At Home Workout
Limited Equipment Option:
For time:
Run 1-Mile or 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike or 2000 Meter Row
Followed by. . .
Ten rounds of:
10 Burpee Jump Backs*
15 Air Squats
20 Double Unders
Followed by. . .
Run 1-Mile or 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike or 2000 Meter Row
*This is like a burpee but instead of going to the floor, you drop to the top of a push-up plank position, then jump back to standing.
No Equipment Option:
For time:
Ten rounds of…
*10 Burpee Jump Backs
20 Air Squats
10 Tuck Jumps
Immediately followed by. . .
Five rounds of:
15 Back Pack Deadlifts
15 Back Pack Presses
*This is like a burpee but instead of going to the floor, you drop to the top of a push-up plank position, then jump back to standing.
Four sets of
5 Seated Box Jumps
5 Broad Jumps
15 second Assault Bike Sprint
Rest 60 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1: Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 30 Seconds
Station 2: Ring Muscle Ups x 4-6 reps*
Station 3: L-Sit Hold x 20-30 Seconds
*Do not rush through the muscle ups. Take your time at the top to think about your next decent and how to make it as efficient as you can.
Complete as many dumbbell thrusters as possible in 8 minutes of:
Row 1250/1000 Meters
Max Reps Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs) in remaining time
Rest until the running clock reaches 12:00, and then…
Complete as many rope climbs as possible in 8 minutes of:
Row 1250/1000 Meters
Max Reps Legless Rope Climbs in remaining time
(if you don’t believe you’ll be able to complete more than 3 legless rope climbs, perform regular rope climbs using your feet instead)
Rest until the running clock reaches 24:00, and then…
Complete as many devil’s presses as possible in 8 minutes of:
Row 1250/1000 Meters
Max Reps Devil’s Presses (50/35 lbs) in remaining time
Rest until the running clock reaches 36:00, and then…
For time:
Row 1250/1000 Meters
Three sets of:
30 second Chin-Over-Bar Hold
100-Foot Plate Pinch Walk (35/25 lbs)
60 second Dead Hang Hold from Pull-Up Bar
20 GHD Sit-Ups
100-Foot D-Ball or Sandbag Bearhug Carry (HEAVY)
Rest 2 minutes
If you do not have access to a sandbag perform with heavy kettlebells held in the front rack position.
C. 15 DB Thrusters, 3 LLRC, 10 Devil’s Press, 5:30
D. Done
Did Sunday …
A) ✅ fun – honestly I ? these warm-up drills with seated box jumps
B) ✅ wooza shoulders warm
C) only 25# DB’s … 53 thrusters, 20 towel pull-ups (no rope), 23 ? presses ?… dang
D) will do later today (munchkin calling for me at home ?)
A) done
B) done
C) 52 thrusters Rx / 12 bar MU / 27 Devil press Rx / 4:07 row
D) done
Thanks Tino! Hope the rest of your weekend is great!
Have an awesome weekend!! ???
Thanks Tino!! You also!
A. Done
B. Done but Subd 40’ HSW in minute 1; needed the practice. Felt good and had 15-20 sec rest each rnd.
C. Rx but Subd 150# SB over the shoulder for rope climbs. Inspired by Bobby, and don’t have a rope.
Thrusters – 40
SB OTS – 20
MM – 21
All the rows were a grind today, between 4:20-4:28. I did not want to be on the rower at all. This whole section kicked my ass today. We definitely need #moresandbag. “I’ve got a sickness, and the only cure is more sandbag(cowbell)!”
D. Done
Bobby is a pretty inspiring dude enjoy the sandbag ? ???
A Done
B Done
C 35 DB Thruster
12 Legless 6Mts Rope
16 Devil Press
D Done
Hey everyone forgot to post yesterday did the limited equipment option for the metcon used 35# dumbbells for the clean and jerks got 7 rounds Today did the limited equipment option again with the mile runs after I did a 75# sandbag carry around my block which is somewhere around 400m but uphills fun haha! Also used my 35# dumbbells to do single leg RDL single arm rows floor press and just one of them for skull crushers. Really missing barbells and gymnastics hopefully we get through this sooner than later and everyone stays healthy and sane! Thanks for posting… Read more »
Let’s hope everyone does their part and we can get through this chaos sooner rather than later. Keep controlling what you can control and make the most of the situation! ??
A) done
B) done 5 mu (L-sit is such a weak point of mine, no core muscles ??♂️)
C) row 4:30 41 reps th
row 4:30 6 legless rope from L-sit (short rope, only which we got)
row 4:37 17 reps devil press (God i was so dead at this point)
Last row: 4:23
D) done with db 32kg kb carry
This was definitely tough…but fun, have a nice weekend and stay safe guys!
