Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Prone PVC Pass Thrus
x 10 reps
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
and then …
One set of:
Max Static Chin-over-the-Bar Hold
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (four sets):
Depth Drops
x 10 reps
*box set up 2 inches below vertical jump
Every 60 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete:
Behind the Neck Press in Receiving Position x 1-2 reps
*Increase weight from last week
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
High Hang + Mid-Thigh Snatch
*Sets 1-2 @ 65%
*Sets 3-4 @ 70%
*Sets 5-6 @ 75%
*Sets 7-8 @ 80%
Every 4 minutes for 32 minutes (8 sets):
60 seconds Max Calorie Assault Bike
*These are all out efforts
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets:
Supinated Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up x 5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Left Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Right Hand
(Work on keeping your torso in line with the sled, try not to break at the hips or twist the body as you drag the sled)
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Four sets of:
Harnessed Bear Crawl x 40′ (these need to be heavy and fast – no breaks in the 40′)
Rest 2 minutes
A. Done
B. 95#. Heaviest I’ve ever done and best they’ve felt.
C. 125/135/145/155/160/165/170/185
Big jump on last one and more like 95% but felt really good today so I went for it and nailed it! Whoo!
D. 24.5/25.6/26.4/24.9/25.8/24.8/25.2/25.1
Pretty much 25 across the board. 202.3 total
Felt tired before starting so saved a bit in re tank and finished hard at the end for a constant pace.
A) Did this off of a higher bench to get the feel
B) 55/65/75/85# x2
C) 135/145/155/16%#
D) 155 cal, came out too hot and died at the end
Hi, Nichole, shoulde part D be 60s max effort and 180s off or 60s max effort and 180s relaxed work? Or it depends on me?
Totally up to you – you can use the 3 minutes to cycle on the bike at a low rate or rest completely.
Ok! Actually I did it with relaxed work, but made only around 3-4 cal in the 3min rest. Too tired in the max cal minute. I finally made a 21cal in 1min in 4th set. New pr!
DMA – done
A – done – off about 32″ (stacked some stuff on a 24# box)
B – skipped b/c of rib
C – below percentages to work on technique – 4×55# / 2×65# / 2×70# (I think they’re getting better – will upload video to FB)
D – 165.5 calories
A. Done. 30″ box. Wasn’t sure how high to start. Interesting.
B. Done at 75# with plate underneath heels of my oly shoes (mobility issues). Felt good.
C. Power snatch. 115 – 135.
D. 187 (25, 25, 23, 22, 23, 22, 23, 24). Nasty.
A/B. Skipped and did some knee and shoulder prehab stuff
C. Up to 115. Used metcons and not lifters for a change and practice.
D. 142 total calories. Last 3-4 sets were just rough ?
Did 5rds of 2 rope climbs + 25ft handstand walk
Then the single arm sled drags and 2 sets of harnessed bear crawl
Nice work Stephanie – how is the knee and shoulder feeling?
DMA – Complete (hang 30s)
A. 30inch box
B. 95# all sets x 2
C. 135# / 135 / 145 / 145 / 155 / 155 / 170miss(numerous attempts)
D. After 2rd quads were locking up. Rested for 5 then finished the workout holding 10RPM above 10min avg pace..72-75rpm.
A. Skipped
B. Snatch balance x3 95-125
C. Up to 135
D. 25/24/23/22/20/20/20/20=174 cals
B. Done
C. Done no misses
D. 176 calories. 21 and 22 per minute except 23 on last minute. Air dyne
DMA – done (Max hold 30s)
B. 54(2) – 56(2) – 60(2) – 66(2) kg
C. 45 – 49 – 52 – 56 kg I thought I would not perform this Skill because of yesterday Snatches, but today It felt easier.
D. This is what I got Rowing 30 – 23 – 22 – 21 – 22 – 22 -23 – 26
So glad today felt better!
Today I had: A. 3 rep max bench press B. 1 rep max weighted pull up C. 3 rounds: 10 pull ups 15/arm kb snatch 35lbs 50’/arm waiter carry D. 3 sets: Easy250m row15 db lateral raise15 db front raise15 db shrugs Another great day. 🙂 I love this stuff!! A. built to 105. 🙂 This was the number I had in my head. My current 1rm is 115, so not too shabby. 🙂 I would love to improve my bench, as part of my overall better development of upper body strength. 🙂 It’s currently one of my weakest lifts.… Read more »
Awesome – feel free to upload your HSPU work to the FB group for me to take a look at!
Will do!! 🙂
DMA – done (Max hold 35s – up 4s)
B. 45(2) – 50(2) – 55(1) – 60(1)
C. 90 – 95 – 100 – 110
D. Only completed 7/8 intervals. Ran short on time.
22 – 24 – 22 – 21 – 21 – 22 – 21 (Ave. 75 rpm)
DMA Done (hang :46)
A. @ 24in box
B. 15-17-20-22kg
C. Worked up to 57kg
D. Didn’t do, work PT this morn
Hope PT went well! Nice work on your hang – I love how your pecs feel engaged after doing that!
A) i have no idea what my vertical jump is so i used a 30” box.
B)55/65/70/75…PRd with 2 reps at 75lbs
C) 85/85/95/95/100/100miss/100/100
D)131 calories on the AD6 Schwinn (what I have at home)
Cals sets broke down to 18/16/15/16/18/17/14/17
Congrats on that PR!!!
A. Done
B. 65#
C. built up to 120#
D. 171 calories
A. Done
B. 75 across
C. 115/125/130/140
D. 34/33/24/27/26/25/24/23/25 – 241, this was much worse than 30″ intervals.
Amazing work on that bike Michael!
Mobility/warmup done
A :skipped
B : done up to 35 kg
C : 43/45/50/55 kg
D : 161 kcal – that one was a good one
A. Completed. 24″ box drops
B. 108 # x 1
C. 53, 57, 61, 66kg
D. This was nauseating lol.
172 Cal
Good work on that bike!
DMA done
A. Used 20″ box. I don’t know my vertical jump height. Nichole, what are we working on with the drops?
B. 3×5 with PVC in squat. 2×5 with 15# bar in quarter squat. Didn’t push it because I am resting left shoulder.
C. skipped – left shoulder
D. 15, 15, 23, 10, 12, 10, 11, 12 = 98 calories. Really hard! My quads just left me! I think it was the walking lunges I did yesterday. Glad that’s over!
Practiced DUs and did extra shoulder mobility.
DMA: done
A. done (not sure about the box set up, I used a 20 in box)
B. 51# only went up 1#, my form was not great
C. 65#, 70#, 75#, 80#
D. At some point this should start to feel easier, right???? LOL! 😉
17, 16, 14, 15, 13, 12, 14, 13 = 114
got D. in that I missed from yesterday: 75# on the bench & I used a 10# plate for the push ups
Great job Tabitha! Hey – going up 1 lb is great – looking for consistency in form right now, not necessarily load!