Competition Day! Even if you’re not competing in a “real” competition we want you to do a Practice meet. Treat it just like a competition. Warm up to an opening attempt, declare it, then you get 3 total attempts in both the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. Here is some additional info to help guide you to make it as close to a meet as possible:
1. Pick your opening attempts in both the Snatch & CJ. Something you know you can hit even on your worst day is a great starting place.
2. Pick a time where you must hit your snatch opener. EX: If your training session is at 3 pm then Say 3:30 pm is your opening snatch attempt. Then, your attempts will be 5 min after that (2nd attempt at 3:35, 3rd attempt at 3:40). You ONLY get 3 attempts, treat it like a meet! Once you are done snatching, take a 15 minute break then begin warming up for the Clean & Jerk. In this example, you’d begin warming up at 3:55. Then, your pick a time for your opening Clean & Jerk (Let’s say 4:20). 2nd attempt at 4:25. 3rd attempt at 4:30.
3. Warm up exactly how you do when you feel the best in training, don’t change anything!
4. The goal of the mock meet is to give you as close to a “feel” for a competition as possible & to really focus on the attempts that you take. Pick your jumps based on how you feel and what you know you can hit!
Have fun & good luck!!