Warm Up
100 Meters – mix up finger tip drag, and thumb brushing by thigh
Rest 30 seconds
50 Meter Pull
Rest 15 seconds
50 Meter Kick
Rest 15 seconds
50 Meter Freestyle
Main Set
Goals – You should get 10 seconds of rest on the 25 meter intervals, and then pick the corresponding pace for the 50’s and 100’s. Try to maintain the same stroke count throughout the workout.
Four sets of:
25 Meters @ 80% effort (count your strokes)
on the following intervals: 25/30/35/40/45/50 seconds
Followed by…
Four sets of:
50 Meters @ 75% effort (count your strokes)
on the following intervals: 50/1:00/1:10/1:20/1:30/1:40
Followed by…
Four sets of:
100 Meters @ 70% effort (count your strokes)
on the following intervals: 1:40/2:00/2:20/2:40/3:00/3:20
Four sets of:
25 Meters @ 80% effort (count your strokes)
on the following intervals: 25/30/35/40/45/50 seconds
Finisher (Optional)
50 Meter Pull
(count your strokes – high elbows, long strokes-reach for your entry and finish long at the thigh)
Rest as needed
50 Meter Kick
(try 25 meters of butterfly kick on your back)
Rest as needed
50 Meter Drill of Your Choice
Rest as needed
50 Meter Kick
Rest as needed
50 Meter Pull
(count your strokes and compare to the first 50 meters)
Ocean swim I’m guessing about 250-300m…just tried to work on controlling my breathing
Will do my swimming on Sunday. Today joined in the class at my CrossFit box. Spent some time on gymnastics skills (again!). 7 min AMRAP of 6 SDHP with 24kg KB 6 Snatches 35kg 1 rope climb 50m farmers carry with 24kg KB. Got into 4th round. Then 6 minute AMRAP 20 Sit Ups 6 Thrusters 35kg 6 CTB Pull ups 100m sprint – 10 sit ups into 4th round. Then 5 minute AMRAP 8 Hang Clean 35kg 8 Double KB Deadlift 24kg 8m handstand walk 16m walking lunges – almost 3 rounds. It was nice to train with others… Read more »
I hath swum 8×25 7×50- avg about 1m/ sec
Still swimming like the titanic although I stuck to the 10s rests between all sets and seemed to be more comfortable at swimming inefficiently. Not bad.
I think I averaged 23 strokes per 25 meters or yards here at this 24 hour fitness pool.
Going to have to swim on Sunday ? Had to wait until this evening to swim and swim was having clinics. So there were 2 lanes for open swimmers and like 8 people in each lane. Lol. Not a good enough swimmer to hang with that many people in a lane ?
I think someone else asked this last time and I never saw an answer. We’re told to rest 10s between our 25 meter swims yet it lists intervals in seconds. What do the interval seconds mean? Not to mention there are 6 listed when we’re asked to do 4 sets.
Normally I don’t ask about things like this and make it up but this one honestly feels like an escape room challenge I must understand. Thanks…
Four sets of:
25 Meters @ 80% effort (count your strokes)
on the following intervals: 25/30/35/40/45/50 seconds
Ha! I asked the same question I while back and this is what I understand…If it takes you 25 seconds to swim a 25m, then you should choose the 35 sec interval (the 3rd choice), and then for the other distances you should also be able to stick with that same 3rd choice so 1:10 for 50s and 2:20 for 100s.
Globogym..hit base gym and did 3 sets of 8 on every upper body life fitness machine..then to new 50m navy pool
Subbed 50m for 25m sets then all the 50m and 100m sets hit all the interval times as rx… 36-39 strokes per 50m
This is going to be a dumb question, but I’m asking anyways 🙂 The pool I swim in is set up in 50m lanes, on the 25m parts, is the best thing to do just stop halfway? I’ve been doing that, but there isn’t a clear mark at 25m, so I just look around a lot and guess where 25m is 😀
Oh darn! I hate when they don’t have a 25m lane set up! 50 m for a stretch seems so far lol! For today, I would actually just have you do two sets x 50 m as a sub for the 25’s and count your strokes for the 50.