Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Minute 1 – Double Unders x 40 ub reps
Minute 2 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 6-8 reps
50-54: Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 6-8 reps with a 2″ riser
55+: Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 6-8 reps with a 4″ riser
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Clean x 1 rep
Build over the course of the 10 sets to a heavy, if not 1-RM, Clean.
Three sets of:
Barbell Step Up (back rack) x 6 reps per leg (Increase load from two weeks ago)
Rest 60 seconds
Strict Weighted Supinated Grip Pull-Ups x 2-3 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Fifteen sets of:
60 seconds of Assault Bike @ 70-75/60-65 RPM
60 seconds of Rest
10-12 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand with Max Hold
(hold for as long as possible without walking – if your hands move, terminate that set)
followed by…
Five sets of:
Handstand Walk x Max Distance
Rest as needed to make the walks as consistent as possible.
Six sets of:
3-Position Clean @ 70-75% of 1-RM
Rest as needed
For time of:
Calories on the Rower
Burpee Box Jumps
Toes to Bar
Shoulder to Overhead
Kettlebell Swings
40-54: 24″/20″; 115/75 lbs; 32/24 kg
55+: 24″/20″, step overs allowed; 75/55 lbs; 24/16 kg
Two Sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows
x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed
Viking Sloth Press
x 8-10 alternating reps
Rest as needed
Banded Glute Bridges x 30 reps
Rest as needed
Off season. Did Tuesday and some of Wednesday’s workout on Wednesday. DMA from Wed. A – Tu. EMOM of 40 UB DUs and 8 SHSPUs B – Tu. Clean x1 up to 230. These were a mess. Wrists still sore from chasing OHS and Snatch PRs on Monday. Bar path too far in front and fearful to really get under the bar properly. C – Tu. BB step-ups 3×6 145#, 155#, 165#; Strict Supinated Pullups 3×3 w/88# D – Tu. 15 rounds of :60 on/:60 off bike. I hate that thing, which means I need it. D – Wed. 3×8… Read more »
A. DU all UB until 39 of last set, 6 SHSPU each round no riser.
B. Up to 205 but missed.
C. Done. Subbed the AB in place of the rower.
A. sHSPU 5×5 no riser. 2x Singles. No doubles.
B. Tied my PR @ 155. 1 Fail at 160. Moved on.
C. 95# BB stepup (same as last week)/sPU w/27.5#
D. Skipped
Games Prep
C. 1 round of 20-15-10 (The 20 only w/75# S2O). Ran out of time.
AM – Mile swim
A. DU-UB SHSPU 8/8/6+2/5+2+1/3+3+2
B. 165/185/205/215/225/235/245/255/265/275(f)
C. Step-ups w/ 165, PU w/ 60
D. No AB subbed row, 4136 meters
Post -Iron Scap
Games prep:
A. Done….longest freestand hold was about a minute. 3 sets of HS walks for max distance: 100′, 125′, 150′. 125′ took just over 1 minute and 150′ took me 1:15
B. 3 Pos clean: 145-146-150-150-155-155#
C. 13:58
D. Done
Nice work!
Nice job on that HS hold Cheryl!!
Great job all around C! 150′ on the walking on hands. That’s awesome!
Thanks Al! Who knew all that walking on my hands when I was a child would help me in my 40’s? ?
Off Season
A. EMOM (DU’s and SHSPU’s) – done! went well except for the round when I tripped up after 39 DU’s in a row! Not a happy camper on that one. Made for short rest after redoing to get 40Du’s.
B. Cleans – 95/115/125/135/145/155/165/175(f)/175(f)/175(f)
C. Step-ups & Strict PU’s – 70/75/80 up 5# for each set 3/3/3 using a 25# plate
D. 15 Sets Rowing – no assault bike so I subbed rowing (3690m)
Looking forward to meeting you Barry, we are going to have a great weekend!
DU still do not like me
8 reps with 1 mat #10 plate
A. Cleans just didn’t feel the confidence in the lift today.
Used #70 step ups
#10 pull-ups
15 rounds done a bit of a struggle today…legs feel weak due to resting my knee as much as I did.
Glad you rested it though – important to listen to it when it is talking to you!
Game prep.
A. 50/50/50 could never make the turn at the end of the box.
B. warmed up but still nursing my arm from the sand bag- skipped after a round at 185
C. 14:44
D. done
What happened with the sand bag?
I used the right arm with that 150 pound sand bag for each lift last week in that regional work out- sice we have no 150lb ball and the next day it was slightly strained- now it hurts to lift things up in my right anterior elbow. If I baby it for a few days it will be back to normal.
Yes, don’t do anything that could aggravate it for the remainder of the week.
A. Done the got 4 sets in 41/60/67/71′ UB
B. 135#
C. 17:51
D. Done minus VSP
Nice Litsa! How is the body feeling?
