Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
(click movement to watch video and understand the movement)
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
and then . . .
10-12 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand with Max Hold
(hold for as long as possible without walking – if your hands move, terminate that set)
followed by…
Five sets of:
25′ Handstand Walk
Rest 60-90 seconds
Get into position via wall-walk, cartwheel or backward handstand walk. Place your forehead against the wall and look at your toes.
Ten sets of:
2 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
55+: 2 Unbroken Ring-Dips
Focus on consistent elevation of the entire body – even through the catch phase, and maximum speed from the bottom of the swing to the top of the dip. Rest as needed to ensure that the focus is on good quality movement and a lot of speed.
followed by…
Complete 20 reps each of your choice of two of the three Muscle-Up Transition drills
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
Three rounds for time of:
50-Calorie Row
15 Ring-Dips
50 Double-Unders
40-Calorie Row
15 Stationary Dips
40 Double-Unders
30-Calorie Row
15 Close-Grip Push-Ups
30 Double-Unders
Retest: 2 Mile Time Trial
Compare your time to May 7th, 2016
Ten sets of:
2 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
55+: 2 Unbroken Ring-Dips
Focus on consistent elevation of the entire body – even through the catch phase, and maximum speed from the bottom of the swing to the top of the dip. Rest as needed to ensure that the focus is on good quality movement and a lot of speed.
followed by…
Complete 20 reps each of your choice of two of the three Muscle-Up Transition drills
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike (or Rowing on Concept 2)
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
20 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
Rest 10 minutes, and then repeat.
Post times for both sets.
For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike (or Rowing on Concept 2)
40 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
20 Power Cleans (95/65 lbs)
Rest 10 minutes, and then repeat.
Post times for both sets.
Retest: 2 Mile Time Trial
Compare your time to May 7th, 2016
Heading out of town Sunday so got to box late Saturday (after all day kid soccer tourney) and did Granite Games workout 4 (OHS and T2B): 8:02
Then did the pause front squats from Friday: all at 125#; legs were a bit fatigued from GG4 workout
Hope to get run in Sunday or Monday
Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
A: done
B: 7:52 + 9:26 w/30# + Row Cals
Nice Brent!
Games Prep: Nice to have Matt Beals in town this weekend! A. Hoped to have been able to do mu today but I had a blood blister on the palm from yesterday’s ring mu so ended up doing HS walks, a few 30′ walks and then a couple of 75′ zig zag path with turn HS walks. B. 8:48, 7:32. Had to sub movements, still resting knee after injection. 50 cal one leg row, 40 c2b (1st Rd, but didn’t feel good on blister so subbed out with ring rows on 2nd Rd), 30 KB swings 55#, 20 kipping 3″… Read more »
Thanks Cheryl.
Nice work Cheryl! And yes, lots of c2b over the next few weeks!
B. 6:51/9:21 Row & w/10wb
Run = 20:18
Nice Litsa!
Off-Season S1
A. Done but max holds were mil-seconds. 🙂 5 sets of shoulder taps.
B. 20 reps of “feet on the ground.”
C. Scaled to 55+. No 30 lb WB and cycling 80 C2B’s and 40 PC’s @ 135# would take me all night. 🙂
Skipped S2. Long run tomorrow.
GP S1 – 10:00am
A. MU in singles – worked on jumping up to rings vs. stepping off boxes
B. Assault bike, 20#WB – 12:23 / 13:10 – Welcome back to 5800 feet and 14% humidity – my lungs hate me – so DRY.
We just got an assault bike – any tips?
S2 – 12:30pm – 22 mile road/gravel ride 1:30
S3 – 5:45pm – 2 mile TT not at a track – 14:00 (6:53/7:06) – (didn’t do in May)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone – 3 weeks until Carson
Great training day Kim! We just got an assault bike a few weeks ago. Working with it to establish my current benchmarks (1 min, 30 cals, etc.), just like the rower. You might want to try a few different seat heights to get it just right, too low will hit the quads hard.
Thanks – it kills my quads! I will try a higher seat – thanks for the tip.
Fantastic splits on your run!!
Let me know how the assembly goes. Any tricks? I have one in box in the garage that I haven’t assembled yet.
Sorry, I wasn’t there when they built it. Hopefully it has good instructions!
Yay for the assault bike!!!!
Great work on those mile times!
CAPT America was in town today- great that he joined us!
A. did 10 min EMOM of unbroken 25′ Hand stand walk
B. subbed some stuff- bike display not working, 40 Russian KBs/ 30 WBs/ 20 3″ deficit HSPU 7:37 then 8:07
Sesh 2- ran 14:43 for 2 mile at the track- about 40 secs faster than last time.
Crushed that run time!
Awesome Al – that is a huge PR!
