Primary Training Session
Standard Warm Up (specific movement prep)
Three sets at 70-80% effort of:
10/7 Calorie Machine of Choice
20 Alternating Lateral Lunges
50 foot Suitcase Carry (each side)
60 Second Elbow Plank Hold
10 Goblet Squats
Back Squat
Set 1 – 8 reps @ 65-70%
Set 2 – 8 reps @ 70-75%
Set 3 – 6 reps @ 80-85%
Set 4 – 6 reps @ 85-88%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 9 minutes for 27 minutes (3 sets):
30/22 Calorie Row
40 Alternating Pistols
30/22 Calorie Row
Set 1 – 55 Pull-Ups
Set 2 – 35 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Set 3 – 15 Ring Muscle Ups
Four sets of:
12-15 Narrow Stance Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
@ 31X1
Immediately followed by…
60 second Weighted Wall Sit
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Three sets of:
15-20 Single Leg Banded TKE (each leg)
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes (3 sets of):
Station 1 – 40 seconds of V-Ups
Station 2 – 40 second Side Plank Right
Station 3 – 40 seconds of Leg Lift Overs
Station 4 – 40 second Side Plank Left
Athlete Notes:
Week one after the open and it’s time to start mixing in some new skills to get everyone ready for the quarterfinals! For today’s workout we’ve got some ascending skill work and some “go” for you. For the pistols, make sure your ankles and hip flexors are warmed up and ready to rock. We’d like to see you move through these at a quick pace. A lot of time can be lost on this movement by going through them too methodically. Ride the line between speed and getting a no rep and see how well you can push them. The gymnastics movements are ascending in difficulty but descending in reps. We’d like to see you hit all three of the pull-up variations in 1-3 sets if possible. Given that you’ll be coming off the pistols beforehand, your grip shouldn’t be too smoked going into them. The row is going to be hit differently each time. The first row you should be at an aggressive pace, but something you could hold for double the amount of calories. The second row it’s time to send it! Work on finishing strong!
A. 255×8 270×8 290×6 305×4
B. With air squats and pu / pu / ctb
9:36 8:00 7:24
C. Narrow squats with 16kb
Warmup done
A. 134/143/162/168Kg
B. Rx – 5:50/5:32/5:49
Pistols – all UB
PUs – 35/20
C2B – 20/15
MU – 5/5/5
Glad to see pistols in the programming. They are rusty for sure.
C. Done with 24 and 16Kg KB
D. Done
E. Done
Invictus Upper Body program done
We will be working some in with quarterfinals coming up!
Glad to hear, thank you.
Primary Training done A. Back Squat 8-8-6-4 reps 105-110-115-120 reps Lighter weights and only 4 reps in the end, felt super heavy (first squats after covid and generally since months) Jogging to to workout park (1 mile), then… B. Every 9 minutes for 27 minutes (3 sets): 300 meter RUN 40 Alternating Pistols *Gymnastics 300 meter RUN 4 *Gymnastics Set 1 – 55 Pull-Ups Set 2 – 35 Strict Pull-Ups Set 3 – 15 Strict C2B The pull up bar is more like a fat bar in the park, really bad and tough… Not sure with the times, aroun 6-8… Read more »
Looks like a full day! Good work!
Warm up ✅
A. 285/305/335/350
B. 5:42/6:23/6:45
Pull-ups 30/15/10
C2B 15/10/10
MU 8/4/3
Transitions and pistols just kept getting slower
C. D. ✅
Glad you were pushing it from the start and not taking the first round slow.
D. Done
A. Slightly lighter
B. RX 6:44/6:28/6:35
Pull ups: 40/15
C2b: 25/10
Mu: 10/5
Pistols are slow for me but worked through them
C. Done used 24kg kb for goblet squats
Used 24 kg kbs in farmer hold for the last 2 sets and this was brutal
E. Done
Solid consistency on the workout!