June 4, 2018 – Masters Games Prep

Spend 5 minutes mashing the pecs.

Partner T-Spine Stretch on Pull-Up BarĀ 

Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Press in Receiving x 5 reps

Followed by…

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Clean Grip Snatch x 3 reps

The goal of the Clean Grip Snatch is as a warm-up & mobility exercise. If flexibility is an issue, stick wtih the empty bar & just work to go lower each set.

Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):

*Set 1 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Sets 5-6 – 1 rep @ 87-90%
*Sets 7-8 – 1 rep @ 90-93%

Immediately followed by…

Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80%

Four rounds for time of:
20 Calorie Ski-Erg
20 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (70/50 lb.)(farmers hold)
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (heavy)

Four rounds for time of:
20 Calorie Ski-Erg or Row
20 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35 lb.)(farmers hold)
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (heavy)

Three sets of:
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps per leg @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
Banded Glute Bridges x 25 reps
Rest 60 seconds
L-Sit Hold x 30 seconds (accumulate time)
Rest 60 seconds

Optional Sessions (You may choose when to complete these sessions during the week)
Running Session
Warm Up
400 meter run @ 50% pace

Followed by…

10 Minutes of Plyometrics

Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Foot Tapping x 20 per leg
Falling Into Wall Drills x 10 each leg

Followed by…

Three sets of suicide sprints – increasing your intensity with each one.
Run 10 meters out and back, 20 meters out and back, 30 meters out and back, 40 meters out and back and finally 50 meters out and back.

Perform the first one at about 60% max effort, the second one at 70% max effort and the final one at 80% max effort.

Main Set
Four sets of:
1200 Meter
Rest 2 minutes

Cool Down
10 Minute Jog
Quad Mobility
Hamstring Stretching

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Strongman Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 7 minutes:
5 Barbell Supinated Grip Rows
10 Seconds Max Effort on the Assault Bike

and then …

Three sets of:
Sandbag Squats x 10 reps
Sled Sprint x 100 meters (the last 25 meters should be very challenging)
Rest 3 minutes

and then …

Three sets of:
Harness Bear Crawl Sprints x 40 meters
Rest 2 minutes

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Chris Stamper (50, 5'9" 178)
Chris Stamper (50, 5'9" 178)
June 5, 2018 6:12 am

A. Worked both sections @95#. Clean grip snatches were a new movement.
B. Worked up to 215# (sets 5-6) and shut it down. Shoulders were getting a bit aggravated.
C. AB and 150#Dball carry. Just over 19 min.

Karen McCadam
Karen McCadam
June 4, 2018 8:22 pm

B. 135,140,145,150,155,160, 165, 165
C. 14:30 (125lb sandbag)
D. done
Strongman session
GHD’s instead of barbell rows with bike
Squats 125lb bag + Sled Push- did this on grass and forgot how much harder it is than concrete.
legs were burning!

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 4, 2018 8:28 pm
Reply to  Karen McCadam

Nice Karen – glad you got to do it on grass – that will most likely be the surface if it shows up at Games!

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
June 4, 2018 7:31 pm

A. BB & 55
B.80/85/90/95/100/105/110 then 95

C. 16:39 Ski erg, 35#, 97# stone.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 4, 2018 8:28 pm
Reply to  Litsa Olsson

Nice job using a stone!

Brent Maier (46/6'2"/206)
Brent Maier (46/6'2"/206)
June 4, 2018 6:31 pm

B: Worked up to 215#. Got stronger towards the end
C: 12:38. 20vups instead of ski erg. 135# dball carry at chest. Last round tough.
D: done.

grindy day

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 4, 2018 8:28 pm

Mondays are our grindy days šŸ™‚

Brent Maier (46/6'2"/206)
Brent Maier (46/6'2"/206)
June 5, 2018 2:49 pm

Few questions Nichole, did you want us to carry on shoulders and walk or carry it at chest. It would have been much easier with a shoulder carry but typically go the nasty route if Iā€™m not sure.

Iā€™ll ask my percentage question next time it comes up.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 5, 2018 7:18 pm

Carry at chest (sadly)!!

Matt Beals (6'1", 200, 50)
Matt Beals (6'1", 200, 50)
June 4, 2018 6:05 pm

A. Done 95 and 135
B. 135-175 185 fail x 4, 170×4
C. 125#stone brutal…18:08

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
June 4, 2018 8:28 pm

Great work Matt!

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