Re-Test or Rest Day
The Open is either over for you, or today is your final crack at 16.5. If you’re hitting 16.5 today, the assumption is that you’re trying to score points to qualify yourself or your team. If you are done with 16.5, your priority right now is to rest and recover mentally and physically. This week will include a lot of aerobic restoration work, and then our Regionals Preparation Program and Early Off-Season Program will start in earnest on Monday, April 4, 2016. Please fight the urge to train hard this week. This week is the optimal time to deload a bit and get ready to build your strength foundation and aerobic base over the next several weeks.
For those re-testing…here was our recommendation from Friday:
CrossFit Games Open Event 16.5 Warm-Up
10 Minutes of Assault Bike or Rowing @ 70-75%
Then. . .
Three sets of:
Inchworm Walk x 3 reps
Hamstring Floss x 10 reps per leg
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Then. . .
5 Minutes of Assault Bike or Running @ 80-85%
Then. . .
Three sets of:
Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
6-8 Rocking Box Bridges
Shoulder Mash x 45 seconds per side
Finish with. . .
Three to Five Sets of:
30 Seconds of Assault Bike, Run or Row @ 90%
Rest 30-60 seconds
At ideal speed for rounds of 21, 18 and 15 reps…
6 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
6 Bar-Facing Burpees
4 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
4 Bar-Facing Burpees
2 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
2 Bar-Facing Burpees
CrossFit Games Open Event 16.5
Complete rounds of 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
95/65 lb Thrusters
Bar-Facing Burpees
Spend 10-15 minutes of light movement on the Assault Bike, Concept 2 erg, or jogging.
16.5 redo
Friday 11:38
Monday 10:48
Great open everyone.
16.5 second attempt 10:42. I am content with the results and glad I attempted a second time.
16.5 first attempt on 11:15
14.5 13:45
I did 16.5 Friday and got 11:18. I felt great afterward. Just didn’t realize I went as slow as I did on the burpees. Did all the thrusters UB just needed to move faster ok the burpees for Monday’s retest. Saturday AM followings the strongman work I had a major back spasm. Never experienced it before but it left me on the couch pretty much the whole weekend. I came in today and did the workout and did the first round in 1:55 then did 14 thrusters in the round of 18 and quit because mentally I couldn’t push. I… Read more »
10:04. Best I got. I think I may have a shot at second invite if I stay top 26-28
Redo of 16.5 didn’t improve.
Tried going out faster but couldn’t hold the pace and hit a wall. Have to keep my first time of 10:54. Was sitting 22 in the region before this WOD. Guessing this time will drop me about 10 spots overall. CRAP!
So came down with the flu last Wednesday and rested all wknd long. Only enough energy to hit this one good time. And push my body as much as I could. Got 11:36 this morning. Last week I was sitting in 80th in the south central region. I knew this year wasn’t a regionals year for me but I am ready to keep climbing the ladder and keep working towards my goal of it!
Bummer you got sick! Way to get it done today, even not feeling 100%! Keep up the hard work Alyssa!
Thanks Beth! Fantastic job!
Did 16.5 today for the first time…seems I am now recovered which is good! Did the workout in 10.32 I think that’s ok…possibly would have repeated if I had time but I pushed myself to that dark place that’s for sure! It has been a very successful open for me. I am not going to regionals this year and never expected to. My aim coming into the open was top 200 In Europe. I am likely to find at the following: 2016 Uk: 16th Europe: 78th ish Kent: 1st 2015: UK: 200 and something Europe: 885th Kent (myarea) 8th 2017:… Read more »
Congratulations on the improvements Charlie! That’s awesome 🙂
Thank you very much beth! I had been doing crossfit 2 weeks last year when I did the open so was bound to improve but surprised myself to say the least!
Next year I hope to be as great as you!
Massive congratulations on your score today it’s awesome! Xx
session 1
16.5 Friday- 10:20
16.5 retest on Sunday- 9:19
Just went faster, kept moving on the burpees and didn’t look at the clock until I was done. Really excited about this!
Really hoping to channel your energy today. That’s an amazing improvement. Our 1st times were similar. Great job
You’ve got this! I watched my video from the first try and saw where I slowed down, extra time on transitions, etc. So I knew when I got to those spots to just push through and don’t take that extra bend over on the burpee or breath before starting thrusters. Plus I had my husband yelling at me that I *needed* to go faster, so I thought I was behind pace the whole time 🙂