Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Assisted Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Bicep Curls x 5 reps
Bicep Curls with nuetral grip x 5 reps
Overhead Lateral Raise x 5 reps
Overhead Nuetral Grip Raise x 5 reps
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 4 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Goal is to perform 5% more than last week.
Granite Games Qualifier Event 6
150 Double-Unders
75 ft. Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge
50 Dumbbell Thrusters
75 ft. Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge
150 Double-Unders
RX: 50/35 lbs
Intermediate: 35/20 lbs
150 Single-Unders
75 ft. Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge (35/20lbs)
50 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/20lbs)
75 ft. Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge (35/20lbs)
150 Single-Unders
Time Cap = 20 Minutes
For completion:
30 Hand Plank Arch/Hollows with feet on 18″ box @ 2020
30 Limbo Twists (each side, 60 total) @ 2110
A) 105/110/115/120/125#
B) Capped with 75 DU’s left
C) Done
A. 105/120/135/145/155×4 reps each ssp
B. Got through 60 feet of 2nd set of lunges
A. 115/125/135/140×3/135
B. 13:37 Rx – UB until 10×5 Thrusters, 50×3 DUs to finish; definitely a wheelhouse WOD for me.
C. Done
Did part A & yesterday’s C & today’s C today…
Part A, 5*4 30kg as prescribed 3min each set.
Yesterday’s part C, 7’24/7’30, scaled to 2min Du practice.
Today’s part C, my first time to do this. Felt a little bit hard but still finished.
Eat a lot of steaks recent days, and protein made me feel good!
DMA: done
A. skipped so I could save it for the gg wod
B. rx: 19:47 ( I broke the Thrusters up into sets of 5) I really liked all the gg wods this year, I thought they were all great & someday I’ll get those ring muscle ups!! 😉
C. done
Great job on GGQ #6 finishing it under the time cap! I’ll do it tomorrow, but big sets of DUs are not my forte…
Thanks! I wasn’t sure it was going to happen! Hope it goes well for you today!! For me it was the Thrusters, they’re like my nemesis, LOL!! 🙂
DMA Done
A. Built to 60kg but only managed 3 reps
B. Used 20kg (doubted my ability) finished in 14:13. Should have gone Rx 🙁
C. Done
Did GGQ #5 today – 99 reps! I got 19 RMUs, which is the most I’ve ever gotten in a WOD (previous high was 6 in Open WOD 18.3. They were all super ugly chicken wingers, but no misses. Gotta work on these! Doing GGQ #6 tomorrow.
Thank you, Tabitha!
Nice work, lady!!
WU – done
A. 65 – 75 – 80 – 85 – 90 (Up from 87 lb. last week.)
B. Hotshot 19 – 35:05 using 105 lb. for the Power Cleans
Wanted to see how I faired doing the scaled workout for granite games are their 2 separate scores for scaled and RX? I did the whole thing scaled in 7.44 worked 115 on part A.
Did press as
10 x 1:00
150m AR
4 SSP – Built to 202lb.
Wiped from yesterday’s squat PR.
Some light accessory work then GGQ6 tomorrow.
A. Done Then I caught the conditioning I missed yesterday. First set 6:19. Kept my mind calm. Sets of 25 on double unders. Second set was a mess. I couldn’t get into a rhythm and I panicked. 8:42 The positive: if you told me in January I could do 200 double unders by now I wouldn’t have believed you (no matter how long I had to complete them). So I am calling it a win on my weakness. But I need to work on mindset when I lose them in a workout. I couldn’t regain my focus on the second… Read more »
Warmup and mobility – done.
A. Sets of 4 at 65, 70, 75, 80, 80
B. GGQ 5:
Completed 122 reps Intermediate. Since 275 is my max deadlift since shoulder surgery, I was pretty happy to get the 16 reps in rounds 3 and 4 (all singles). Had about 2:30 to get a rep at 315, but couldn’t budge it.
C. Skipped. Had to get going.
DMA – Complete & also joined class warmup.
A. Worked Hang Clean (pos 1 & 2) + Jerk. Was for technique so highest weight was 115#.
B. GG Qual Event 6: (14:15) – DB Thrusters were REAL. Sets of 5s for 3x then sets of 3s with short rests between.
DMA done
A. Skipped – L shoulder issues
B. 11:28 scaled & modified. Did thrusters with R arm only.
C. Done. Liked these.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
A. 140 x 3 matched last week. Shoulders felt tired today.
B. Did Partner WOD with the wife today
Cash in 150 du then alt 16 rds of:
5 power cleans 135
7 push ups
9 air squats
Cash out 150 du
All powers were t&g
A. seated strict-press:
4×20/30/40/50/60/65 (+4%).
0. Added some 1 1/2 FS:
B. GG 18.6:
Can we combiNE this? Scaled weight with doubles instead of singles.
Not for an official score.
I am not doing the granite games
Then you can scale as it best suits your abilities…