Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Hamstring Pulse with a softball x 60 seconds per side
Alternating Leg Reach x 12 reps
and then …
Bear Crawl with Wrist Stretch x 10 steps
Bird Dogs x 5 reps per side
Skydivers x 10 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
Run 400 meters
20 Russian KB Swings (weight is up to the athlete)
Fifteen sets of:
*Deadlift x 1 rep @ 70% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest 30 seconds
*This needs to be as explosive as possible during the concentric phase
Squeeze and contract glutes as much as possible for 2 seconds at the lockout before lowering the bar to the ground.
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
3-5 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Box Jumps (24/20″)
55+: Box Step-Ups Okay
10 Minute Max Calorie Assault Bike
*Please note total calories and average RPM for the 10 minute piece
Three sets of:
L-Hang Lifts on Bar x 6 reps
Supine Plank Hold x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
A. Dead’s at 275# every 15 seconds for 15 reps then 305# every 15 sec then 335 every 30 seconds. This is a weakness of mine so need extra work on it.
B. Done 5 every minute strict easy
C. Only had 5 min because client walked in. 74 cal. Not to great.
Getting one of my high schoolers ready for state championship next weekend. Weightlifting.
Fifteen sets of:
*Deadlift x 1 rep @ 175#
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
5 Strict Pull-Ups – unbroken until last set 3/1/1.
5 Box Jumps 24”
10 Minute Max Calorie Assault Bike – 97.5 cal and kept it around 250 watts.
We have a xebex.
A. 300#
B. Done 5/5. First pull-ups in 7 weeks. Working elbow back into shape carefully.
C. 140. Started around 65 RPM and tried to hold out. Then 63. 61. LOL. Kept it above 60 but thighs were killing me the last 6 minutes. Awful.
D. Done
Nice Mike – how does the elbow feel this morning?
It’s good. I am switching how I am attacking it. Since it has never been inflamed, I am thinking this is tendinosis (not tendonitis). I had this with my groin tendon and what helped it was eccentric loading. So I am going to do more eccentric work and see if it continues to progress. Resting it hasn’t done a damn thing so I figure some eccentric work will spur healing. We’ll see.
DMA done
A. 165#
B. 4 PU /6 24” Box Jump
C. 105 cal. Kept an average 56 RPM pace. Was a comfortable pace.
D. Complete.
Went to chiropractor today for my back. No bending or twisting for the next 5 days and some specific exercises to do to see whether we can get that bulging disc to lay off my sciatic nerve. Worked standing at my computer all day, which was actually a nice change from sitting. I think I’m going to look into one of those permanent standing desk set-ups! So today, after warm-up on AB and some specific back exercises and shoulder warm-up, I just did: B – 5/4/3/3/3/3 strict pull-ups and 5 box step-ups C – 129.3 cals on AB – started… Read more »
I stand for my work and will never go back to sitting. It really helps!
A standing work station would be wonderful to have for your work Silke!
A. 325
B. Done
C. 142 cals
Nice work Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
A: 370#
C: 186
Well done Brent!
A) 315
B) 5/5
C)167 cal / rpm’s were 65-67
D) done
DMA done / 24kg Swing’s
A. 255# deads
B. Replaced Strict pu with Strict dips
C. 118.1 cals yuck! RPM started at 62-63, thought I could settle in at 58-60 but dropped down to 56-58 for the 6-8 min mark and then edged it back up to 59-61 for last min.
D. Done
Did this DMAW, plus a little other stuff targeted at my programming. Then I had: A. 5 rounds, 2 mins rest between: 5 pull up negatives :05 4 kb snatch 6 kb s2o 8 kb OHS B. Front Squat: C. For time: 30.20.10 DLs @ 135# bike cals rest 3 mins kb swings, Russian, 53# burpees A. done. did first 2 pull ups plus negative, then 3 just negatives. Used 24# kb for one round (as warm up) then 35# for remaining rounds. B. Nichole, I moved my stance in closer and I PRd my front squat at 180#!… Read more »
That is so awesome to hear!!! You’ll have to video your new stance for your FS next time you have them in the program!
I will! Probably next Wednesday. LOL. 🙂
A: 315lbs across all sets
B: Done with 3 Strict PUs- I really need to work on that bad!
C: oh I really need to work on this also! I’m convinced an air guard makes it easier to breath. I did not use my bike for this so no air guard. Went out to hot and died quickly. 144 cals- Avg 64 RPM
D: Done. Did anyone else feel like their last got in the way of the supine plank hold?
Mobility done
A. 160# done
B. Done
C. 84 calories average 52 rpms. Not my best. Legs feeling a little tired today.
D. Done
A. Done at 345. Felt good
B. Done 5&5. Felt 18.5 redo from Monday on the ST Pull-ups
C. 149. Ass bike! I need more of this.
D. Done
You’ll be getting more of it 🙂
dyn/mob: done <3
2sets : used 24 kg 1) 302 total time 6:29
A) 15sets: 205 lbs
B) 3sets 5/5
C) RPM 46-47 used Assault bike Im too short for this bike LOL
61 calories
D) 3sets done
* those supine planks are narly I did accumulative time of 60 secs
A. Done
B. Done.
C. 126 calories. Started too strong and had to bring it back down to a better pace.
D. Done.
A. 195, not sure about “explosive” 🙂
B. 5 + 5
C. Did this a year ago and got 138 cal/61 RPM. Today, not quite… 125 Cal /59 RPM. Didn’t have any push, legs felt pretty dead after a few minutes into it.
D. Done
DMA – done
A. 225 lb.
B. 5 strict pull-ups + 5 Box Jumps – step downs
C. 142 calories – average of 63 rpm (started at 65 but majority was in the 63/64 rpm).
D. done
Nice going on section C
Thanks Ed
Very nice keeping an average of 63 rpm!
Thanks Nicole
Great stuff!
Mobility completed
B)Completed with x5sPU
C)104 calories @57-59 RPM. Full disclosure in that I ran a half marathon yesterday and I was the rabbit to help push the pace so my legs were not really feeling it today.
You ran a half marathon yesterday and still trained today?! I don’t know if I’d be able to walk the next day – well done Dean!
I went running with a couple of people who are training for a half marathon. The goal yesterday was just to run 5 miles and then drop out of the group. At the 5 mile mark I still felt good and was actually leading the group so they asked me to pick up the pace to push them for as long as I could. It was a huge surprise that I was able to push the pace and finish the run.
wow Dean. I’ve JUST started running this week. 400m distances thus far. 13 miles is impressive!
Thanks Rob! In my previous life I ran marathons. Even though I only run a couple days a week, I have never lost my endurance for long distance running.
Worked on Monday’s plus a bit Oly. Warm up and activation done. Snatch warm up done. Snatch high pull x 5 reps – 20/40/50kg Snatch deadlift x 5 reps – 50/60/70kg A. Front rack lunges x 8 reps per leg – 30/40/40/40kg No safety bar at the gym so went front rack. B. Bent Over Supinated Grip Barbell Rows x 8 reps @ 2111 – 40/40/40kg Barbell Roll-Outs x 10 reps – Done. C. Run 600 Meters Air Squats x 40 reps Time was running out. Only did 2 sets here. D. Two sets of: Banded Marching x 3 minutes… Read more »
Good work today Scott!