For the 2018 Open season, Invictus Athletes’ Camp coach Heidi Fearon will be creating a unique guided visualization for each week of the Open. Each visualization will be specifically tailored to the Open event and available for download by Friday morning. Please click here for your visualization.
Morning Practice Session
One set of:
Bench T-Spine Opener x 60 seconds
Band-Assisted Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band-Assisted Hamstring Floss
x 45 seconds per side
Followed by…
Glute Activation Series x 20 seconds on the rig/20 seconds off the rig x 2 sets each side
One set of:
Banded Monster Walks x 10 steps forward and backward
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 steps each direction
Upper Body Warm-Up Series x 10 reps each
Three sets of:
Low Bar or Safety Bar Pause Squat x 2-3 reps @ 4211
Rest 3 minutes
Three to Four sets of:
3 Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lbs)
3 Bar Facing Burpees
4 Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lbs)
4 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lbs)
5 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest as needed
The purpose of this session is to learn your transitions – where you’ll place the dumbbells, how you’ll set them down, how you’ll spin over the barbell, how you’ll step back over the barbell when you’re finishing on the opposite sides of your barbell, etc…. Go “game speed” for each set, and rest as long as you need to between the sets to make each set worthwhile as a learning experience.
10-12 minutes of easy Assault Bike
Primary Training Session
10 minutes of low-intensity Assault Bike or Jogging @ 70%
Followed by…
Dynamic Range of Motion Series:
Inchworm Walk + Scap Push-Up + Press Up x 5 reps
Alternating Reverse Lunge with stretch x 10 reps
Alternating Lateral Lunge x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 seconds
Followed by…
Two sets of:
2 minutes of Assault Bike @ 60-65/50-55 RPMs
10 Push-Ups
Finish with…
Three to Five sets of:
30 Seconds of Assault Bike or Rowing @ 90+%
60 Seconds Rest
Rest 5-10 minutes, but stay warm.
Clean Barbell Warm-Up
(5 reps of each, 2-3 times through the complex with barbell)
Clean-Grip RDL
Clean Pull from Below Knee
Front Squat
Followed by. . .
Two sets of:
Front squat x 3 reps @ 2210
(use this for activation – don’t go above 155/105 lbs)
Rest as needed
Build to 70-75% of 1-RM Clean, and then…
At Game Pace:
3 Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lbs)
3 Bar Facing Burpees
4 Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lbs)
4 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lbs)
5 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 90 seconds, and then…
Clean x 1 Rep @ 70-75%
“CrossFit Games Open Event 18.2”
Against a 12-minute running clock, complete rounds of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Squats (50/35 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
In the remaining time…
“CrossFit Games Open Event 18.2A”
Establish a 1-rep-max Clean
Strategy Considerations and Preparation Notes
I know this is rough on some of you who don’t read well, but please click the link below for our full list of preparation notes to help you all perform to the best of your ability and start the season off on the right foot. For years we reserved these notes only for our personal clients, but we’ve been so blessed with the growth of this Invictus Athlete community, and we want to see you all succeed this season. Please click here for our 18.2 Preparation Tools.
Hm… so this went very weird for me. 5:39 on part a, and then my cleans fell apart completely. Only was able to get up to 140 lbs, which is 90% minus change… I was failing the clean completely, not even getting under it…it felt like my CNS was shot… any ideas/advice on why that is and how to proceed when I redo it Monday? Thanks!
18.2 5:54
Clean: 171 (1# PR)
*all of our sandbag squats definitely helped prepare me for this one ??
18.2 9:04
18.2a 180 (90%)
Nice work Dawn!
18.2 – 9:48
18.2a – 145
Stud mamma, that is all.
If I would have know all it took to impress you was to get pregnant and keep working out I would have done it years ago. ? Too easy.
Holding back like crazy on these WODs is the hardest part. I cleaned 145 like it was nothing, but I didn’t want to risk anything so I stopped. Here’s to a regional spot in 2019. ?
18.2= 4:26
18.2a = 308 lb. (PR)✅ 315lb ❌the bar fell on my shoulders but it lacked air, with 10 seconds more I could push. Happy for what I achieved!
