Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch
x 60 seconds per side
Butterfly Pulse
x 30 seconds
Hawaiian Squats x 5 reps per side
and then …
*Implementing nasal breathing, perform:*
Assault Bike x 2 minutes
Over/Under Barbell x 5 reps in each direction
Assault Bike x 90 seconds
Barbell Front Squat x 10 reps
Assault Bike x 60 seconds
Barbell Sotts Press x 5 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 90+%
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 – 45-55%
*Sets 3-4 – 55-65%
*Sets 5-6 – 65-75%
*Sets 7-8 – 75-85%
*Sets 9-10 – 85-90%
*Sets 11-12 – 90+%
For time:
9 Power Snatches (205/155 lbs)
12 Power Snatches (185/125 lbs)
15 Power Snatches (165/105 lbs)
18 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)
Use one barbell and work on quickly changing out the plates to get the right weight combinations…this has become a tested skill in the past few years.
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes (5 sets):
Station 1 – 18-20/13-15 Calorie Assault Bike
Station 2 – 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Station 3 – 15 Toes to Bar
Station 4 – 45-Seconds of Double-Unders
Athlete Note:
REMINDER! The Open starts this week so our goal is to get some good workouts but to feel good going into Friday for 21.1. Make sure that you are giving good attention to recovery so you can still workout hard but feel good for future days.
Today we are working up a heavy squat and heavy snatch and then testing ourselves with some volume snatches before the metcon.
The snatch workout includes heavy weights so if the first bar is over 80% of your 1-RM then modify the load to ensure you start at 75-80%. Then you will proceed through all of your reps making sure that you are moving well. We do not want you chasing bars all around the gym trying to make a lift under fatigue. Hit your positions, control the weight and then worry about how the speed last. The real breather is meant to be the next part so still view the snatch cycling as part of your lifting session.
Today’s metcon will allow you to choose how hard you want to push. Pick a calorie range that you know you can manage but will still give you some fatigue going into the wall ball shots. For most people it will take you the full minute to finish the calories so make sure you walk straight to the wall ball and get started so you have some time to rest for your toes to bar. After completing the toes to bar you are supposed to perform 45 seconds of double-unders. Make the number one focus relaxing on these (please don’t exceed 500 double-unders). This needs to be a station that you learn how to relax your grip, your breathe and just bounce.
Mobility and Warmup
A: 225,235,255,270,285,300
B: 105×2, 135×2, 155×2, 175×2, 185×2, 195, 205(failed; stood I up on second attempt after time ran out)
C: skipped due to time constraint
D: 3 sets
Mobility and warmup: ✅
A. 185/ 225/ 255/ 285×3
B. Up to 165
C. 12:10
D. Done
B. 95 up to 155×2, missed 165, 155×2
C. 135/125/115/95 around 16:30
D. 15 bike / 10 thr 95# / 15 v-ups / 80 lateral line hops
Warmup Mobility done
A. 225/240/255/270/290/295 fail
B. 75/95/115/135/150/165/175/185
C. For some reason I did this backwards an started light but I scaled the weights to 115/135/150/165 power snatches at 11:24
D. Skipped
A) Kept it light. I think heaviest set was at 245. Heaviest I’ve done since quad injury.
B) Heaviest rep at 195
C) Did this as long as I could until I felt it was detrimental. Did 9 reps at 195 then dropped to 175 for the next set. Then down to 155 for the next. Had to stop after about 35 total reps.
D) Done ✅
Rough Monday. I didn’t have time for everything, But I got something in! ????
A) 155/165/175/190/200/210
B) 85/85/105/105/115/115/125/125/135/135/140/140
Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome
Wooohoo the most important part is you got some work in! Let’s hope tomorrow brings a little more time for you to train
A. 255, 275, 295, 315, 335, 355
B. 115, 125, 135, 155, 165 175
C. 6:03 (155, 135, 115, 95)
D. ✅ 220M run, 15 WB (30#), 10 TTB, 60 DU
A – 135/145/155/165/175/185 yes. 195 no
B -65/75/85/95/105/ 105 arggg
C- 105/95/75/65. 8:28. Weakness alert ????
D- 10 calCalorie Assault Bike
-15 Wall Ball Shots (20 @ basement roof) 9 ish
– 15 K2C
– 50 heavy rope skips
Saving the ol knee for acupuncture mañana ????
Moving well and feeling good! Enjoy your acupuncture tomorrow! ????????