Little sore today but overall better thanks. Trying to be smart with shoulder work so it will be as best at possible at games time. Also have been doing pt, massage, and working with nutritionist to be the best I can be. Thanks for checking on me! 🙂
Awesome to hear!
Off Season
A. Completed
8 SHSPU per round
Had a client walk in so called it here after talking for ten minutes.
Back Rack Step Ups w 175 (+ 20#)
Wtd Pull Up w 70# (+15#)
D. :60 On/:60 Off
RX 15 Rounds Completed on AB
275 cals
*This was rough….I was not right in the head for an hour afterwards. ?
A. 8-12′ range. Figured out how to get walking better but still needs a lot of improvement!
B. 95 (2) 105 (4 sets)
C. 16:27 – used 20kg
D. DB rows @ 25#, no Sloth press, banded bridges done
M and a done.
Hspu and dubs done
Did hatch squat week 10/2
Bs 5s @ 75,80,87.5&92.5
Fs 5s @ 60,70,70,70
Light week ready for 1rm test this weekend.
Cleans started at 50,60,60,70,75,80,80,80,80, as got heavier i notice my feet turn out more
Kind of like a sumo squat, any remedies for this because i cant squat as low like this which makes clean harder.
Skipped c as didnt have enough time left
Wod i did the games prep wod
16:55, probably bit slow. Enjoyed it tho
Hmmmm how are your hip flexors? Tight?
I think they r ok. This only happens when i go heavy in clean, mostly. I have been doin romwod for past 5 weeks and will continue doing for now. Whats best stretch for hip flexor.
I am a fan of the band distracted hip flexor stretch and/or taking a kb and digging into your psoas!
Is the twisted lizard from romwod a good one also. I do feel that along hip flexor and outside hip?
A. Four sets at 90 ft.
B. 155-175
C. 16:06
D. done (DB presses instead of Sloth)
Have a nice day all!
90′ – thats awesome!
Thanks Kim. I hope you enjoyed your rest day. It sure looks like your training is going well!
Off Season
A: Done Unbroken w/6SHSPU
B: 205/215/225/235/245/255/265/f275X3
Cleans felt off tonight my max is 300 just couldn’t catch 275 in a good position
C: 95/35×2
D: 348 started to drop below 70rpm around round 6 and up at the :30 mark
A. 38, 33,30,30,30 on DU’s not unbroken
6,6,6,6,6 on SHSPU
B.135,145,155, 165, 175, 185, 190(F), 190(F), 165, 165, 1RM is 187
C. 65 on all 3 sets of step ups, 45# on pull ups.
D. No bike so did 15 sets on rower(4,077m)
A. Done strict HSPU 8 each set
B. 85/105/115/120/125/130/135/140/140/145f
Not my best clean day 🙁 work in progress a coach helped me with technique so that was good
C. 70# for step ups up 5# from two weeks ago 20# weight vest for 3 pull ups
D. 211 calories. Legs were ballooned up
Recovery crossover symmetry
A. Done (dubs were messy today – tripped up more than usual)
B. 155/175/195/205/215/225/235/240(5# PR)/245 (10# PR)/250 (caught it but couldn’t stand it up – close!)
C. Done at 125#/45# (3)
D. Still no bike, so rowed. Did 4,612 meters/355 cals. Able to hold 300 cals per minute this week.
Nice job on the double PR! And sweet on the 300m/min
Thanks Tom!
Great work Joe!
Off Season
A.- Only 2 DU sets UB. The rest broke 1-3 times.
A.- 5-8-7-6-8: most broken.
B. 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 200, F205, 205, F225, F 215-caught it at the bottom, just couldn’t stand up w/ it. 205 is my current & today’s 1rm.
C. 95/6, 105/6, 115/6, don’t remember what I did last time.
C. 30/3, 30/3, 40/3
D. very tough-64, the rest were 70-71rpm. after 30 sec it was a fight to the death every round.
A) done; B) worked up to 265, but didn’t feel like positions were correct, so I backed off to 235 for the last 5 C) 135 across focusing on perfect form step-ups; 50# (heaviest DB I had so I went 5 reps across D) Done, but I got the message about intensity too late – probably went 70-80% effort instead of the RX-ed because the AD measure RPMs but it wasn’t that hard. I also worked hard on position and posture here which always helps with my breathing and focus. Then a few hours at the pool to relax. Good… Read more »
Bamboo walk 100 m
Emom hspu/dubs
Nancy 14:54 I used 95lbs for ohs
Kept about 2:01 average run about 1:03 all UB ohs
Then 5 rounds of
All pc UB 6:53
3×8 weighted pull ups 20 lb
200 cal Assault bike
Then mashed my pecs like Tom Gray said too .