Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Assisted Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Bicep Curls x 5 reps
Bicep Curls with nuetral grip x 5 reps
Overhead Lateral Raise x 5 reps
Overhead Nuetral Grip Raise x 5 reps
Six sets of:
Bench Press
Set 1. x 3 reps @ 85%
Set 2-3. x 2 reps @ 90%
Set 4. x 1 rep @ 95%
Set 5-6. x 8 reps @ 80%
Three rounds for time of:
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 to 10′ target)
20 Ring-Dips
*If you need assistance with ring-dips, then scale the reps to 10 reps per round or use a light band for assistance
Three rounds for time of:
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/10 to 9′ target)
20 Stationary-Dips
At hotel, had a smith machine. Estimated weights for bench and completed based off of 150# max.
Modified the wod to
20 burpees
30 15# db thrusters
20 rope tricep pushdowns 50# on cable machine with good pause at bottom.
Skipped bench did 2 days of wallpaper removal.
B. 18.39
That was well fun. LOL
DMA Done
A. %’s of 100kg
B. 18:55 Tough!
A. Calculated weight moved based on percentages, and did 135 to accumulate that weight for each set. (No spot, no spotter arms)
B. 1 round at < 8 min. Dark outside, and got tired of that wall ball hitting my face because I couldnt see it. Did 20 min of bike intervals.
A. 190/205/215/180
B. 15:32, nice burner.
A. 42.5/45/47.5/40kg done.
B. Don’t have ring dips, so scaled to 10 reps of bar dips. Stil cannot put shoulder below elbow. 22’30”. 7min for the each of the first 2 sets, wb 3*10, strict bar dip 4+2*3. The 3rd set is most horrible, wb break to 6*5. 10 inch target seems much horrible than 20 lbs to regular target for me. (F 35-54)
A. 235/245/255/275/230/230
B. tomorrow
A. 107, 114, 120 kg – All Unbroken & 101 kg Unable to perform 8 reps unbroken #
B. I gonna have to do this WOD Tomorrow.
Have a great weekend.
Snatched today
Up to 85%. My husband came out and watched (he has CFL1 and coaches at local CF on Saturdays). Helped just having eyes on me I think. I just literally stop pulling once I hit 75%. I worked on my pull and went back to it and made lifts up to 85%.
B. 14:44. Tiny band in ring dips. I love conditioning that burns my legs!
Good day!
Awesome day! So glad your husband was able to coach you today – what a great day of training!
DMA done
A. 100, 104, 110 & 93#
B. 1 round at 9:43. Ran out of time. I couldn’t miss my grandson’s baseball tournament.
Oh how fun!!!!!
DMA: done
A. 103#, 109#, 115#, 97#
B. Only got 2 rds in & did them as singles ( I wasn’t sure I was going to get more than 1 round in)
Great work Tabitha!
A. 265/285/285/295/245/245
B. 16:33. WB UB. Slow on bike. Around 60 RPM. all dips 10/5/5
A. 110/120/120/125/105/105
B.16.08 RX
Have an Awesome Weekend:)
Great job Mia!!
A: 3*125, 2*135, 2*140, 1*145, 8*120, 6*120
B: 23:31 min
A. 205/220/220/235/195×6/195×6
B. 18:37 Have a great weekend!
Nice work today Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
A. 3x77kg, 2x80kg, 2x81kg, 1x85kg, 7x73kg, 6x73kg
B. 24:59 RX
After lumbago yesterday:
4h bike-ride (with the kids and several stops) to loosen up the back and move somehow.
How fun Markus!
Would have prefered to do the programming! 🙁
A. 210/220/235/195/195
B. 17:53 RX (M35/54)
A) 115/125/130/110 based off 137#, felt perfect
B) 16:38, felt good first 2 rounds then AB became a grind. Dips all 5/5/5/5
Rest Day…listening to the body.