March 16, 2022 – Masters Program

Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Take 5 minutes to roll out the hamstrings, glutes and QL

and then …

One sets of:
10 Forward Leg Swings
10 Backward Leg Swings
10 Right Leg Lateral Swings
10 Left Leg Lateral Swings
(hold onto the rig or a wall while doing these)
30 Seconds Rockettes
30 Seconds Sumo Stance KB Deadlift (medium weight)

and finish with …

10 Lateral Resisted Bird Dogs (per side)
Place a band on the rig close to the floor. Loop the band around your waist and assume tabletop position. Maintain a neutral spine as you reach one arm forward and the opposite leg backwards. Stabilize and keep your core engaged.)

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Bench Press x 5-6 reps @ 20X1

Three rounds for time:
1000 Meter Row or Bike Erg
800 Meter Run or 40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Double-Unders

Three rounds for time:
1000 Meter Row or Bike Erg
800 Meter Run or 40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
75 Double-Unders

Scaling Options for Double-Unders

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(choose one of the following):
Reduce the reps by half OR give yourself 2 minutes to get as many double-unders as possible

Three rounds of:
15 Right Plank Pulls with 1 Second Pause in Contraction
15 Left Plank Pulls with 1 Second Pause in Contraction
30 Bicycle Crunches

Athlete Notes:
Sweat sesh today! After opening up with a bro session, you’ll move into a pure conditioning piece. Make sure your calves are warmed up well for today. If you want to keep intensity low today then tackle the conditioning piece has a nasal breathing session!

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option

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Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
30 Double Kettlebell Shoulder to Overhead
20 GHD-Sit-Ups (sub in 30 anchored sit-ups if you don’t have access to a GHD machine)
3 Rope Climbs or 9 Strict Pull-Ups

35-54: 16/12 kg

12/9 kg

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