Ten sets of:
Wall Climb to Handstand + Handstand Walk + Reverse Handstand Walk to Wall
If you fail to make it back to the wall in your reverse handstand walk, terminate that set. Your goal is to determine how far from the wall you can get and still make it back to the wall without falling.
followed by…
Donkey Kicks to handstand x 50 reps
Spend 3-5 minutes working on Muscle-Up transition on low rings.
Choose one of the following:
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
followed by …
Five sets of:
Speed Swings x 5 reps
followed by …
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Muscle-Up x 1 rep
*Make this rep perfect
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Ring Dips x 3-4 reps
*Work on cycling
9-15-21 reps for time of:
Row for calories
Power Snatch
115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
Rest 5 minutes, and then . . .
40 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″; step-overs are allowed)
Compare to May 2nd, 2016.
5 Mile Time Trial
All out effort – please report times.
Bar Muscle Up Leg Position Drill x 5 reps
and then . . .
Three sets for times of:
Double Unders x 50 unbroken reps
Handstand Walk x 50′
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets for times of:
Double Unders x 40 unbroken reps
Handstand Walk x 25′ OR Handstand Shoulder Taps x 20 reps
Rest 2 minutes
For time:
40 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 – Meter Sandbag Run (100/60 lb.)
32 GHD Sit-Ups
8 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 – Meter Sandbag Run (120/80 lb.)
24 GHD Sit-Ups
6 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 – Meter Sandbag Run (140/100 lb.)
For time:
24 GHD Sit-Ups
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 – Meter Sandbag Run (80/40 lb.)
18 GHD Sit-Ups
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 – Meter Sandbag Run (100/60 lb.)
12 GHD Sit-Ups
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 – Meter Sandbag Run (120/80 lb.)
5 Mile Time Trial
All out effort – please report times.
Done Sunday @ home, not Saturday.
Bench press 115-205.
Worked on 3RM Snatches up to 95#.
B. NFT. GHD/C2B/Subbed hang cleans @ 115-135# for 50m sandbag.
Barbell rows 115# 3 sets of 8.
5 mi run 46:20. Sea level @ 82F
Off Season
A.few steps out and back on wall walk. used a partner to spot. Donkey kicks fun, good balance at top
B. Only did 7 MU, no false grip
C. Did partner wod, she wanted to do it” emom for 5, 2 power clean 125, emom for 5, 2Snatch 95 80 DL/145, alternated sets of 10
off season A) 10s wall climb,hs walk, reverse, wall couldnt get off the darn wall .. I was only able to take two handsteps away and then fell .. 🙁 very frustrating.. 50 donkey kicks (no problem) B) spend 5 min working on Muscle up transition: I cant do it off the box…I even tried a lower box.. Am I to intiaited the move thru the hips, or shoulder? EMOM of muscle up : I couldnt get one muscle up .. I went from doing them failrly kipping well and singles in strict to not being able to do them… Read more »
A. Done, but couldn’t get off the wall very far.
B1. Done
B2. Done
B3. Did Bar MU’s for the EMOM.
C1. 9:17 (95#)
C2. 4:06
Session 2
Raining outside, did 5 sets of
2 min max effort on airdyne
2 min rest
B. 7:29 50+
C. 62:43, Wow was tough for me but did not stop or did not quit. Want/need to improve!
MU drill
A. 1:59, 1:24, 1:46 2nd round was unbroken DU.
B. 11:19. Subbed MUs w/ 12, 10 and 8 C2B.
C. Approx 44 min. 5 mile run. Forgot to get exact time when I got back. First time I’ve run that far without stopping in over 20 something years.
Games Prep
A. :48, :44, :47
B. 8:22
C. 42:39 (avg 8:33 mile; first 3.5 mi avg 8:45/mi, last 1.5 mi avg 7:36/mi)
Only had time for the 5 mile run today. Ran in between games at my sons baseball tournament. 35:03.
Great AM sesh
Not walking yet but the Donkey kick ups felt good.
PM. 5 mile run 48:30 hot n hilly
Great training day. Spent!!!
M and a done
Did the wall walks and was a bot of a struggle today
Donkey kicks took me bout 30before i got some good 15-20sec holds.
Mu work done with emom also
Wod did fist part 9:47, havent done this before as had shoulder issue. Took snatch at singles and paced it out, was tought last 6 or so on legs.
Second part after scrapping the box with my shin, finished it in 4:12
Good first attempt
GP – S1
A. Did all DU around 27 sec then worked on HS Walks – can do between 5 -10′. First round only 30′ 2:23, then 50′ 3:31, 3:33 – didn’t start over if didn’t make 10′ – just kept moving. I will get this!
