I want everyone to take today as a mentally restorative day. This may mean going on a run outside, hiking a beautiful trail, going for a swim, playing with the kids, having a date night with your spouse, indugling in some ‘me’ time, etc. Whatever you decide, use the extra time not in the gym to replenish your mind and body. You may even want to read this great article about motivation to get a sense of what is driving you in this Sport.
I’d also recommend using this time to reflect on the goals you’ve achieved this year and then spending some time thinking about new ones. You can read this article about S.M.A.R.T goal setting or, if you are feeling in a rut about setting goals, then this article about getting out of a goal rut.
You’ll have some lighter training tomorrow, an active recovery day on Thursday, lighter training on Friday-Saturday and then Monday, April 1st, will be the official start of the Masters Qualifiers Program. Don’t worry if you aren’t participating in the Masters Qualifiers, you’ll have some notes in the program to adjust the volume, loading and/or optional sessions for the next few weeks.
**If you did not participate in the Open or feel like you will go crazy not being in the gym then you can do the below conditioning:**
For completion:
100 Calories Assault Bike
2000 Meter Row
150 Double-Unders
For completion:
80 Calories Assault Bike
2000 Meter Row
100 Double-Unders