Yeah Ivan!!!! Thats a damn good score! Congrats on the PR!!
Thanks Tino. I felt very good in the WOD I think that 18.2 I did it to 90% I would like to try 100%
5:48, 195#
Had one no rep burpee that had to be repeated, and realized that I could probably push a tad harder through rounds 6,7,8 – 8 is when I realized that we train for this shit all the time and in my head I was like thanks Invictus I am not dying. I would like to push this number closer to 5:30.
Hit 195 on the clean, max is 215. Missed once at 185 and once at 195, so I know a lot of time and energy was wasted here. Will restrategize and hit it Monday.
Haha glad we were able to give you that edge to push through the pain. Great work Andrea!
7:18 & hit 275 and missed 300 it was so close and I am going to redo on Monday and try and do the burpees way faster. Thank you for the warmup notes 🙂
18.2 – 5:45
18.2a – 265
eesh, can’t say I’m stoked with this. Failed 285 twice. Don’t remember last time I failed a 285 clean, PR’d 2 weeks ago with 315 was hoping to hit at least 90%. Gonna go again Monday looks like.
Good day of learning Stefan. Now you know what to do come Monday!
18.2 – 5:54
18.2a – 292
Was really sloppy with this one. I started 2 seconds late because I didn’t hear them so go and I did 8 burpees on my set of 7. Really happy with the clean though it shows my improvement on my strength! 8lbs away from my pr clean! Will redo on Monday and clean it up!
Awesome work Parker! Love seeing all your hard work paying off!!
Thank you Tino!!
Pretty happy with 5;06 and 290 which is a 5 lbs PR. Built up from 215 with 6 attempts. Reviewed video and may be I could get 5 to 10 secs off part a but part b I felt like I crushed. But may be I’d crush it on monday too with a retry…
Yeah Chris!!! Awesome work on the PR!!
18.2 6:36. 100kg, 6.4” and loves cakes ?
18.2a 140kg heaviest I cleaned in 14 month’s.
Seriously need to speed up my burpees somehow for next year.
Nothing we can do about the height, but those cakes 🙂
Great work hitting 140!
130 kg
redo on Monday
will try to have quicker transitions
also i missed 130 2 times and got it on 3rd which killed my legs, maybe ill try to go more on Monday aswell.
Good day of learning, now you just need to get that down closer to 4:00 and put up another 5kg 🙂
1. 6:05
A. 316
Need to push much harder on 1.
Just need to suffer a little more on the first part. Embrace it!
Nailed the warm ups again guys.
Awesome work Tom!
5’27 126kgs
What you think guys? I think i can improve on the burpees and dumbell.
Hard to say not knowing you very well as an athlete! If you think you have more in the tank and know where you can improve its worth another shot on Monday!
I think i lost to much time on the transition… but i will try my best again! If i will repeat on monday, what you think to do the same work i was doing today? The warm-ups and everything?
18.2 (6:01)
18.2 A-275#, barely missed 285# for a PR
Thanks for the strategies, they help so much on these open wods
Great job Noble!
18.2 =5:12. 18.2A=277 just missed 288
Nice work Anthony!!
First attempt – stopped at rep 6 with. Such bad knee pain! Not sure what was going on… I started feeling it around like round of 4s. 5 min later after rolling out and mobility and decided to go after it again… Tripped on my first Burpee! Haha 3rd attempt- contemplated not even doing it because of how rough it started .. 5:15 and 182# I def wish I was stronger right now and feeling somewhat uncomfortable being open about my score but it is what it is and I know that accepting where I am RiGHT now is the… Read more »
Thanks for sharing Cheryl. We’re here to hold you accountable and also listen and keep you level headed. Being a high level Athlete with a competitive mindset will always make you want to push but you need to also take a step back and look at the overall picture and assess you performance based on training and all other outside factors. I’m positive that when you get some good training underneath you, you’ll come back, fitter, stronger and most importantly healthier than before.
Coaches are the visualizations supposed to be free for download? I m confused. Last week i was being redirected to the shopping cart, this week i get “page not found”
Visualizations are not free to download but definitely worth the investment. I just checked the link and it seems to be working fine,
Good luck today!