Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Band Distracted Pec Stretch x 60 seconds per side
T-Spine Pulse x 30 seconds
and then …
CrossOver Symmetry
CrossOver Symmetry Rows x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmetry Victory x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
*Please ensure the upper traps are not taking over during the drills above*
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch @ 80-85%
Four sets for times of:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Muscle-Ups
Overhead Squats*
Rest 3 minutes between sets
*Set 1: 10 reps @ 205/135 lbs
*Set 2: 15 reps @ 165/125 lbs
*Set 3: 20 reps @ 135/95 lbs
*Set 4: 25 reps @ 115/75 lbs
For max reps:
6 Minutes of Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35 lb DBs over 20″ box)
Athlete Notes:
Today we do not have barbell cycling in terms of cleans or snatches, but we are still getting in some good barbell work at relatively heavy weights. Much of this will come down to how hard you push on the bike. Of course you do not want to go too hard before lifting a heavy barbell, but overpacing can put you too far behind to have a chance to do enough reps. Here is how we suggest to approach this workout:
Assault Bike: The goal is to perform this in 90 seconds or less. If you know that is not possible or sustainable then scale down the calories. Many athletes will be looking at the 60-second range if you are trying to really test yourself.
Muscle-Ups: Choose a rep range that is challenging for you and once you choose, keep it the same for all five sets.
Overhead Squats: The heaviest weight you do here should still be a weight that you could do unbroken if you were 100% fresh. Play around with grip width. After bike and muscle ups, your shoulders may be fatigued so you may like being a little narrower than your snatch width for more stability. A narrower grip is more stable for most people, but can feel slightly heavier on the legs depending on the bar positioning.
Ideally you will have a barbell set up with each weight but if that is not possible, use the 90 seconds to change out your weights.
You’ll follow this with a 6 minute mental and physical grind. Start with a rhythmic but manageable pace and note how many reps you’ve achieved in minute 1. This will give you a good goal to shoot for every minute. You may want to put the dumbbells down every 60-90 seconds for a short, quick break just to give your grip a quick rest. Wear sweatbands if you have them (hello 80’s) to prevent a ton of sweat pooling onto the dumbbell handle.
A) 165-185#
B) Scaled to 7 RMU, Loads 165/135/115/95
C) Slow and steady 50+
D) Wednesday’s core accessories
That 3rd set almost got you but you finished strong! Nice work!
A) Did Snatch + Hang Snatch. Can’t OHS heavy weight yet. Snatched from the floor for the first time in a while. Kept sets light at 175
B) Did Single DB OHS with 50#
Round 1– 1:42
Round 2– 2:04
Round 3– 2:10
Round 4– 2:44
All MU & OHS unbroken
C) 77 reps
Great to you you getting back to your best! Keep being smart and putting in some good work!
Outside run walk
5 km x 1 min Run /1 min walk
Stretch sett
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch @ 75#
Four sets for times of:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Muscle-Ups
Overhead Squats*
Rest 3 minutes between sets
*Set 1: 10 reps @ 45. 3;14
*Set 2: 15 reps @ 46. 2:57
*Set 3: 20 reps @ 45. 3:20
*Set 4: 25 reps @ 45 3:45
For max reps:
6 Minutes of Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (25 lb x 16 inch). 59 reps
*sub muscle up for strict pull-up
A. All sets at 185
B. 2:45/2:36/2:32/2:44 Rx
C. Skipped. Running on 4 hours of sleep. Happy to get some training in.
Hope you get some good rest over the weekend!
Mobility done
A: 115-120
B: 6-7 min bike was about 65 sec but nothing in the shoulders for muscle ups scaled OHS too sigh
C: possibly longest six minutes of the week! 50 ish? Lost count.
Looks like we challenged you today! ????????
A) 185, 205, 205, 215, 225, 235
B) 3:30, 3:07, 3:33, 3:45 rx
Bike :45, :50, :55, 1:05
MU 7-3, 7-3, 6-4, 7-3
OHS lost position on the 205 bar and dropped at 3 reps, everything else unbroken.
C) 75
Let’s get on some more overhead mobility and stability!
A. 60/60/65/65/70/75Kg
B. Scaled weight for OHS to 155/135/115/95, all else Rx.
Echo – :46-:49
MU – 5/5 for all sets
OHS – all UB
C. 66 reps. Used 24” box and Rx weight.
On B if the first rep is a squat snatch does that count as one rep OHS toward the total number of OHS reps Rx? Always wondered this but never knew so I just snatch or PS, then start the OHS rep count.
