Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Three sets for times of:
20/15 Calories of Rowing
1-3 PERFECT Muscle-Ups + 3-6 Ring Dips (after final muscle-up)
8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
8-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (fast and efficient)
Rest 2 minutes
*Set 1 – 55% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 65-70% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 75-80% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 85-90% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 90-95% x 1 rep
*Set 6 – 95+% x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Complete rounds of 27, 21,15 and 9 reps for time of:
Calories of Rowing
Deadlifts (185/125 lbs)
Compare results to May 25, 2021.
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Five rounds for time of:
400 meter Run
20 Push Ups
40 Air Squats
If you want to add a little ???? perform wearing a weighted vest!
Time Cap = 20 Minutes
Compare results to May 25, 2021.
Athlete Notes:
Deadlift volume is going to be real today. But, if there’s definitely something we can all continue to improve, it’s our strength endurance with regards to pulling under fatigue. Check back to your notes to see how this went last time, and see if there’s something you can adjust. Maybe you push the row a little harder? Maybe you do one less set on the deadlifts? Whatever it is, try something different and see if you can beat your previous time! The follow up workout to the deadlifts is a great bodyweight, grind-style workout. It’s really easy to check out in a longer workout like that, especially after already completing a workout at a higher intensity. In competitions there are plenty of times where turnarounds are quick between events and we need to see that athletes can recover in time to give a full effort on short notice. Use these two workouts as a potential opportunity to practice your nutrition between events that have short turnarounds, and as always, see if you can beat your previous times!
Primer done
A. 105-125-145-162.5-172.5-182.5kg
B. 7:47
C. 18:50
First time doing these. Ass was on ????doing B.
Your body will be looking forward to some rest ????
Skill-based 14:56
A: 245/285/335/375/ 425✖
B: 10:52 and 3 rds + 400 mts + 20 push ups
Primer done no timer talked
A: 195, 235, 265, 285, 315, 325 (failed)
B: definitely felt faster had to take some work calls so no timer
Part 2 same as the first felt much faster I think I got 5 rounds around time cap ish had to take some calls though
Looks like you got a little better! Nice work!
Primer ✅
A. 245×8, 315×6, 365×4, 405×2, 435×1, 465×1, 485×1
B1. 6:12 RX unbroken. Compared to 7:31 last time
B2. 14:29 w/vest. Compared to 15:05 last go.
Those are some solid improvements! Great work!
Primer done A. 110/130/150Kg(75%) x 4; stopped there b/c right high hamstring was extremely tight and tender today. I’ve been feeling it all week. B1. 6:27Rx; 6:21 last time. Eased off on the DL today because of hamstring. Last time was all UB; today did 3×9/3×7/10.5/9. Rows were a lot quicker today, held ~1650 cal/hr pace. Overall happy because if hamstring wasn’t wonky I would definitely be well under 6 min. B2. 15:26 Rx no vest. 16:23 last time no vest. The push-ups and air squats were really quick today, all sub 1:00. Runs were ~1:50-1:55. Went easy on these… Read more »
I’d be smart the rest of the week and take some extra rest or just keep things light. Best go into the next cycle feeling healthy!
Oh and congrats on the minute improvement 😉
I will. Some rest will be good for sure. I love the body weight stuff. So great for an old guy when that comes up
B. RX 5:58 (last time 6:29)
B2. Modified
5 Rounds with a vest
1000 meter bike erg damper 10
20 Push Ups (ubx3/15-5×2
30 Strict Reverse Curls (45lb bar)
20 Split Squats (35lb DBs, 10 each)
10 DB Tricep Roll Backs (25lbs)
4 Rounds + 30 Reverse Curls
Rev. Curls are rough!
Fun day
Having to use your brain as well as your fitness to come up with these!
Hows your body feeling?
I don’t mind it I like the challenge and can use it to program for the gym members ????
Honestly not great. Knee is a problem as well as the elbow (medial epicondylitis), so I’m going to continue to do more body building and strong man type workouts, as well as additional rehab for them for the next few weeks and will see where I’m at. Frustrating, but as long as I can keep getting some fitness in I’ll be happy!
Sorry to hear that dude. Any idea what’s going on?
Elbow yes, been dealing with it on and off for years but want to actually try to do my best to fix it this time around.. as long as I can get even 50% relief I’ll be happy Knee is new did something while sprinting in softball a couple weeks ago and squatting has been very painful .. had it looked at by a friend of mine who’s a PT .. could be an MCL sprain but unclear currently.. gonna see what happens after spending some time rehabbing it and if there’s no change then may need to get some… Read more »
you’ll be back stronger
Thank you! ????????
I hope you get some answers and guidance so you can get back to full health and be pain free!
Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
Thank you Tino I appreciate it I will!
Skill: 3:00/3:00/2:58 with 3 MU+3 dips
A. 280/355/441/441/441 (no more discs in my home box ) i need a sponsor of disc for DL
B1: 7:12
19:58 with vest
I didn’t train in May
Haha! You’re just to strong now! Time to invest in some new plates!
Primer done with bar mu and normal pull ups (slightly faster than last time, but still just warm up tempo)
A) up to 168kg with double overhand grip (2x workout weight)
B) 7:17 RX (last time 8:42)
It felt great today, probably won time on the transitions, but not sure. 15-12 12-9 ub ub by the deads, used belt
C) 1000m bike erg without vest, rest rx, same as last time
15:17 (last time 16:00)
All pu ub, went super easy, pushed the air squats a little more
Good day, all things considered!
Crushed it today Aron!! Great work!!
Thanks! Didn’t have pain today, weather was a few degrees cooler. Finally a good day!
A) 265/315/355/405/425/435 (91ish%)
B) 7:37 DL 21/6, 15/6, 15, 9
A. DL: 175×8, 215×6, 250×4, 285×2, 300×1, 320#x1 (100% of my current working 1RM–Felt good today!)
B1. 9:23 (last time 9:41)
B2. 18:52 no vest (last time 19:23). This felt fast and efficient–few breaks.
Solid work Corey! Great to see everything coming back up fast!
Primer 2:48/2:40/2:35
A. 255/300/345/390/415/440miss
B. 7:55 Rx (Last time 8:03) then 18:48 no vest. (Last time 19:51). Push ups felt great today ????????
some solid improvements Jake! Nice work!