CrossFit Games Open Event 16.3…Game Day!
For the 2016 Open season, Invictus Athletes’ Camp coach Heidi Fearon will be creating a unique guided visualization for each week of the Open. Each visualization will be specifically tailored to the Open event and available for download by Friday morning.
You’ll be able to purchase each visualization individually for only $5.99 each, OR you can purchase all 5 visualizations (a $29.95 value) for only $19.97: Invictus 2016 Open Guided Visualization Workout Bundle!
CrossFit Games Open Event 16.3 Warm-Up
10 Minutes of Assault Bike or Rowing @ 70-75%
Then. . .
10-15 minutes of mobility, including, but not limited to…
Banded Pec Stretch
T-Spine Opener
Banded Lat Stretch
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
Then. . .
5 Minutes of Assault Bike or Running @ 80-85%
Then. . .
Three sets of:
6-8 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Finish with. . .
Three to Five Sets of:
30 Seconds of Assault Bike, Run or Row @ 90%
Rest 30-60 seconds
One set, with an empty barbell, of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
Two sets at ideal event pace of:
5 Power Snatches (75/55 lbs)
1-2 Bar Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
“CrossFit Games Open Event 16.3”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 Power Snatches (75/55 lbs)
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Spend 10-15 minutes flushing your legs with light biking or rowing
Strategy Considerations and Resource Links for Event 16.2
Heidi’s Guided Visualization for 16.3
Tonight I watched the announcement with up at Nike World Headquarters with Josh Bridges, Rasmus Wisbech Andersen, Kenny Leverich, Cole Sager, Cody Anderson, Marcus Filly and Lauren Fisher. While I apologize that the following video isn’t in short, digestible clips, I sat down with these guys to discuss strategies and get their opinions on how to approach 16.3. It’s about 40 minutes, but hopefully you will hear some good tips for approaching this event by listening to our Open Event 16.3 General Guidance here.
I promise we will get back to our standard, short clip videos next week, but please let me know what you think about this longer format and talking it through with athletes. If that’s something that you all prefer, we’re open to suggestions.
Open Event 16.3 Set Up & Equipment
Open Event 16.3 Movement Considerations –Â Bar Muscle-Up Option 1
Open Event 16.3 Movement Considerations –Â Bar Muscle-Up Option 2
Open Event 16.3 Pacing Models (below)
I didn’t have an opportunity while at Nike to review the pacing models on video, but I was able to snap a photo of the models I put up with the various checkpoints. These models are based off of goals for 9+, 10+ and 11+ rounds, and provide time checkpoints per round for each goal. Each of these models anticipates drop-off – an increase in time per round as the athlete begins to fatigue. My suggestion would be to assess your realistic goals and abilities, and try to stay within the general pacing suggestions listed in the model. If you’re a little bit faster than the pace you’re following, keep moving through it; if you’re way faster and it’s still early…be cautious.
115 reps
Will redo in monday
Warmup done
125 with a 6:45 tie break
Lost focus and missed a muscle up like an idiot and broke one set of snatches into 3 sets. 4/3/3 the miss and the extra break made me add 20 seconds and costed me getting to 130. Really don’t want to do it again.
What do you all think I should do?
You broke 4/3/3 from the start ?
And I think that’s a great score for your first run. You’ll improve a lot just by taking away your miss
No I did that for one set to try to recover a little, looking back I was just being a woos.
78 reps. 6 complete rounds. Hit a wall after 4th round, had to break snatches in 5th and 6th round. Just broke the last set of MU in 1/2. Any suggestion on how I could achieve the 7th round? I think it was mainly my conditioning.
16.3 101 reps 6:27 tie breaker. Will redo this Monday. Grip was weak.
What do you guys think about these splits for my re-attack Monday? I was pretty close to it today but fell off on the 5 and 6 round. Going to stick to this until the 4:45 mark and try to turn it up to possibly get a chance at finishing the 9th round. Any tips or suggestions
What splits?
It’s difficult to “turn it up” in a workout like this due to the volume accumulation. Its not a workout where you can go out and pace and expect to pick it up. You also cannot go out hot BUT you must be aggressive. If you do break they rest needs to be short and you have to keep those transitions tight!
I attached a picture
First go around got 99. Want to get into 100’s and will redo this Monday! I liked it a lot
121 reps
I forgot to hook grip the first two rounds and my grip failed on the last round. Might be able to get another 10 reps…. Redo, maybe?
Did no contact power snatches…broke alot towards the end…shoulder/arm fatigue more than forearm fatigue…breathing not too bad…going to redo
You going to keep the snatches the same? Or are you going to make contact?
I think I may go with contact snatches
Contact muscle snatches?
Or still power?
Power most likely
My buddy did this one at point Loma and he said not to Power,
I’m going to see how it goes for me and I’ll let you know.
I’m going UB tempo MS with no hip contact for the first 5 rounds then I will adjust if I need to.
Later on and great job so far man!