I ran alone this time, so Cheryl wasn’t in my way!!!! 😉
A. Peekaboo and feet on the ground.
B. About 8:10 and 8:50. Bike calories not working. Subbed PUs.
Sesh 2.
A. 7:02 mile. Only 1 mile. 10 second improvement on PR.
We had Matt Beals training with us today. Good times. Have a nice weekend!
Great work Kincaid on that mile!!
Thanks, not bad for me. I believe I can do better. Forgot my shoes so was running barefoot in some thick grass along the track…
Games Prep
A. MU’s done
B. 8:52/9:50 (row)
Only had time for one session so 2 mile run done shortly after met con. 16:15 (slower than last test but I may give it another try when I’m a little fresher) Glad to be running again after calf injury.
Have a nice weekend all!
Off season
A. HS walks: 20 – 25′ on all 5 sets
B. MUs: all unbroken except the last one
C. 15:24
Nice Terrance!
Since i hadnt train during week started with Clean workout from tuesday all felt really good and finished with good clean 1.1 at 80kg Did m and a first A freestanding kip to hold. Felt ok but only got a few with good holds 1 hs walk was good other two were average. B did emom 2 mu total 20, focused on a spot on wall and they all felt really good. Now have my spot to focus on and hope this helps throughout. C finished wod in 14:10, rows were 3:00,3:03&3:05 Felt really good in almost everything apart from… Read more »
Fantastic Quinn!!!
Thanks nichole. The mu felt way better than the 19 i did the day before.m
A) Handstand holds were tough today
I was getting close to 20′ on most walks, one round I got 25′
B) I was trying out the victory grips… I like them for everything else, but cant seem to keep them from bunching up on the rings…. Did 2’s of Unbroken MU
20 feet on the ground
20 feet on a box ( harder than usual)
C) GGames workout 4 16:43 shoulders were pretty smoked after all of the above
You are doing workout 4 on Monday – if your shoulders have recovered I would suggest doing it then when you are more fresh!
Off season Had to modify today’s workout because there just wasn’t space available today. Still managed to work on my handstand holds and walking. Did some dips but wasn’t able to work on MU’s today though. Did the WOD that was programmed for our box. 10 Rounds of 7 Hang Squat Cleans @ 95lb. 7 Bar facing burpees 7 C2B pull-ups Felt good to work out with a larger group. Happy that I was able to do the C2B’s (kipping) unbroken. (26:30) *Didn’t post yesterday. Rather than doing the Granite Games workout, I chose to work on my butterfly pull-ups.… Read more »
Great learning session – I love it! Feel free to post your c2b to the Blog or our fb group for feedback!
A. Mobility and HS Holds only, no walking.
B. 3 sets then started the metcon. Was going to finish this after the metcon but my hands hurt from all the C2B and tore a callus. MU were going very well though, non false grip swinging style, not my usual kipping.
B. 13:50 was pretty slow on the AB; 17:15 even slower on the AB this time.
Great to hear about your MU Hoke!
Off Season: After a morning of driving NASCAR, which was amazingly exhilarating and an interesting night in a hotel for which we had to call police to stop an in room domestic violence (dude was beating the s**t out of his lady) I decided I needed to move my body A) Done and TOTALLY my new favorite Shoulder opening exercises. I like the box version of the walk away and that banded assist – totally rad! B) kicked up about 12 times: held two for nearly a minute, the rest were in the 20-25 second range ± a few seconds.… Read more »
What a great training day! NASCAR sounds amazingly fun – sorry about the hotel incident!
Off Season
A. Skipped bc of elbow
B. 10:00 EMOM 2 MU
Dips (5/5/5 x 2 and UB x 1)**Maybe a little too conservative***
DU (All UB)
**Kept pace solid and didn’t redline. Felt good.
Have a great weekend!!
Solid work Mike!!
GP Session 1, 9:30am:
A. 10×2 MUs UB
B. 50/40/30/20 Assault Bike, 30# wb 9:53/11:44
Great job again Perry. Fast run!
Thanks Al! Happy to see the calf getting back to normal!
Super fast run Perry – great improvement!!!
Thanks Nichole!
A1: 4, 5, 7, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 10, 6, 3, 6 sec- This was tough with no hand movement. Takes me one adjustment usually.
A2: HS Walks – 11; 10.6; 10.4; 10.6; 11.4 sec (fell last one. Did this on asphalt so hands were a bit tender.
Granite Games Qualifier 3: 5 rds. Paced it a bit too much.
A3: 10×2 MU unbroken. Hands beat up after everything above. Really didn’t click until the last three sets. Learning on short straps again from 12 ft beam so my swing timing is off and very inefficient.
That definitely changes your swing depending on the length of the straps!
Granite games qualifier that’s all for today. 211 reps
Nice Tracy!!!
Solid score! Good job.
Awesome job!
That’s a great score Tracy! Nice work!!