Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes rolling out your pecs
and then …
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 15 reps (you can add a little weight on the PVC pipe if this feels okay)
PVC Pipe Overhead Squat x 20 reps (use these reps to warm up your hips and get lower and lower into your squat)
and then …
Two sets of:
Hand Plank Shoulder Taps x 30 seconds effort
KB Ankle Pulse x 30 seconds per side
Squat Rocks x 30 seconds
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes, complete:
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
Work on speed for the snatch balance. You don’t need to work up super heavy as this is primarily for technique work.
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (8 sets):
Snatch with a 2 second pause at knee x 1 rep @ 65-70%
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Set 4 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 6 – 8 rep @ 75%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
*Increase last weeks loads by 2-3% if you were able to hit all reps successfully.
For time:
50 Calorie Row
40 Thrusters
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 3 minutes, and then …
For time:
30 Burpees over the Barbell
20 Power Snatches
10 Bar Muscle-Ups (55+: 5 Bar Muscle-Ups)
Rest 3 minutes, and then …
For time:
40 DB Box Step-Overs
35-49: 115/75 lbs; 50/35 lbs
50+: 85/55 lbs; 35/20 lbs
Additional Sessions
Run Session
Six sets for times of:
Run 800 Meters @ 100% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 90 seconds
Strongman Session
Four sets of:
Yoke Carry x 50′
Rest 3 minutes
(Load this up so that it is heavy but you won’t stop except to turn around at the 25′ mark)” “Four sets of:
10 Burpee Sandbag Over Box
10 Right-Arm Dumbbell Push Press
10 Left-Arm Dumbbell Push Press
25-Foot Right Arm DB Overhead Lunges
25-Foot Left Arm DB Overhead Lunges
Rest 2 minutes
35-49: 100/75 lbs sandbag to 48/36″” box; 50/35 lbs
80/60 lbs sandbag to 36/24″” box; 40/25 lbs
60+: 60/40 lbs sandbag to 24/20″” box; 35/20 lbs
You’ll hold both dumbbells in your hands at all times. When you perform the push press, the non-working arm will be held in the front rack while the working arm presses. You may use your arms to assist you in getting over the box.
Rowing Session
Four sets for times of:
Row 1600 Meters
Rest 4 minutes
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across the four sets – but all sets should be performed faster than your 1550s from the week of June 3rd. If you’ve been wearing a heart-rate monitor, you should also be noticing that your heart rate is remaining lower at the same or faster paces during these intervals, and hopefully dropping back to a bit lower beats per minute during your rest intervals.
A. Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat 45-115lbs
B. 125 (I felt super fast today with Snatches, no pain in bicep/shoulder.)
C. 185/205/215, 185 x 8. Still feeling out the squats, but today has been the best so far with the TFL 🙂 Now I just need to catch up on the volume, since I’ve pretty much missed this cycle.
D. 7:06, 5:02, 2:56 (The 3 workouts were really fun, I haven’t done DB Box Step Overs in forever, so it felt good to do those again, but I felt a little uncoordinated and the DB’s felt heavy!).
Yay Karen!! Awesome to hear about your snatches and squats!
A. Skipped Snatches – almost ready to add those back in… Did shoulder rehab exercises B. Squats feeling better 295 x 5, 335 x 3, 385 x1 – Felt good here so I did a single at 405 – hadn’t gone that heavy in awhile and hip felt ok! Did the 3 sets of 8 reps at 325 – last week did 315 C. Modified things a little – first time doing barbell thrusters and pull ups too 50 Cal Row 40 Thrusters (115) – did 4 sets of 10, was very deliberate and making sure i wasn’t sloppy in… Read more »
CRUSHED IT NUNO!!!!!!! What a great few sessions!
DMA done
A. 115-125-135-145#
B. 105-105-110-115-120-125-130-135m-135#
C. 180-205-230-205-205-205# (5# heavier than last week)
D. 6:25 (2:58 row, 10/8/6/6/5/5, sets of 6 c2b)
5:55 (got dizzy about 15 burpees in, 5/4/4/4/3, 3/2/2/1/2)
4:16 (grip was gone ?? And yep these hurt my soul today)
6x300m ski erg intervals with 90 secs rest
Fantastic job Cheryl, especially with those squats – so strong!
DMA done
A. 115-125-135-145#
B. 105-105-110-115-120-125-130-135m-135#
C. 180-205-230-205-205-205#
D. 6:25 (2:58 row, 10/8/6/6/5/5, sets of 6 c2b)
5:55 (got dizzy about 15 burpees in, 5/4/4/4/3, 3/2/2/1/2)
4:16 (grip was gone ??)
6x300m ski erg intervals with 90 secs rest
Pressed for time today. Did workout first. Row was my warmup ?
D. Modified, still resting shoulder
50 cal row (2:50)
40 goblet squats, 35# KB
30 ring rows
30 barfacing burpees
20 KB swings, 35#
10 strict pull-ups
40 DB box step overs, 35# DB’s
C. Back squats, up 5# on all sets from last week
5×170, 3×190, 1×200, 3 sets of 8 @180#
So fast on those step overs!