Ruben so I went no contact for as long as I could, muscle snatch. Then rolled to contact, did the first 5 rounds as hard as I could and just tried to hold on. Got 125…with a fail MU cause I was just not thinking and I broke my 7th set of snatches into 3. Here are my splits 1st 5 rounds done all UB The rest tried to do 6-4 helped save the arms I think maybe I could get to 130…maybe. 4th round: 2:14 5th 2:57 6 3:55 7 4:45 8 5:43 Tips: Hope this helps, relax the… Read more »
How did the redo go?
I haven’t gone yet, is it allowed to use a woman’s bar?
It does not change any standard. Unless thier is a bar diameter regulation I don’t know about. It was 75 pounds and the plates sizes did not change. If anything I’ll just redo it.
I just wondering because I may do that when I redo
If we had technique bars that indicated weight that’s what I would have used. But we did not. The narrower grip did not help, prolly hurt me more. We just are not used to grabbing something that thin.
Never said you could not, we don’t have 15s and all our 10s are broken
Or about to break
Got into the 9th round and will redo on Sunday. Thoughts on managing the forearms? Thought it would get grippy and it did, just a bit sooner than I thought. Tried to not over grip the snatches and I do a thumb over bar grip for MU. Just trying to get a few more reps on Sunday!
91. Holy grip . I recorded myself on this one bc I had a feeling I would be repeating it. I wasted so much time on transitions and rest . A total of almost 2 minutes of rest . Redoing on Monday with strict rest periods . Goal is atleast 100 reps . Should’ve power snatched from the beginning and possibly break then up sooner with 3 seconds between. Keep my rest at most to 9 seconds . And don’t forget to breathe . After doing well on 16.1 and breathing well the whole time, I forgot to breathe for… Read more »
116 6:18 tiebreak. Felt pretty good. Think I paced well. Will probably give it another shot Monday.
Best of luck on your redo if you do it
Did you redo?
Not yet going to get after it in the morning. You?
Waiting on the leaderboard
16.3 = 98 reps
Feeling pretty under the weather going in. Going to take the next couple of days completely off and hit it Monday. Started breaking down/ coughing a lot in round 5.
105. Grip definitely hurt me.
Must re do and get closer to 10
Do you have anything that you will change this time around?
I think I should break the snatches from the start into 8/2. 7/3. I don’t know how to slow my cycling down so maybe breaking will relieve my grip and keep more consistent late. Any thoughts ?
How was the redo Andrew?
Going tomorrow afternoon. I hope I can come close to your score. I would be pumped ! But my forearms are still sore
103 6:02 tie break. missed last rep and fell off with about 4 seconds left. Grip was completely gone. Also this was a burner. Lungs felt like an 800m sprint. Going again Monday for sure
103 had a missed bmu in 7 and 8
138 – I don’t think I can go any harder. I hope I this is an elite score.
You are more elite than Noha Olsen, think your good man, great work! Any pointers? Did you make any hip contact with the bar on the snatches or did you just pull the bar up?
Thanks man. I muscle snatched to whole workout, held :30 sec rounds till about 3:07.. Started falling off. Broke up 2 sets of snatches. All MUs UB. find a pace and stick to it. Some rep every single time and keep breathing.
My breathing was easy, my grip blew up big time. Did you wear grips? Hook grip? Mr.Elite
No grips, had em next to me incase I needed them but I’m not a fan of em. I didn’t use hook grip on the barbell until I absolutely had to. I hook grip with my thumb over my fingers on the pull up bar on everything. I don’t know if that’s a good strat. But I do it for everything. This was a really good workout out for me. I know I could redline and be cool with it because of the 21-15-9 we did the other day. I was so close to tearing and actually wore grips then… Read more »
I’ve never tried hook gripping on the pull-up bar, sounds like it would make your hand rip more? You must have huge hands to do that… thanks for the response. I’m going no grips next time and we’ll see if I can come a little bit closer to your awesome result!
I don’t tear very often and never where grips either.? And thanks man, good luck!
Damn you crushed it!!
Bar MU are a good movement for me but my grip just went to heck. Is it better to have thumb around the bar or thumbless grip for the MU’s? I’ve always used thumbless…
one rep shy from the 8th?
I think thumb over the bar on muscle-ups as it changes the grip and uses different muscle groups.
I did all of today’s program
Got 102 reps….
All sets unbroken. Used muscle snatch all the way and loved this workout.
Going to re do on Monday and try and iron out gaps in my transitions..think I took too long going between bars also pick up the pace a bit earlier in the workout…I didn’t push my max pace until 6 mins . Will try from 5 next time and aim to get 8th round done.
Feel positive about this one!
should I break the snatches?
I tried going UB but eventually was forced to break them up because of grip. This workout wasn’t about breathing it’s was 100% grip for me. So I’m thinking about breaking them up in the second or third round with a split second rest.
what round was the round the break point for you when it comes to grip? My girlfriend is currently 4th in Latin america division and I’m trying to advise her based on your feedback, as to how to tackle the wod for her to get at least 9 rounds, it is HUGE that she maintains a good rhythm
Had to break them in the 5th.
8 full rounds. 104 reps. My video got messed up so i have to beat this score on Monday.haha. But happy with my score! I know I can get those 9+ rounds though.