Gyms closed in the UK 🙁 garage training it is!
Did main session.
A. Done
B. Completed with strict ring dips for ring muscle ups.
C. Completed with strict pull ups for rope climbs and SA dumbell thrusters and d press.
60 thrusters, 28 strict pull ups, 36 devils press
D. Completed with Abmat sit ups.
Will endeavour to keep logging training!
Great to see you still putting the work in. Stay safe!
Main session
A) Skipped
B) Drills of RMU low rings
C) C1: 43 DB Thrusters # 25lb
C2: 6 Regular RC
C3: 18 Devils Press # 25lb
C4: 4:55
D) Only 1 set with 60lb Sandbag
Gym is closed but I’m allowed to workout with Peter with closed doors.
Have a good weekend ?!
For time:
Run 1-Mile
Followed by…
Ten rounds of:
10 Burpee Jump Backs
15 Air Squats
20 Double Unders
Followed by…
Run 1-Mile
Time – 29:15
Five sets of:
10 Tempo BSS @ 31X1, 10 kg DB
5 strict pull ups (pronated grip)
?♀️ ?
Did the Limited Equipment Option:
Run 1-mile
5 rounds of: 10 BJBs, 20 ASs, 10 TJs
Run 1-mile
Total time 26:48
Felt nice to run outside today.
A little different today, had only one Kb and one AbMat.
A. Warm Up
5 Leg Swings Right-Left, then Forward-Backwards
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
5 Push Up to Downward Dog
10 Snow Angels
B. Conditioning
20 KBS 32/24 kg
20 AbMat Sit Ups
20 x 10 m Shuttle Sprints
Score: 8+2
C. Body Armor
Alternating Tabata
1. Plank Hold
2. Glute Bridge Hold
Alternating Double Tabata
1. Standing KB Side Crunches 32/24 Right (Left on the next round)
2. Knee to Elbow Mountain Climbers
Stay safe all!
Still made it work! ???
A. Done
B. Skipped
Modified some stuff for shoulder
Did 1250 row for them all
50# Double Dumbbell front squat but only single arm thruster: 50 Reps
50# DB power cleans instead of rope climbs: 50 Reps
150# sandbag cleans instead of man makers: 15 Reps
These destroyed me gotta get used to them again feel like it’s been forever
1250 meter row for time: 4:14
D. Variation of this
That sandbag ???
Yea that thing literally destroyed me today I used to be good with it! I gotta sneak those in a little more!
I love the SB idea. I think I will modify today to add that in. You’re right it’s been a long time since we used it other than for holds or carries.
Got my ass kicked by it today!
Kicked my ass too! I Subd SB over the shoulder for rope climbs, ugh!
A. Done
B. 20 L sit 6 mu
C. Row-36 kb thrusters #53s
Row-5 seated legless rope climbs you go I go w training partner (short rope in garage)
800 assault run-24 man makers w dbs
800 assault run-4:21
Then rolled, stretched and called it a day. Body is pretty worn out from this weeks training. Less was more today!
Body worn out but be thankful you can still get it in dude! A lot of us can’t! Nice work
Train smarter not harder! ??
Hey Tino, I’m trying to do a modified version of part C with my limited equipment at home. Do you know what the 1250m row equivalent would be on the Bike Erg? 2000m maybe??
C isn’t making sense, please explain
Sorry the first portion is a typo it should read:
Complete as many dumbbell thrusters as possible in 8 minutes of:
Row 1250/1000 Meters
Max Reps Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs) in remaining time
You therefore row 1250/1000 meters then in the remaining time of the 8 minutes perform max dumbbell thrusters., you’ll then rest to the 12 minute mark and perform anothe 1250/1000 meter row followed by max rope climbs and so on.
Sorry about the confusion!
Thank you.
Hello Tino,
I have a question about the part C of the main session. When you say, complete as many burpees as possible in 8 minutes of : … what do you mean ?
And for the rest of the session. Do I perform 1000 m row and in the remaining time I perform max reps of thrusters, rope climb etc…
Thank for your answer,
Sorry the first portion is a typo it should read:
Complete as many dumbbell thrusters as possible in 8 minutes of:
Row 1250/1000 Meters
Max Reps Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs) in remaining time
You therefore row 1250/1000 meters then in the remaining time of the 8 minutes perform max dumbbell thrusters., you’ll then rest to the 12 minute mark and perform anothe 1250/1000 meter row followed by max rope climbs and so on.
Sorry about the confusion!
A. Done
B. 30sec hsmarch, 6bmu’s, 20sec hold
C. 1250m row each.
26 thrusters
4 legless
10 devils press
D. Skipped, no Time
Fun week! ? Be safe people!
Nice work Simon! Stay safe!