Ye the first rep can be a squat snatch ????
Good to see you got through all of today’s overhead work!
Sweet. I guess I’ve been doing Rx +1????????????????????. Shoulders held up but I have ice packs on them right now. This was definitely a tough one for them but it forced me to focus on form.
A) 210/215/215/220/225/230 snatches haven’t felt great lately. Happy to end at 230
B) 205: 3:16
165: 2:26
135: 3:11
115: 3:05
Came out HOT first round. Finished the bike and mu at 1:26. Proceeded to miss 205 snatch 3 times for the first rep. Got my life together to go unbroken.
Muscle ups went 10, 10, 7/3, 7/3
All ohs unbroken.
C) grip and shoulders were smoked but held on for 107 total. Happy with the effort on this
Testing that redline and pushing your body’s limits! Solid day of learning and training!
4 sets for time of
20 cal ass bike
10 bar mu
10 single arm th into 20m ub oh lunges left, then right side 50lbs
3’ rest
Full time: 27:51 It was quite devastating today, but happy to being able to do the th and lunges
Legless rope climbs from L-sit on small rope
500m row between each sets
That’s all for the day, really low on the energy these days
Take some extra time off this weekend! Look after yourself, rest and relax!
Are the step overs on a 20 inch box for both guys and girls, or should it be standard 24 inch for guys?
20” for both for today’s work.
A: 155×4, 160×2. Missed a few snatches
B: 2:55, 3:02, 3:57, 3:33. AB: 1:00, :55, 1:07, 1:01. 10 CTB, OHS: 155-UB, 135-UB, 115-10/10, 95-UB
C: 33. Holy forearms. Minute 1: 10. Promptly fell off into sets of 5 after that
Looks like you moved well today! Nice work!
Mobility & Activation Done
A. 35 kg (84%)
B. Four sets for times of:
15 Calorie Assault Bike
3 Muscle-Ups (singles)
Overhead Squats (unbroken)
Set 1: 10 reps @ 32 kg (75%)
Set 2: 15 reps @ 29 kg (70%)
Set 3: 20 reps @ 27 kg (65%)
Set 4: 25 reps @ 25 kg (60%)
3:03/ 3:14/ 3:29/ 3:36
C. Rx, 72 reps – Holy grip ????????
When will we see you stringing those muscleups together?!?
When I prioritize my time to practice them ????
Warm up done
A) All sets at 175
B) Scaled weights to 165-135-115-95
3:43, 3:51, 3:47, 4:03
Muscle ups 6/4
OHS all unbroken
Could have maybe had faster transitions but I was barely hanging on to keep the OHS unbroken so idk
C) RX 66 reps this was not fun after that last part
Consistency! Nice work Patrick!
Warm up done
A. 195×2/205×2/225×2
B. Did 11.5 instead since I can’t tomorrow
13+9 = 399 Reps
C. 80 Reps Rx but 24 inch box
Nice work!
Have you hit this one before?
Negative .. felt good though all unbroken toes to bar and wall balls did singles from the start for the cleans. May have been able to do a few sets touch and go and have been OK but grip was getting tough on the t2b toward the end
A. 115–>120#
B. Subbed in a 45 min birthday metcon for one of our members!
C. *will get this tomorrow! Cooked after the birthday WOD!
*shoulder tendons were really flared up today. I had a very hard time with the SN & OH position today bc I was flinching. I’ll give ‘em some TLC tonight.
Your birthday?!?!
Look after your shoulders Katie!!
Not my birthday. We have a bunch of folks with March birthdays, so we’re having a little bit of a pre-Open workout for them and a party this evening!
A. 190
B. 4:52/5:33/5:40/5:43 Rx ouch ????
C. I forgot to count until like halfway through haha my bad.
Maybe you just have to do it again so we know how many you can do:) haha
A: 135 (80%) x 3, 145 x 3. Failed one @ 145. I had Snatch down for a while and now it’s gone again.
B: 23:14, Scaled Muscle up with C2B and used female weight. Avg AAB time was 1:12
C: Later
That is definitely the frustrating thing about snatching
Did a 10K row yesterday
Time: 36:34 (1:49.7 av. pace)
15 Min AMRAP
15 toes to ring
30 push ups
60 du
Result: 6R+15+16 reps
Lower back is really fucked in the last few days, so did really do any proper training…We´ll see what can i do today
I can’t remember if I asked but have you had an MRI?
You did yeah, but unfortunately kinda stucked with the process, so not yet
Shoot you get some good news soon!