Primary Training Session
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets of):
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
5 Lateral Burpees Over the Dumbbell
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
Four sets of:
High Hang Snatch x 2-3 reps @ 30-50%
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Every minute on the minute for 6 minutes:
Hang Snatch + *Pause Snatch + Snatch @ 60-65%
Followed by…
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
*Pause Snatch + Snatch @ 70-80%
*As you lift the bar, stop at the knee for three full seconds before continuing your lift.
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
7-10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Complete ten sets of:
50 foot Handstand Walk OR 4 Wall Walks
3 Squat Snatches (185/125 or 70%)
Rest 1:1 or alternate with a partner “you go/I go” style
Three to Four sets of:
15-20 Reverse Hypers
*Load approximately 60% of your 1RM Back Squat
*If you don’t have access to a reverse hyper, perform 15-20 banded pull throughs.
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is meant to be a sprint. We’d love for you to grab your buddy and go 1:1 with each other, but otherwise just watch the clock and rest as long as it took you to finish. Can you keep all the sets under 60 seconds? This is a great opportunity to work on SPEED in the handstand walk. The snatches are meant to be touch and go, so pick a weight that allows for that! Have some fun!
A. 75 95 115-135
B. 1 HS negative 5 seconds emom10
C. Done with 2 wall walks and 115 squat snatches
Rounds under a minute
Warmup done
A. 43/43/52/52Kg
61Kg for all sets
61/65/70Kg x 4
Used slightly lower %; shoulder and knee were nagging me today.
B. Done with 7 SHSPU across all
C. Done with 61Kg; sets ~1:20-1:30. Lower % again.
D. Done
Invictus Upper Body program done
I felt a bit beat up today during the snatching; knee, shoulder, wrist were all nagging me.
Get some good stretching and body work in when you can. Want to get give attention to anything that is hurting right away.
Warm up done
A.1- 70lb/ 2- 75lb/ 3-85lb
B. Focused on quality- 2-4 strict reps
C. Used a 65lb bar, completed in 20:15. My handstand walks are not consistent but I need the practice.
D. Done – good mornings w/ 45lb bar
Try to mix in a few minutes of handstand work into your warm ups. It can help a lot
Started to do a session, since I’m really full of my boss’s wife’s shit
Warm up done
A) 40-45-50-55kg 3hhsn
60kg for the emom
Then the wife showed up and we had a huge fight again, that why am I not allowed to train since she is still just saying all her bullshits, but still couldn’t fire me haha. Such a joke.
Anyway, couldn’t finish the training, but at least i got my resistance bands, hopefully in 1-2 days the 2 dumbbells will arrive as well, and can crush these movements
At least your dumbbells are coming!
Exactly, I am really excited! Finally my own dumbbells, funny how much time did it take
A. 95-115
B. Done w/ 10 per set
C. @70% (165) all sets under 1:00
D. ✅
Solid work!
A. Kept slightly lighter percentages this is my first real day snatching since before wodapalooza
Did a combo of B and C due to time constraints
EMOM 20 (10 Sets)
Minute 1: 10 SHSPU
Minute 2: 25 Foot HSW + 2 Squat Snatches @ 185
D. Done with pull throughs
Thats a long time ago. Glad you are back to it!
Thanks hunter wrist has been an issue since then. I knew it would take roughly 2 months. Still not quite 100% but getting very close!