Mobility : done
A. 285/305/325/340/360/360
B. 95/95/115/115/135/ 135/155/155/175/175/185/185
C. 10:52
Slow in my apartament but with 155/135/11/95 lb
D. Done
15 Cal AAB/ 20 WB / 15 T2B / 50 DU’s
A: 170, 185, 195, 210, 220, 230
B: 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 185 missed both
C: 13:16. Women’s RX. That was hard
D: ✔️ Did 15 cal AB. Everything else RX
A. 110/117/125/133/138/141Kg(90%)
B. Up to 75Kg; stopped there.
C. Skipped
D. Rx
Echo – 20 cals for all at :42-:46
T2B – UB
DU – 80/73/68/72/74
Shoulder stability on snatches was not great today. Still a bit sore from all the OHSs. I stopped early on B and skipped C to prevent injury. No to work on recovery.
Smart! Take it easy this week and make sure you feel optimal going into 21.1! ????????????
A) 375, pr B) 245, failed 255 C) 10:53 rx. That hurt. Never really train the power snatch, so this really beat me up. Didn’t quite have the hip and pull stamina. Couldn’t maintain power throughout. Had to squat last 3 at 205 and 185. D) Done rx. Hurt pretty bad. Bike 20, 20, 18, 18, 18 Wb, unbroken Ttb, unbroken Dubs, 65, 60, 50, 55, 65 Wanted to quit in round 3. Told myself it’s ok to stop, and I should rest for the open anyway. Glad I didn’t. I guess thats the power and benefit of knowing I… Read more »
That mental victory is just as important as the PR! Big physical and mental win!
Great work!
Mobility done
A: easing back into it 145, 165, 175, 185, 195, 195
B: 135 (failed first try)
C: misread and did squat snatch for 125 (9) and 115 (12) did power for 105 and 95 so much faster, took me over 15 min but mostly bc of first part
D: done hard but fun did 12 cal and 15 WB (miss read again!)
I know. I can read apparently just not with sufficient comprehension. Note to self.
Warmup done
A. Up to 325
B. Used as warmup to 205
C. 12:15rx
205 singles
185 singles
165 3/2/3/2/3/2
135 3’s
D. complete
20 straight leg sit-up
80 double unders
A) hit 360 (94%) felt my midline go so I stopped there
B) couldn’t even hit 225 today which is 85%. Really frustrated.
C) skipped
D) RX. All WB and ttb unbroken. Averaged 80 dubs each :45 round.
Productive session ands god start to the week!
A. 175/185/195/210/220/235
B. 85/95/115/125/135/145×1
C. Started with 125, then 115/105/95
D. Had to drop the bike cal after a couple rounds to sustain the pace. Everything else Rx’d. Had fun with this one!
That bike was ???? ????
A) 50-40-30-20-10 meter handstand walk
1000m bike erg btw. sets (4 times)
Around 14 Min., didn’t really push this, just wanted to start moving
D) Rx 18 cal ass bike, 63-65-70-65-57 double unders
Everything ub, but assault bike took so much out of me, it was really challenging. Happy to keep it up.
Some grip and core stuff as a cooldown
Great start to the week!
A. Worked up to 150. Knee is feeling better but I’m starting to compromise bending forward to get lower and I don’t want to get into that habit. Stopped where the movement was starting to become compromised and just stayed at that weight to save technique. B. Worked up to 85lbs, felt solid today. C. 85/75/75/55, time- 7:32 D. 12 cal assult bike/12 wall balls/12 toes to bar/50 Double-Unders, this was tough to hang for 20 minutes. Got about 10-15 seconds rest in each minute for the first 3 rounds, then I was running into 5-0 seconds left, at the… Read more »
Great to see your knee is feeling better and you’re aware of any shifting you seem to be doing. Smart!
MOB & Warm up ✅
A. 145/160/170/180/190/200 #
B. 65/75/80/90/95/105/110/120/125/130/132.5/ 132.5 # (failed reps 11&12)
C. 8:58 * scaled to 115/100/85/65# (messed up and did % of squat snatch which really slowed me down ????)
D. Had to discontinue around minute 16… came off the T2B in a way that really didn’t sit right with my R ankle. Couldn’t do DU or WB on it after that. ???? Rough day in spite of a very good recovery score… frustrating! ????
Oh no!!! I hope it’s just a light sprain and you recover fast!
I’m sure it will! I’ve had a similar thing with my posterior tibialis tendon before. Some TLC and some tape tomorrow and I’ll be ???? I just didn’t think it would be a good idea to push it with the Open this week.
Warm up done
A. 255/275/295/315/345/365
B. 115/135/155/165/175/195×2/205/225/235/244/265f – just missed wasn’t committed enough from the start
C. 10:29 RX
Rough.. back was lit and wrist was bothering me a little
D. Done Rx
Assault bike: 20 cals around 40 seconds each set
Wall balls unbroken
T2b unbroken
DU: 80/70/80/70/82
Let’s make sure you adjust this week so you feel awesome going into the Open!