Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Minute 1 – 1-2 Strict Muscle-Ups; 55+: Banded Strict Muscle-Ups x 1-2 reps
Minute 2 – 3-5 Chest Facing Wall Handstand Push-Ups; 55+: 3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups or 3 Wall Ascents
Minute 3 – 4 Ring Flys (Straight arms) + 7 Ring Push-Ups Finishing in Lock out
For time:
Run 800 Meters
20 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
15 Muscle-Ups
150-Foot Handstand Walk
15 Muscle-Ups
20 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
Run 800 Meters
For time:
Run 800 Meters
20 Deadlifts (255/185 lbs)
10 Muscle-Ups
100-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Muscle-Ups
20 Deadlifts (255/185 lbs)
Run 800 Meters
For time:
Run 800 Meters
15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
5 Muscle-Ups
50-Foot Handstand Walk
5 Muscle-Ups
20 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Run 800 Meters
Four sets of:
Half Kneeling Rotating MB Slam (Right) x 10 reps
immediately into
Half Kneeling Pallof Press (Right) x 10 reps
rest 1 minute
Half Kneeling Rotating MB Slam (Left) x 10 reps
immediately into
Half Kneeling Pallof Press (Left) x 10 reps
rest 30 seconds
DB Hammer Curls x 8 reps
Optional Running Session
Eight sets of:
Run 600 Meters @ 100% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 90 seconds
16:22 but didn’t have as much to do as the younger masters. Programming out of order as I did my swimming and running yesterday instead
Debbie Downing 55-59
Yay, you can post!!!
Karen, are your times 35-49? Wow.
Today felt better than yesterday as a whole although just stayed under red-line on this one today and just kept manageable sets going.
A: Done
B: 24:11
C: Forgot to do
Splits to help identify bottlenecks. MU were a little slow although after my first set of 5, they went south. 2nd set was 3’s and 2’s.
Run: 3:45
20 DL: 2:10
15 MU: 2:57
150′: 4:47
15 MU: 3:45
20 DL: 2:41
Run: 4:03
She is a ninja on her hands and with muscle ups!
A. skipped due to time
B. 20: 55 (hamstring/hip was pretty tight warming up so opted out of the 800m run, 40 Cals bike instead) Deadlifts probably should have done lighter, the 2nd round felt sooo heavy. Did the muscle ups on long strap rings so they felt very different, not sure if they were harder, or I was just tired. Overall very tired and not a lot of push today
Hope you had a nice full rest day yesterday!
At Invictus San Diego
A. Done
B. 1000m rows sub runs, 21:07, weaknesses in this one, prob designed to be faster…
C. Done
A. Fun, but shoulders are still a bit angry. I think from the long swim Thursday. Skipped yesterday.
B. 19:48. To many breaks for to long. HS walk one break.
C. Done.
That may be why everything was hard for me yesterday. Then again, maybe it was just hard.
How are your shoulders feeling today?
Did some light snatch work (up to 205) and they felt pretty good. About to do some pool work so I’ll know more after that.