Please go by feel today. Some of you may feel great and complete the entire day of training. Others may need some more time to recover. Whatever the case may be, go by feel today.
Glute Activation Warm-Up (Vandyke Strength Protocol – 15 minutes)
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl
x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Two sets of:
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
T-Spine Foam Roller x 5-6 pulses
Option 1: Re-do 17.3
Option 2:
Front Squat:
Set 1 – 5 reps @ 60%
Set 2 – 5 reps @ 70%
Set 3 – 5 reps @ 75%
Set 4 – 5 reps @ 75%
Rest 2 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
Clean Lift Off + Clean
Continuously build over the course of the 8 sets to a heavy for the day, without sacrificing mechanics.
Five sets of:
Row x 30 Calories
Thrusters x 12 reps
Rest 2 minutes
95/65 lbs
65/45 lbs
Three sets of:
GHD Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 1011
Rest 90 seconds
A day behind:
B. Up to 125
C. My worst combo for sure! 3:05/3:15/3:29/3:20
Finally did 17.3 today… 118 reps … Tiebreak time of 11:47.
Had a couple misses on the first set of the 135 bar… then finally found a rhythm. got under the first attempt at 155 pounds but missed… Hit the second one… Sent the third one over and behind me… missed the last attempt!
Overall I’m happy with it considering a couple days ago I didn’t even know if I was going to be able to squat snatch.
Cheryl, Any recommendation on where to do 17.4 on Oahu?
I would recommend CrossFit 808 (Elyse Umeda)…they are a great crew there…but they are a large gym with a lot of people to get through Open workouts…they typically do them on Fridays in their class times….contact Elyse ASAP and get on their schedule. Let her know you are an Invictus Masters Athlete. I would have you hook up with Matt Beals but I know he is in Vegas this week so he won’t be there to do this week’s workout. If 808 doesn’t work, then check out CrossFit East Oahu or CrossFit Oahu! Good Luck!
Thanks Cheryl!
Great score Cheryl!
Thanks Cheryl!
Long work day. Only had time for:
25 cal AB
A. 95/115/135/135
Will have to makeup B, C and D tomorrow and/or Wednesday.
Hell of a first day back in the program!!
Mobility and Activation-Done
A. 125/145/155/155
B. 95/105/115/125/135/145/155/165/175
C. 2:58, 3:27, 3:06, 3:29, 3:27
D. Done
Now, home doing a long stretch and foam rolling session before bed.
AM: 17.3 Redo = 105 Reps (TB 7:21)
Mobility & Activation = Done
A. FS = 205 / 245 / 265 / 265
B. 185 / 205 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265×2
C. 19:11 RX.
D. Didn’t have time
Keeping with the one and done philosophy on the open but I gotta say that was a fun workout- I wanted to try it again but knees and shoulders probably better off that I did not
only had time for C.
Vandyke and Mob done
17.3 80@6:31 just one miss after another at 185. It was fun though. Just need to be more solid at the bottom
A. 205/225/245/265
B. Up to 265
C. Done rows 1:30-1:40 thrusters UB
D. Done
Glute Activation – Done
A. From old front Sq 250#pr
150, 175, 185, 185
B. 95, 115, 135, 155, 185, 190, 195,
Did not do last set as we caught
an emergency call at FD.
C. 2:05, 2:20, 2:39, 2:19, 2:24
D. Done
Did not redo, was happy with how it went the first time. 🙂 Today I had a double sesh: AM: For time – 20 power cleans 95# 25 cals assault bike 25 cals row 100 DUs 50 burpees 25 cals bike 25 cals row 20 power cleans 95# Time: 21:35. This included at least :30 of lost time due to a broken rope! LOL. 🙂 PM: Mobility etc: did the warm up for 17.3 since I was starting out with snatch again. Then… 0-10:00 – 1 snatch emom 11 – 20:00 – 1 clean emom 21 – 30:00 – 3… Read more »
Long day, hope you get some good rest and feel rested tomorrow!
Thanks! Woke up feeling a bit sore, but none too worse for wear. Will definitely try to nap before training today. 🙂
Fs 155,180,190,190
clean lift off + clean
can’t wait for tomorrow back to training
Mobility – done
Option 2
A. Front Squat – 125 – 145 – 155 – 155
B, Clean Lift Off + Clean – 135 – 145 – 155 – 165 – 175(f) – 175(f) – 170
C. Row and Thrusters – 2:50 – 2:53 – 2:54 – 2:54 – 2:53
D. Done
Well, due to conflicts in my schedule was not able to go to gym to perform 17.3 until today. I did 47 reps with numerous fails at 135. I will redo this evening, I feel I can get at least the 1 more snatch and then the C2B.
Well this one was fun. Deal with some shoulder pain so I adjusted a little.
A. Started going of of a 225 max found it was to light needed to go heavier.
135, 160, 170, 185
B. Did not clean because should so I did a dead lift and a front sqaut.
185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235
C. Did 1 arm thrusters w#dB
1.42, 1.52, 2.00, 2.05, 2.07
D finished
Thsee workout seem easy on paper my legs were toast come the row. Great workouts
Week 2 started
Full session:
A. 225, 245, 265, 265
B. 185, 195, 205, 225, 245, 255, 265, 275
C. 17:08 total. 1:48, 2:00, 1:43, 1:47, 1:50. not sure what happened on second round
PS: retried 17.3 but bailed mid 185 due to torn hand. Didn’t want it to get worse. went much quicker this time (1:44, 5:07 splits), which made 185 labored. 225 probably would not have happened, despite hitting 215 easily in the warm-up.
Good call Rob – we don’t want any torn hands!
Mobility as rx’d
A. worked up to 195#
B. worked up to 205#
C: didn’t time too closely; roughly 2:30/rd
d: As rx”d
Redid 17.3 and same result. I hit 185 warming up and felt confident, but it is just a different animal after the first 6 rounds. I feel like its right there – just need more training. On to 17.4.
Redid 17.3 got 67, missed the next 4 min by 5 reps. Time wasn’t the issue, was missing snatches and got no-repped for pausing on my way down under the bar. I’m sharing Ian Stickler’s pain…also wish I had time for a redo, but will next time do it on Friday and again on Monday. Onto 17.4….
Redid 17.3. From 58 to 69 reps. Missed my goal by 4 reps (goal: 1 rep @ 185). I would redo this one again If I had time. Now for 17.4.
Congratulations on the improvement!
Mobility completed.
redo on 17.3 improved on my tie break 6: 33 seconds however no rep at 185