March 3, 2020 – Masters Program

Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Tricep Stretch x 30 seconds per arm
30 seconds Foam Roll Lats (right)
30 seconds Foam Roll Lats (left)
60 seconds T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller

and then …

Two sets of:
Plank with Forward Reach x 10 reps per arm
Plank with Lateral Reach x 10 reps per arm
Prone Plank Hold x 30 seconds
Ring-Rows x 10 reps (slow and controlled)

Gymnastic Skills & Drills
Three sets, not for time, of:
30 Second L-Sit Hold (accumulate the time)
10 Ring Toes-to-Bar
12-14 Alternating Pistols

Three sets, not for time, of:
30 Second L-Sit Hold (accumulate the time)
10 Ring Toes-to-Bar
12-14 Medicine Ball Box Steps (20/14 lbs to 24/20″)

Clean & Jerk Progressions
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Clean + Jerk x 1 rep

*Set 1 = @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 2 = @ 75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 3 = @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 4 = @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 5-6 = @ 90% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk

“Fran & Friends”
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

When the running clock reaches 8:00…

Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs)

When the running clock reaches 16:00…

Complete rounds of 9, 6, 3 reps for time of:
Kettlebell Front Squats (32/24 kg KBs)
Bar Muscle-Ups

Note times individually for each of the couplets.

Time Cap: 24:00


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Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Thrusters (65/45 lbs)

When the running clock reaches 8:00…

Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25 lbs)

When the running clock reaches 16:00…

Complete rounds of 9, 6, 3 reps for time of:
Kettlebell Front Squats (24/16 kg KBs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Note times individually for each of the couplets.

Time Cap: 24:00

Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Three sets of:
Death March

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x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Dumbbell Reverse Flies x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Wall Slides x 5 reps (slow and controlled)
Rest 60 seconds

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Optional Additional Assault Bike Session
All Age Division
For time:
100 Calorie Assault Bike

Please compare results to January 7, 2020

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Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
March 4, 2020 2:52 am

Wednesday morning training for me. MAW done Gymnastics: L-sit UB, TTB UB, Pistols 14 but small pauses C&J: built from 46 to 61 kg. Didn’t feel that good today! Conditioning: Fran: 6:23 min. Wasn’t pushing it too hard, Thrusters 12/9-8/7-9 PU 7/7/7-8-7-9 Friend 1: 5:42 min Thrusters 10/5-7/5-5/4 TTB 10/5-12-9 Friend 2 (or more of an enemy): 11:05 min. Scaled because I put the KBs on a box… and continued after the time cap. Holy ? Couldn’t even get the KBs in position so had to use a box. Max 3 UB, same with BMU. Completed rep 3 of BMU… Read more »

March 4, 2020 8:31 am

Way to push on that conditioning piece Marie!

Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
March 4, 2020 10:44 am
Reply to  Nichole

I also did the 100 calorie Assault bike in 9:35 min (previous PR was 9:57 min) + Optional strength from Thursday (short on time tomorrow). I’m starting to love Bulgarian split squats and did it with 17.5 kg DB x 2 for 8 reps today. Still very weak on bench press, but working my way up. Today 42 kg for 8 reps.

March 4, 2020 2:58 pm


Gerald Smith
Gerald Smith
March 3, 2020 3:31 pm

Gymnastic done
Cnj 165,175,185,200,210
434 fran
525 dumbell ttb
324 fs bmup

March 3, 2020 4:31 pm
Reply to  Gerald Smith

Great job – you crushed those bar mu!!

Gerald Smith
Gerald Smith
March 3, 2020 6:49 pm
Reply to  Nichole

Was pacing it alittle bit , I’ve never done fran

March 3, 2020 8:19 am

MAWU) done
Gymnasty) done (subbed tuck sits – big weakness here)
C&J) 82kg – 110kg
Condo) 4:31, 6:26, 7:26
Out of time for accessory. I have excuses for slow condo times but reality is: it was rough.

March 3, 2020 9:02 am

Great push on the conditioning – it was a tough one today!

Tom Ring
Tom Ring
March 3, 2020 8:07 am

A. Done
B. Skipped because we are testing 1 RM front squat tomorrow
C. That was a crap show transitions sucked today but happy with sections
21/8&7/9 pull ups 11/10/8/7/6/3. 5:40
8/7 6/6 9. T2b 10/5 6/6. Maxed time couldn’t breath
Front squats UB 5/4 3/3 3 CTB 4:42
D. Bench press x 10@135
Rev flys wall slides

March 3, 2020 9:03 am
Reply to  Tom Ring

Great job Tom!!

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