June 29, 2021 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Spend 5 minute rotating through Bryce’s Front Rack Mobility Drills

and then …

Two sets of:
Wall Bridge

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x 30 seconds
(walk out as far as you are able to staying safe)
Lat and Hip Flexor Combo Stretch

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x 30 seconds per side

and then …

One set of:
Leg Lift Over Object x 5 passes each direction (sit with your back against the wall and legs straight. Place a small object, about 6” high, on the floor. Keeping your leg straight, lift the leg and clear the object)
Copenhagen Side Plank with Hip Abduction x 5-8 reps
Floor Slides

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x 10 reps

Build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat

Compare results with May 24, 2021.

Bench Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 80-85%
* Set 2 – 4 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 3 – 3 reps @ 90-95%
* Set 4 – 2 reps @ 95-98%
* Set 5 – 1 rep @ 100-105%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):

Loading per set (by %): 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85+, 85+, 85+

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) for max loads:
20/15 Calorie Bike Erg or Row
10 Thrusters

Start at 115-135/75-95 lbs and build to a challenging set of 10.

Goal is to increase on the loads used on May 25, 2021.

Rest 5 minutes until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…

For time:
15 Burpee Pull-Ups
150 Double-Unders
15 Burpee Pull-Ups
150 Double-Unders

Compare results to May 24, 2021.

Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is another retest from not too long ago. We start it off with some “sprintervals” that include a bike or rower, and a barbell. See if you can increase the weight from what you used last time, or even challenge yourself further and maybe the 4th and 5th sets become a real grind. The great thing about training is that it gives us a chance to test our limits and learn! You’ll never find your true potential unless you push yourself out of the comfort zone! Following the “sprintervals” we’ve got another repeat workout. How fast are you willing to go on those burpee pull-ups while still being able to push for unbroken sets on the double-unders? Look back to what you did in May and try something different this time, or just push yourself harder than you did last time :).

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
500 Meter Ski-Erg
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Compare results to May 25, 2021.

Four sets of:
30 second Supine GHD Hold
30 seconds of GHD Sit-Ups
Rest 60 seconds

Strongman Option
Five sets of:
200-Foot Prowler Sprint
Rest 30 seconds
200-Foot Reverse Sled Drag
Rest 30 seconds
200-Foot Sandbag Carry (heavy)
Rest 4 minutes

Load the sled with a weight that will allow you to move without stopping, but that will make it very challenging to finish out your set.

Compare results to May 25, 2021.

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Sheina McManus
Sheina McManus
June 29, 2021 11:52 am

A) 180
B) 115-145
C) 105-180 (95%), missed 185 – shoulders dropped forward in the catch
D) 75 unbroken (1 min rest), 80 unbroken (1 min rest), 85 7/3 (1 min rest), 90# 6/4 (40s rest), 95# 6/4 (30s rest)
10:32 – doubles were broken up a lot due to shoulder fatigue

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
June 29, 2021 12:06 pm
Reply to  Sheina McManus

Sweep that bar back as you pass your knees and keep it close!!

Mauk Moerman
Mauk Moerman
June 29, 2021 8:41 am

Got vaccinated today so decided to take it a little easier on the volume.

B 150/160/170/180/190kg
C upto 150kg

Then did 4 rounds of the aerobic/gymn piece
18:42 all pull ups and hspu unbroken

Then called it a day

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
June 29, 2021 12:05 pm
Reply to  Mauk Moerman

Nice! Hope there is no aftermath and you’ll be good to go tomorrow!

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