B. 6:48 – transition to sandbags should have been closer. Glad I got the 50+ wod – thanks Nicole!
S2 – yes, went mountain biking – 1 hr 20.
Enjoy the rest day. Can’t wait for next week
Off-season Seasion 1
Wall climb/rev Walks. X 10 done. 6-10 – better as I actually walked backwards rather than just having my legs fall to the wall.
Donkey kicks done. (took a few reps to get down. Never done these before. Liked it.)
B. MU transitions done, speed swings done. MU x10 Done
C1- 8:13
C2- 4:21
Post – rev hyper 3×20 and OH yoke carry 2×100@265
Seasion 2
5 mile run. 36:24 (treadmill)
A. Went ok. Just came a couple feet off the wall as my lone hs wall is 6′ from the rack B. Struggled here, didn’t even make most of my MU’s C. 8:46/3:48 today, May 7 was 9:51/4:41. I don’t know how well that translates on the burpees since we did 50 on May 7 &40 today. Some math May 7 was 281sec./50 burpees=5.62sec. Per burpee Today was 228sec/40 burpees=5.7sec per burpee I never wrote down how I did it on May 7 but today I did a box facing burpee thinking a quick step toward the box would translate… Read more »
Jay… you are awesome. Such a numbers guy. Are you coming back to CFA for Test Your Medal? and… any chance you can come back and do some of the Granite Games WODS with me?
I’d love to do both but I doubt I can Tracy! I am signed up for the Granite games though?
A: 6′ I struggled waking backwards
B: Done
5 miles 50:49 I haven’t ran past a mile in years, glad to have this program to push me.
Off season:
Only had an hour…
A. Skipped
B. Did 10 min MU emom
C. 7:25 / 4:01 Rx (Last time 7:49/4:48)
Off Season
A1. Tough, able to walk away 2-3 steps and back,or walk 4-5 steps out but not back.
A2. Tough, took me 9 sets to complete 50 reps.
B1. Feet on Floor
B2. 5×5
B3. Got all 10, caught rings high on most sets, felt awesome. Haven’t been able to do this many MU’s in 2 years, very pleased with programming.
C1. 9:07. Scaled to 95#. Happy though, first time rowing in 2 wks. (21 cals at 1:09)
C2. 6:19. (1:11 sec faster than last time).
Fantastic Ian!
Hi all!! Well as quick as I signed up for programming was as quick as I got injured! Ha ha ha!! I had double knee surgery last June and seemed to have injured my right knee again this past Wednesday! Had an MRI to see if it’s anything major – hoping its not and I can get right back to things ASAP!
Good luck man, keep positive!
Please keep us updated Jon!
Will do!! Thanks everyone!
Thanks buddy
Right!! I just can’t win with these knees Jay ! ????
I am so hoping it is minor and they can fix you and make you better. Prayers and more prayers! Speedy recovery!
Off Season
Out of town this week-end. Did workout of the box I am visiting.
NFT – 3 Sets
:30s HS hold
5 reps/arm KB snatch
10 ring rows
P. Press 4 X 3 reps – 125 for all sets
Groups of 3 – Cascade style
400 m run
400 m row
20 S2O @ 135 lb. using fat bar (7/5/5/3)
20 box jump overs @ 24″
400 m row
400 m run
Will try to do run later this afternoon.
Off Season A. Wall walks back were challenging. Everything else done. Donkey kicks Took a little to get quiet. Got it. B. Speed swings getting better. EMOM- did it today! Getting so much more confident with MUs Skipped this part too hard on my shoulder. C. Dark horse and extra technique on snatch is paying off. 9:47. … 3 minutes faster! May I did it in 12:45 Burpee box jumps/ 2:53. May 4:04 for 50 Session 2 5 mile run. – 43:34. It was so hot and humid! ? And my course is super hilly… Happy Saturday crew. Have a… Read more »
Major improvement Tracy!!!!
Thanks Nichole! Dark Horse ?
Super Fast on burpee box jump overs tracy
Off Season
A. skipped bc of elbow
B. Completed
(Stayed on 1 MU EMOM this week Nichole! ?)
Row/Snatch (RX)
6:02 (PR by :24)
(6:26 in May; Really happy with this one….this hurt more than I remembered!)
40 BBJO (24″)
(3:54 for 50 in May. This time my splits were 3.9 per rep vs. 4.68 per rep for the 50)
Will run 5 mile TT later.
Have a great weekend!!
Nice work Mike!! major improvement!
Incredible tme for BBJO