Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Alternating Pistols x 10 reps (5 each leg)
Double-Unders x 40-60 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 10-12 reps
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Clean
Let feel dictate loading.
Three sets of:
Touch-n-Go Deadlift x 10 reps
Pull-Ups x 20/15 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Keep the loading on the deadlift at a weight that you can perform all reps quick and unbroken. Do not excced 275/185 lbs for any set – even if able to do so while cycling quickly and comfortably.
Three sets for times:
Run 800 Meters
95-75/65-55 lb Shoulder to Overhead x 25 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Note your times, and also whether you were able to keep the Shoulder to Overhead unbroken.
– You will notice wider rep ranges in the Masters Regionals Program. The reason is that there is a larger diversity in this group of athletes and different expectations for each of the age groups. For example, in today’s “D” section, it would call for 95 lb Shoulder to Overhead for males. However, athletes who would be likely to use a lighter weight in competition (55+) and athletes who would need to break the 25 reps into more than two sets should opt for 85 or 75 lbs as is most appropriate. I trust that with your maturity, all of you will make the right call for your personal abilities and needs. 🙂
Redid 14.5 yesterday so took it easy today….
A. check
B. 155, 205 x 5, 215 x 4
C. 215 deads (didn’t time it), butterflies: 1st round unbroken, 2nd broke 1x (out of rhythm), 3rd broke 2x (out of rhythm)
D. 6:06/5:25/5:13 (unbroken S2O and run was 1000 meters)
Brian McIntyre 50-54
A. Done
B. 155#
C. 225#/ 20: 1:00/:51/:51
D. 95# unbroken: 4:15/4:13/4:10
Hey CJ. Thanks for putting this together for us geezers. Didn’t make the top 200, not even close – 870. Coming off injuries and the Open was the beginning of the road back. Have goal to get back to top 50 next year. Hope it’s OK to follow your programming the next few weeks and pretend.
A. Done
B. up to 205#
C. :52 / :55 / :56 @ 225#
D. 4:47 – 16/9 / 4:42 – 22/3 / 4:37 – 20/5
A. Done
B. 125,125,125,125,130,135,135,140,145,150
C. :51@155,1:07@165,1:10@185
D. 4:30 UB@65, 4:06 UB, 4:04 UB
Beau Arnold/M/44
South West
A: done
B: 215#
C: 225#
B: dnf, had to cut short
Are we sticking to same rest pattern?
Al Duarte (50-54)
Made another attempt at 14.5. Did not improve. Did part “D” later. Felt exhausted. ( 5:05, 5:35,5:45, sto 15/10 each round ).
Finished Open 16th. Thanks so much CJ. To finish in top 20 was a year long goal. The crew at RFM Maui (Robert, Kristy, Lori ) wanted to pass on our Aloha.
6’1″, 202, 47 yo
A. Done
B. 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225#
C. :46, :54, :59 245#
D: 4:34, 4:34, 4:34. Ha, what are the chances!!!Unbroken sto’s 95#
40-44… Thanks for the great programming. Found it too late today but hoping to hop into things tomorrow. Good luck everyone.
Julie Kempson, 50-54. Thank you! Looking forward to this new challenge. 🙂
A. complete
B. Up to 215, fail hang at 225 so back to 215 for last 2 sets. These are good makes for me so pleased with it.
C. 225lb/20 PU 46-47-48 sec.
D. 4:20-4:10-3:55 S2OH were unbroken so tried to move quicker on the runs. Last round was pretty rough but got through all 25.
Scott Tasaka 40-45
Great consistency Scott!
Thanks so much for this opportunity to continue your programming for the Masters!!
A. Done
B. 83/113/113/93/
Switched to 3 high hang cleans because I need to work on using my hips!!
C. Three sets of:
Touch-n-Go Deadlift x 10 reps 143/153/153
Pull-Ups x 20/15 reps 15/15/15
D. Ok, shoulders were still sore from 14.5, weenied out and used 55, should have switched to 65 after 1st round. All UB
Great job Karen!
Randy Affholter 45-49
Did not do workout today. Made another attempt at 14.5 and improved my score to 13:04. Rowed 2,000 meters and did some mobility work. Plan on jumping in tomorrow. Thanks CJ for offering us this and Enjoy the Grind!!!
Listen to your body tomorrow and make sure you’re good to go before diving in, otherwise work on some skills and be ready to attack on Wednesday!
Thanks CJ, looking forward to the next few weeks!
B) 135/155/165/175×7 for cleans, C) 225 for deadlifts, D) 4:30,4:36,4:40 split reps 15/10
49 years old and hoping this isn’t where the volume is going to be for the entire cycle 🙂
Rick, got to get you ready for 4 workouts in 4 days…with the possibility of needing to repeat some of them a time or two. That said, listen to your body and modify the volume as needed based on how you are recovering.
Haha! I expected that reply. I’m good with it and I know where my limits are. Open repeats really threw off my training for 5 weeks. I was taking 2 days off after repeating each workout because of soreness.
Thanks so much for the masters comp. programming.. I’m Really looking forward to this.. Masters 40-44 has really been a challenging group, a lot of talent out there. Will we receive daily emails of our workouts or do we look it up on comp. page?
As of now you will go to the competition page, but I am trying to work with my more tech savvy friends to see if we can get it fed to your email.
Richard Harrison, 60+. I can see/feel this will be challenging for me. I look forward to that challenge. I didn’t complete todays WOD, I didn’t allow enough time. I will try to do some OH work later today. I can see some weaknesses, pistols, right side I at least can do a few, the left leg has an unstable knee, I am working on finding the right combination of tape/braces to stabilize it and to increase leg strength. Pull-ups are also a weakness. DU’s mystify me, sometimes I can hit 30 and sometimes just can’t get the rhythm. I guess… Read more »
You’re not alone Richard! The 60+ divisions are notorious for their struggles with double-unders. Sometimes the best of the best in that division have major problems with them. We’ll be working on them, but consider incorporating 30-40 into every day’s warm-up.
Thank you for programming for the Masters (50-54)
Sherry Herrin 40-44. Thank you!
Excited about this opportunity! Just finished this first session and found it….well, pretty awesome! Thank you for doing this.
Scott Hundahl 45-49. Thank you.