Please go by feel today. Some of you may feel great and complete the entire day of training. Others may need some more time to recover. Whatever the case may be, go by feel today.
Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Shoulder Opener
Cobra Pose x 45 seconds
Hand Plank to Press Lean
x 5 reps
Hamstring Floss x 15 reps per legs
One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull-Up x 15 reps
Follwed by …
Three sets of:
Pop Swing x 4-5 reps
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Peek-a-Boo Swings x 5-6 reps
Followed by …
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Ring Muscle-Ups x 1-3 reps
60+ Women: Ring-Dip x 1-3 reps
Every 60 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete:
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep
and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Snatch from 2″ below the knee + Overhead Squat
Build over the course of the 6 sets
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Snatch Pulls x 1.1.1 @ 90-95%
For time:
Wall Ball Shots x 30 reps (20/14 lbs to 10′ target)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 25 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 20 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 25 reps
Wall Ball Shots x 30 reps
For time:
Wall Ball Shots x 30 reps (20/10 lbs to 9′ target)
Pull-Ups x 25 reps
Push-Press x 20 reps (75/55 lbs )
Pull-Ups x 25 reps
Wall Ball Shots x 30 reps
A. 1-2 per minute, a few low catches, Kip was a bit off
B. 65# then up to 85 for next part, stayed light, elbow is still sore
C. Did airdyne 1 min @ 75+ rpm, 30 sec ez x 5 (way easier than assault bike) No pullups, elbow not great still.
DMA Done
A. Felt good. Did 3 MU’s per min.
B1. 50kg
B2. 57,57,60,60,62,62kg felt good. I’m catching the snatch at knees parallel, then stabalize the bar, then go down to below parallel?! I don’t know why? Not comfortable in the ass to the grass position? Will have to work on catching the bar in the bottom position. I’ll appreciate some progressions/excercises to work on this, please. Thx
B3. 80kg – was focussing on keeping the bar close.
C. 10:32 – with strict HSPU’s, Chest to bars are getting better, but not as smooth as they should be…yet!
Hey Edward – I would like you to incorporate snatch balances into your working sets when you snatch. I would like you to do 5 sets of Snatch Balance x 2 reps with a 2 second hold at the bottom. Film this and then, after I take a look at it, can progress you to 5 sets of Snatch Balance x 1 rep (depending on what I see)
Thx Coach, will do!
Wasn’t feeling it today, but decided to proceed. Sunday basketball wore me out.
DMA done.
A. BMU’s 6 rds of 2 reps.
B. Skipped snatches.
C. 10:54. I took HSPUs slowly in sets of 4-5 reps. Scaled to PUs.
Mob/Act done
MU work done then
6×3. Feeling comfortable with these.
143 for me in 17.2 happy with my progress so far with muscle ups. Drills and programming the reason why.
That is awesome to hear Art!!!
mobility done
MU skills completed
Did three rounds of 3 MU each. Feeling confident with these.
Had to run to annual eye appt so skipped the snatches
Came back to do the Metcon
30 WB unbroken
25 PU 15/10
20 HSPU 9/3/2/2/2/2 this took some time
25 PU 15/5/5
30 WB unbroken
Staying with the one and done approach to the open. So, did the regular work today
A. did this but shoulder was a little sore.
B. muscle snatch to 115
snatch complex 115/135/155/165/175/185 no miss
Snatch Pulls 205
C. 5:02
Speedy on Part C! Rest the shoulder if it is feeling a little achy!
Redo of 17.2- Increased by 16 reps to 152. Focused on big MU sets since grip was never an issue and it worked out.
PM Session: skipped the MU work to give my hands a rest. Did Invictus Gymnastics HS work instead
B1: 95;115;115;125
B2: 135; 145; 155; 165; 170; 175
B3: 190lbs
Wanted to do C but need to give me hands a day. All in all a great training day.
Mobility Done
A. Done. 3-2-2-3-3-3 RMU.
B1. 135-145-155-175
B2. 95-115-135-155-175
B3. 215 all sets.
C. Competition WOD = 11:53 RX (Grip was shot from 17.2 so C2B sucked)
First day as an Invictus Master! 36 yrs old / 6’1″ / 210 pounds
Wahoo – welcome Alvaro!!!
17.2 redo with a head/chest cold. 109 reps – was 90 reps on Friday. MU’s were much smoother for me this time around ….thanks Nichole and Travis! Bummed about the cold but got thru the round of MU which was my main goal.
Great to hear Don!
