March 3, 2018 – Masters Open Program

Option 1: If you are one and done and/or are repeating the workout on Monday then complete todays training session.

Option 2: If you are repeating the workout on Sunday then take today as a full rest day.

Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – Run 200 meters or Row x 250/200 meters*
Minute 2 – Ring Dips x 10/8 reps
Minute 3 – Russian KB Swings x 15 reps (32/24 kg)


Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – Run 200 meters or Row x 250/200 meters*
Minute 2 – Stationary Dips x 10/8 reps
Minute 3 – Russian KB Swings x 15 reps (24/16 kg)

*Ideally I’d love for you to be able to alternate between running one round then rowing the next round.

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Ab-Wheel Roll-Out x 5 reps + Bent Over DB Rows x 5 reps

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Chris Fulton, 52 5'7" 153lbs
Chris Fulton, 52 5'7" 153lbs
March 4, 2018 1:52 pm

Did 18.2 today, first time I was able.
7:01, 185# 5 attempts, failed @ 190# 2X.
Would like to redo tomorrow.

Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
March 3, 2018 2:04 pm

Did the performance class this morning
9min emom
200m run
21 hspu
200m run
200m run
Rest 2min
15box jump
Time : 19:08

Dawn South/46
Dawn South/46
March 3, 2018 1:52 pm

A) Had to change up the EMOM a bit. Minute 1- 5 strict pull-ups Minute 2 – 5 strict HSPU (1abmat) Minute 3- 5 strict ring dips. B) done. Subbed out DB Rows with a version of Dead Bug-10 (on back, legs up and bent at 90 degrees. Holding 10lbs medball above Head and bringing it to the ground behind my head. Must keep lower back pressed into the floor throughout the movement) C) Oly class. Stayed light. Muscle Power cleans 3 sets of 3 at 85lbs. Hang Power Snatch 3 @ 65lbs, 3 @ 75lbs, 2 @ 85lbs, 2… Read more »

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
March 3, 2018 1:11 pm

Joined the Saturday class which was a very similar workout as this but partner style. It was a 30 min partner amrap (alternate movements):
500m row
15 stationary dips
30 Russian KBs
60 Du
15 stationary dips
30 Russian KBs
500m row
We completed 4 rounds + 500 + 15 + 30
So individually completed 2000m row, 75 dips, 120 Russian, 120 DUs

Theresa Claire
Theresa Claire
March 3, 2018 11:50 am

I have to give you the full picture of how amazing this workout was for me…
Warm and sunny in Colorado. Garage door open, half a dozen deer in my yard. AND. My husband was available to help watch the baby monitor so I got to run! Enjoyed today a lot.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
March 3, 2018 6:58 pm
Reply to  Theresa Claire

What an amazing Saturday!!!

Silke Spang (F50-54)
Silke Spang (F50-54)
March 3, 2018 10:07 am

Did 18.2 today at a gym in Denver. 9:20 / 115 (92%). Considering I feel pretty awful, I’m okay with the result. Almost had 125, which would have tied my PR. Whatever I have has moved deep into my chest now. Hard to breathe – it actually hurts… ?. Time to rest and hopefully be closer to 100% for 18.3.

Miki Shelton, F/50
Miki Shelton, F/50
March 3, 2018 4:08 pm

Feel better!

Silke Spang (F50-54)
Silke Spang (F50-54)
March 3, 2018 4:58 pm

Thank you, Miki!

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
March 3, 2018 6:58 pm

Get better!

Silke Spang (F50-54)
Silke Spang (F50-54)
March 3, 2018 7:11 pm

Thanks, Nichole!

Miki Shelton, F/50
Miki Shelton, F/50
March 3, 2018 9:47 am

Did 18.2 last night…9:57 and 136#. Started the cleans too light. I know the workout time is slow but I was literally seeing stars in the last 2 rounds! Was on track for closer to 9 mins. Might redo on Monday…

Silke Spang (F50-54)
Silke Spang (F50-54)
March 3, 2018 6:06 pm

Good luck on the redo if you decide to go for it!

Miki Shelton, F/50
Miki Shelton, F/50
March 4, 2018 8:30 am

Thanks! I’m going to go for it. 🙂 I’ll repost afterwards. Hopefully I will improve! LOL.

Jesse Cook
Jesse Cook
March 3, 2018 5:38 am

7:37… i paced out burpees to slow.,squats where easy..

255, but pulled 275, got stuck under in bottom of squat… I’ll get it on Monday!!

Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
March 3, 2018 5:29 am

did 18.2 last night. Did just ok with it. 18.1 was 6:27 & 18.2A was 245 I struggle with cleans and my legs were shot so I had to power clean. Think I coulda got 10-15 pounds!

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