Dynamic Mobility and Activation
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Three sets of:
Psoas Pulse
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x 60 seconds per side
Spend 60 seconds in a butterfly stretchÂ
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Strict Handstand Push Ups to 4″/2″ deficit x 3-5 reps
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 5 reps
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Kipping Handstand Push Ups x 5-8 reps
Take 12-15 minutes to build to today’s Heavy Overhead Squat
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 75+%
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Snatch Pull x 1.1 @ 100%
Three sets of:
Row 1000 meters @ 10 seconds below your 5K Pace
Rest 2-3 minutes
A. 5/5/8
B. 135
D. 4:37/4?27/4:25 2min rest
DMA done.
A. Done. nose to wall. 5 reps on strict & kipping. Deficits are so hard. 3 reps each set.. 🙂
B. Subbed FS from floor up to 145 lbs. Still working on DMA to increase OHS weight.
C. 95 lbs.
D. Only time for one 1,000 meter row. A few ticks over 4:00.
A:2,3&5reps (not use to deficits! Battled with them)
C1:60kg x 6
Mobility done
A. 2-3 for deficit 4 in “first time doing these, 3 strict, 4-5 kipping
B 165# this is a goat for me
C. 165#b all power as I did not feel good coming out of the hole yesterday
D. 3:58 3:58 3:57 These were tough today
I need to up my sleep as my body feels pretty beat up today
Nice work! Hope you get some good sleep tonight!
A: 3 for deficit, 4 for strict and 5 for kipping. It’s been a while and I felt a bit rusty.
B: 110kg OHS
C: 80-90-95-100-102.5kg
D: 3:42 – 3:47 – 3:49
Had difficulty going slower on the row,
A. 3 reps for all rounds. These are difficult for me, especially the deficit
B. 95, 115, 120, 125, 130
C. 115, 120, 130, 135, pulls at 145
D. 3 rounds just over 4:00 each
A. No deficit yet… My shoulders were tired from yesterday so I did negative deficits with kipping out of them. Strict and kipping done afterward. B. No go today – bad tear in hand and it felt awful so I turned it into front squats and knee rehab exercises – same with snatches. D. 4:20, 4:15, 4:14 Rows ** other short AMRAP added in.. 3 min 10KB swing with 10BJ, 1 min rest, 6 min 100 m run with 10 BJ, 1 min rest, 3 min of 5 thrusters, 5 BJ. Just moving… ** pedicure and manicure to end the… Read more »
Pedis and manis are mandatory during the Open
A. 5s/5s/8s
B. 235 PR or tie
C. 165-175 a little tight in left hip
D. done – very slow – left lat still tight from Muscle ups
Nice work Al!
Mobility: Complete
A1. 5,4,4
A2. 5,5,5
A3. 8,8,8
B. 225#, went for 245# elbow caved a little on the way up and I had to drop it.
C. 6 @ 165#
C2. Skipped pulls
D. 3:43, 3:38, 3:40
A. 5, 5, 5,/ 5, 5, 5/ 8, 8, 8 very smooth and easy
B. 245 PR tie!!
C. 155 – 185, 215 pulls
D. 3:48 x 3
Solid work Matt!!
Mobility – done
A. SHSPU 4″ mat 5,5,5 SHSPU 2″ mat 5,5,5 KHSPU deficit 1.5″ 5,5,5
B. OHS – 65/75/85/95/105/115/125/130 matched PR!
C. Snatch – 3 @ 95/3 @ 105 Snatch Pulls 125/130
D. 1K Row – rowed using heart rate today (135 – 145 bpm range) 1. 3:58 2. 3:57.8 3. 4:00.0
Awesome job Barry!
Mob done
A. 3″ deficit, 5 strict each min; 8 kipping Ea min
B. 105-125-145-165-175(m)-175-185-195(m)…have not done it heavy overhead squats in quite a while… My traps and rhomboids are pretty sore from yesterday Llimited the overhead squat some today.
C. 125-135-140-145-150-155#. (Tried 1 attempt for a PR at 165# nope), pulls at 165#…. The good thing is the snatches felt fairly light after doing heavy overhead squats !
D. 4:16, 4:11, 4:04
Did m and a.
Tested shoulder and hspu arent too bad
Did 3min strict no deficitx3
3 min strict to 4″ deficitx3
3 min kipping x5
B did light ohs, shoulder in the over just past straight above, guessing when its over extended is uncomfortable so stopped at 60kg
C did light snatch pulls from the hip only.
Snatch pull 3sets at 73kg. Felt light which is just above 100%,
Rowing my favorite thing to do, not
4:11, 3:58, 4:08 just kept steady pace . Felt ok.
Mob and Act Done
A.1 DSHSPU – close to getting 4″ Deficit strict. 🙂
A.2 SHSPU 3×5
A.3 Kipping 7-7-5
B. Worked up til I missed at 205.
C. 155 all sets
D. 200 all sets
D. 4:15, 4:18, 4:28
Post Rev Hyper, GHDSU and Iron Scap
Mobility and Activation done.
A. 3X5 SHSPU @ 2″ def. 3X5 SHSPU and 3X8 kipping HSPU… I felt like I had a good rhythm on these.
B. 125# OHS matched my PR felt good.
C. 75/85/85/85/95/95
C2. 110 for all sets of 2 felt great
D. 4:12.9, 4:07.2, 4:12.4
Raced out of the gym to make Bikram Hot Yoga- sweat my buns off but feel good and stretched on.
Awesome job Tracy!
M&A done
A. 3 sdhspu,5shspu,5 khspu
B. Up to 225
D. Done, kept pace @1:50
Mob finished
A. 3×4 SHSPU @ 4″ def., 3×5 SHSPU, 3×8 kipping HSPU
B. 225. I just can’t lock 245 in overhead. 3 attempts, just standing there, wobbling. Prob pretty funny to watch.
C. 6 @ 165
C2. 3×2 @ 215
D. 3:44, 3:38, 3:39. Don’t know my 5k pace, but this is assuredly waaaay faster. Felt good so I stuck with the program
You can go to http://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/training/calculators/pace-calculator just plug in your 5k to get your 500m splits
A) EMOM for 6min. did sHSPU (2-2-1-2-1-2) then kipping 5-5-5 trying to cycle them as quickly as possible.
B) I’m definitely feeling my wrists and shoulders so stopped at 95# on this
C) 75# for all Snatches then 93-93-103 for pulls
D) 4:16/4:10/4:08
**I’m very ready for a rest as well.
Mush mash training day today. Hand has deep cut and shoulders fatigued.
Mobility done
B. No go on ohs worked to 103 and then bailed
C. Snatch to 115; snatch pull at 125 for all
Did home gym workout.
20 clean and jerks at 115 (75%) for time (6;47)
15 min AMRAP – 40 cal row, 30 wall balls (14#,10′), 15 hspu (2+9 cals)
I am coaching 5:30 am classes all week. Between real work, kids, life, working out and getting up at 4:30am – I’m ready for a rest day tomorrow.
Mobility Done
I warmed up with 30/30 – 20/20 – 10/10 Assault Bike/Wallballs
A. Strict HSPU deficit 3×5 / SHSPU 3×5 / Kipping HSPU 3×5 (fast)
B. OHS until 90% – 50kg
C. Snatch @70% 35kg – just stay working a bit my technique.
D. I will do tomorrow (since yesterday I rested)