Mobility done
A. Done; 2 ring mu ea
B1. 55-65-65-75# (tried 85# but hurt my left shoulder to do that)
B2. 105-115-125-135-145-150(m)-150#
B3. 155# plus
C. 4:54
Awesome work Cheryl!!! Rest that shoulder if it is still feeling sore/tired from the million reps you did in 17.2 🙂
So, the first day working on folding in Invictus Masters gymnastics and lifting technique to my personal programming. Today I did: Mobility etc.: done A. Done, except I wasn’t sure what to do with the MU portion, since I don’t have those yet. Nicole, I assume attempts? Then I had A. Back squat 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 2@90%, 1@95%, 1@100+%, 1@100+%. 130/150/170/185/195/205/failed 215, but I just PR’d 215 2 weeks ago, so that didn’t bother me at all. 205 was my last 1rm, and that rep was strong and confident. B. Back squat 3×3@ 80% Worked at 170#. Felt good and… Read more »
Hey Miki!
Great question about the muscle-ups – as you follow the program you will see that we do a ton of drills for the muscle-up so I would suggest doing whatever drill is your weakest portion of the muscle-up and do that instead of muscle-ups. We can never drill a movement enough 🙂
Awesome. Thank you!
Mobility – done A. skipped (did some pull-ups to sternum on the rings) B1. 55 – 65 – 75 – 85 B2. 85 – 95 – 105 – 110 – 115 – 120f – 120 B3. 125 one set only C. Changed it up just a little. Did quite a few C2B’s on Friday, so just did 15 Pull-up and then 10 ring rows. WBS – 15 + 15 Pull-ups – 10 – 5 – 10 RR Push Press – 10 + 10 Pull -ups – 7 + 3 + 5 WBS – 15 + 15 7:26 – Could still… Read more »
Awesome work Barry!!!
On part “C” which WOD should I do if I’m a 35-39 Master?
Hi Gang,
First time posting!
A: As rx’d – 2 MU’s/Minute. –
Needs work!
B1: 95#
B2: worked up to 145#
B3: 145#
C: 8:13
Yay, happy to have you posting Darren!
Mobility done
A. Done (MU’s 5 sets of 2 and last set did 3)
B1. Up to 135
B2. Up to 160
B3. 180/185/190
C. 10:58. That is a nightmare wod for me – 2 of my big weaknesses in a row (c2b and HSPU) with nothing really to make up time on. They feel a little better each time I do them, so they will get there eventually I guess.
“Fasted” assault Bike sprints 10 x 15 calories time 9:30 calories 150 10 GHD 10 Back Ext 30 DU 4 rounds MU low box, some singles and a few doubles, some discomfort in shoulder Metcon: Did not turn clock on, took about 6 minutes, was surprised Hspu got me I thought I might be able to get to 2nd C2B UB, that was the plan.. WB UB C2B UB HSPU 15/10 C2B 12/10/3 WB UB Tried snatches in the morning was struggling with 95# too much shoulder discomfort 5 hours later I warmed back up and managed to do the… Read more »
Nice work Pete! How is that shoulder feeling after the hspu?
I joined last week and this is my first full week. I’m constrained from doing a lot of the movements because my garage gym ceilings are about four inches above my squat rack pull up bar. Therefore, I am unable to do bar MU, chest to bar pullups (I brained myself last week on a floor joist), or ring MU. I’m trying to figure out a way to hang my rings from a tree limb, but the limb is about 25 feet off the ground. I have to sub other movements too such as HSPU (can’t do them yet) and… Read more »
Welcome Stacey and we are so happy to have you on the program! Let me know if you have any questions! We have a great community here so make sure to join our FB Masters Group so that you can also upload videos there, in addition to this blog!
that was tougher than i expected today 1st time i was able to do HSPU since july becuase of my wirst to me a long time to do 20. The Xfit skills are not good need to learn all the kipping motions better. can do as many strict as i can do kipping in everything pullups, chest to bars, hspu ect… I am looking forward to this year as I said earlier You have to start some where 17 min to finish the metcon today but i spent alot of time on HSPU
We will definitely be helping you improve with your gymnastics Doug!
Redid 17.2 today, 129 reps. Was smoked, failed on a couple MU, went UB on lunges, did T2B in sets of 6,5,5, and cleans did 7&1, last round did 5&3, singles on MU. Pretty happy about a 16 rep increase.Good job everyone!
That is a big increase, great work Chris!
Thank you!
Mob done
A. done
Ring MU: 6×3 very happy with this.
B.done, not well, don’t think I warmed up well enough.
C. 12:27 & frustrated. I can do all of these movements just fine in practice, but in a met con I did mostly singles on everything except WB (UB).
Are you uncomfortable breathing heavy while doing those movements?
My shoulders were tired from Ring MUs I think? Or maybe I should have warmed up more than I did? I also had a really hard time with the Snatch+OHS this morning, only worked with 135#.
They may have also been tired from 17.2. Rest them tonight and next time we do a shoulder intensive day, I want you warming them up really, really well.