March 6, 2023 – Masters Program

Congratulations to everyone that participated in the 2023 CrossFit Open! What a mixture of movements and test we saw in just 3 weeks of events. Many of you reached your goals whether it was to participate in the Open or you matched or hit new PR! It is always exciting and motivating to watch our Masters compete in the Open and continue to redefine what fitness looks like at different stages in life.

Now that the Open is over, please use this week as a deload/transition week. The Open can stress your adrenals more than you think so you’ll notice the reduced volume of training, different training stimulus to let your CNS recover and some fun hypertrophy sessions to challenge your body in a different way before we start the next cycle on March 13. If you need a break from the gym then take it this week! Check out this article for some more tips on how to make the most out of a transition week

The training is in a different format this week so feel free to adjust the program based on how your body feels! Updates on the new cycle will be published later this week.

Mobility & Activation
5-8 minutes mobilization of choice and then …

30 Seconds Dead Hang on Pull-Up Bar
200 Meter Pec Activation Walk
30 Supinated Grip LIGHT Band Pull-Aparts

Three sets gradually increasing pace:
200 Meter Row
10 Left Plank Pulls
10 Right Plank Pulls
5 Tempo Push-Ups @ 4141
3 Kick up to Handstand on wall

Six sets of:
Strict Stationary Dips*
Rest 30 seconds
Frog Flags x 60 seconds
Rest 30-45 seconds

*Set 1 – Strict Stationary Dips x Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 2 – Strict Stationary Dips x 40% of Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 3 – Strict Stationary Dips x 50% of Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 4 – Strict Stationary Dips x 60% of Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 5 – Strict Stationary Dips x 50% of Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 6 – Strict Stationary Dips x 40% of Max Unbroken Reps

Three sets of:
Staggered-Stance Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps each @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Press x 16-20 reps @ 2111
(hold non-working arm in front-racked position)
Rest 60 seconds

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 Dumbbell Renegade Rows
12 Alternating Dumbbell Cossack Squats

*Renegade Row = 1 Push-Ups + 1 Single Arm Row + 1 Push-Up + 1 Single Arm Row

Dumbbell weight is up to the athlete.

Transition Week Notes:
Get ready for some tired triceps after todays session. You’ll get some work with stationary dips and then get a hip stretch + hip internal rotation exercise with the frog flags (just make sure you have padding under your knees).

Your choice if you want to use DB’s or a barbell for the staggered-stance romanian deadlift, just make sure to adhere to the tempo for each leg.

The 8 minute amrap isn’t as much about rounds + reps but more about muscle activation and reaching the end range of motion for you on the cossack squats. You’ll use two dumbbells for the renegade row and then one dumbbell for the coassack squat, holding that dumbbell in front of you like a goblet squat. The weight is up to you.

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