Activation & Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Shoulder Mash x 30 seconds per side
Shoulder Circles x 10 reps each direction
Banded Presses x 10 reps
and then …
Dirty 30 Warm-Up (this is a warm-up, not a workout, so keep it low intensity)
30 Cal Bike
30 Air Squats
30 Push Ups
30 Strict Pull Ups (use a band if needed)
Eight sets of:
3 Power Jerks @ 65+%
Rest 60 seconds between sets
*Build based on quality over the 8 sets and use blocks.
Handstand Walk Skill Development
10 Donkey Kicks
and then …
Nose to Wall Split Handstand Hold x 90 seconds (accumulate the time)
and finish with …
Handstand Fun
Spend 5 minutes accumulating distance with your handstand walk. This could be kicking up to a spotter and take a few marches in place or it could be setting up an obstacle course and practicing maneuvering around objects. Your call, just stay safe!
For time:
75 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
*Every 2 minutes, including at the 0:00 mark, peform:
15/10 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike
For time:
60 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
*Every 2 minutes, including at the 0:00 mark, peform:
15/10 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike
For time:
75 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
*Every 2 minutes, including at the 0:00 mark, peform:
12/8 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike
For time:
60 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
*Every 2 minutes, including at the 0:00 mark, peform:
12/8 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike
Then, at the 15 minute mark…
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
Max Reps Strict Handstand Push Ups
*Every 2 minutes, including at the 15:00 mark, peform:
15/10 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike
50 Double-Unders
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
Max Reps Strict Handstand Push Ups to 5″” riser
*Every 2 minutes, including at the 15:00 mark, peform:
15/10 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike
30 Double-Unders
Chest-to-Bar/Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Up Modifications (choose one of the following):
Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Chest-to-Bar / Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted
Double-Under Modifications (choose one of the following):
Reduce the reps by half
Single-Unders x Double the amount
Strict Handstand Push-Up Modifications (Choose one of the following):
Add a 3-5″ riser
15 Downward Dog Handstand Push-Ups
8-10 Hamstring Curl Handstand Push-Ups
8-10 Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Ups
Spend 10 minutes cooling down and stretching your lats and shoulders
General Training Notes
All the gymnastic fun today! Please build a little heavier on your push-jerks compared to your numbers on June 14th. Then you get to practice your handstand walking. The world is your oyster here just be safe with whatever you do. Then a challenging but fun gymnastics volume conditioning piece. Rule #1 on this: do not tear. If you feel like you are going to tear then come off the rig and cease doing the workout. Rule #2 – have fun while letting your pull-up rhythm dictate your speed on this. Stay on the bar as long as you feel like you’re in a good rhythm, breathing is good and you aren’t going to failure. You get a rest from your pull-ups every 2 minutes but you’ll need to be aggressive on the bike in order to give you enough time to finish your pull-ups.
Then, at the 15 minute mark, you’ll complete as many reps as possible of your sHSPU. These do not need to be unbroken. You are trying to accumulate as many reps during your ‘working’ window and every 2 minutes you get a break from you sHSPU as you complete your bike and double-unders. Todays goal is to get in a lot of gymnastics volume so looking forward to seeing what everyone accomplishes today!