away from kipping for a bit until I fix a shoulder imbalance.
Did last Saturday’s workout.
1000m Row 15 snatch 30t2b 15 snatch 1000m Row
Singles on snatches
10/10/5/5 T2B
Strength in afternoon.
Good call Stephanie!! You can always sub in strict when it is kipping, just reduce the volume.
DMA – done
A. Still nursing a sore hip flexor, so I modified this to Power Snatches with a 2s hold below the knee. Went up to 110 lb.
B. Modified these to Box Squats (17inch) using 205 lb. 5 R’s for sets 1&2, 3 R’s for the remaining sets.
C. 2:31 – 2:34 – 2:35 – 2:34
Optional session in the AM – T2B feeling so much better (12 smooth UB reps per)
A. 190#
B. 250#
C. There were 3 of us and only one bike, so we did it partner style -4 rounds for time (no rest in between sets since had rest while partner worked). Made me push harder so my partners didn’t have to wait on me too long.
What a fun way to attack this workout!
Back from a week off – road trip to the East coast for daughter’s college graduation.
A. 135
B. 265
C. 2:01/2:03/2:04/2:08 butterfly pullups
D. Ab wheel rollouts
Lightning fast!
Thanks Christine!
How fun Perry!! What an accomplishment for your daughter!!
A. Done up to 80%
B. Done.
C. Hopefully later.
Made a choice today to take my time warming up snatches. The last two weeks of snatching were a mess. So I warmed up longer, stayed at weights til I got it right. I knew I probably wouldn’t get to conditioning before my son woke, but I needed a good snatch day.
That is fantastic though Theresa! And you may find that you prefer a specific warm-up when doing snatches – if you find a warm-up you like, stick with it!