March 1, 2019 – Masters Program

You all should be very familiar with this workout if you did the Open in 2016 and/or participated in the Masters Qualifiers in 2017. We have a TON of data on this workout and if you’ve done this workout in the past then you should have some pretty awesome pacing notes! Please take some time to watch all the videos linked in the PDF document and post any questions you may have. You all should feel VERY GOOD about this workout considering how many toes-to-bar you’ve recently been doing and how often you’ve been cleaning!!

Are you #intheopen? Add our hashtags to your profile to be included in our Invictus custom leaderboard. Use #INVICTUSMASTERS to see how you stack up against your fellow Sea of Green Masters competitors!

For the 2019 Open season, Invictus Athletes’ Camp coach Heidi Fearon has created a bundle of visualizations that will help you find a mindset for optimal performance. Please click here to download your visualizations.

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up

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T-Spine Opener per Julien

and then …

Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps

and then …

Two sets of:
Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Shoulder Circles x 10 reps
Ring-Rows x 10 reps

(5 reps of each, three times through the complex with barbell)
Clean-Grip RDL
Clean Pull from Below Knee
Front Squat

Followed by. . .

Use 135/95 lb (55+: 115/65 lbs) for the following
Two sets of:
Front squat x 3 reps @ 2210
Rest as needed

In 6-8 attempts, build to approximately 225-245 lbs for males (55+: 155-185 lbs), and 145-155 lbs for females (55+: 105-125 lbs). Do not build heavier than 85% of your 1-RM

followed by…

5 Toes-to-Bar
20 Double Unders
3-4 Squat Cleans (135/85 lbs; 55+: 115/65 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
5 Toes-to-Bar
20 Double Unders
2-3 Squat Cleans (185/115 lbs; 55+: 135/85 lbs)

*Priority here is to work on your rhythm for cleans. Practice dropping the barbell from the top, stepping forward and setting quickly for your next rep.

“CrossFit Games Open Event 19.2”
Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
15 Squat Cleans (135/85 lb.; 55+: 115/65 lb.)
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
13 Squat Cleans (185/115 lb.; 55+: 135/85 lb.)
If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
11 Squat Cleans (225/145 lb.; 55+: 155/105 lb.)
If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
9 Squat Cleans (275/175 lb.; 55+: 185/125 lb.)
If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
7 Squat Cleans (315/205 lb.; 55+: 205/145 lb.)

Stop at 20 minutes.

Spend 10-15 minutes flushing your legs with light biking or rowing

Strategy Considerations and Preparation Notes
Please click the link below for our full list of preparation notes to help you all perform to the best of your ability and start the season off on the right foot.

Please click here for our 19.2 Preparation Tools

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Marie (41 y, 165 cm, 57 kg)
Marie (41 y, 165 cm, 57 kg)
May 10, 2019 2:45 pm

Isn’t it wrong and should be “Begin with an 8-minute time cap…”?

Darryl Wigginton (44)
Darryl Wigginton (44)
May 10, 2019 2:45 pm

19.2 = 256 reps (9:40 tie break).
Analysis: first 2 rounds I hit big sets on the T2B and suffered in the third. As a result lost a bit of time. Unbroken on all the DU’s. Pacing was ok on the cleans until #225. Rushed into these and missed 3 attempts out of 6. Need to spend a bit more time composing myself before each lift at this weight.

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
May 9, 2019 3:45 pm

A1. 25m weighted rope-pulls (for grip-strength):
5/10/15/15/15/15 kg and
A2. 5 reps Safety-Bar squats: 25/30/30/30/30/30.
30 min

B1. single-arm plate-curls:
1,25/2,5/2,5 kg and
B2. single-arm banded push-downs:
Yellow/yellow/yellow band.
24 min

C. Judging 19.2

Mike Hefti / 38, 5'6, 145 lbs
Mike Hefti / 38, 5'6, 145 lbs
May 9, 2019 3:45 pm

19.2 Complete RX

169 Reps
Tiebreak Time 5:54

My 1-RM clean is 195. Pulled 4 singles on 185 and then did front squat.

Didn’t understand the tiebreak before WOD. Could have gone harder at 135 and possibly still completed 169-171 reps with faster tiebreak time. Not sure if I will redo yet.

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
May 9, 2019 3:44 pm

Today went well
423 reps with a good two solid attempts at 205#, caught it on the front rack each time but just could quite stand it up.
Having a pacing schedule and someone counting my rest between lifts proved very helpful, as it didn’t allow me to lallygag. I was only 3 secs off my projected split on 4th round. The programmed warmup was on point, thank you Nichole!