June 21, 2024 – Masters Program

Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Spend 60-90 seconds in each of the following mobility pieces on each side…

Couch Stretch
Pigeon Stretch

Followed by…

Two sets of:
60 Second Wall Sit
10 Banded Clam Shells per side
10 Banded Fire Hydrants per side
10 Banded Squats
25 Single Unders

Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets of):
Mid Hang Power Clean

Sets 1-4: 2-3 reps @ 50-60%
Sets 5-8: 1-2 reps @ 60-70%
Sets 9-10: 1 rep @ 75+%

**If you miss, stay at the same weight. If you miss twice, go down. Focus is perfect reps.

Every 75 seconds, for 12:30 (10 sets of):
Push Press x 3 reps @ 75%
Rest 60 seconds between sets

For total time:
500 Meter Row
40 Toes to Rings
500 Meter Row

Rest exactly 60 seconds, then…

250 Meter Row
40 Wall Ball Shots (35-54: 20/14 lbs to 10/9′ target; 55+: 20/10 lbs to 9′ target)
250 Meter Row

Rest exactly 60 seconds, then…

500 Meter Row
20 Wall Ball Shots
20 Toes to Rings
500 Meter Row


10 Minute easy bike followed by Hip Flexor Stretch of Choice (spend as much time as you’d like on this)

General Training Notes
Clean Complex
Training a strong power position will help train you for a strong full clean position. Today challenge yourself to NOT starfish but, instead, land lower and lower in your receiving position. Remember, power is any receiving position that is above parallel. Try chalking the floor with your ideal landing position and try to land as consistently as possible in that position.

Push Press
We’ve dropped a set but pumped up the % so you can work up to 75% this week.

Aim for slightly faster than 5k pace on your first 500 meters. After that we’ll look for 1-2 sets on the toes to rings. Hold on for a big set and see how deep you can get. The second row we’ll be trying to up the pace a bit even though you’re going to be breathing harder and have a fatigued midline. You’ve got a rest afterwards so push the pace here. After the rest we’ve got a 250 meter row which you should aim for the pace you held during the 300’s in the 2024 open. After that it’s into wall ball sets. If you’re efficient then aim for unbroken or 1-2 sets. You don’t have any other leg intensive movement so go for big sets today. After that you’ll want to push the pace on the final 250 meter row again knowing you’ve got a full 60 second rest. The third interval we’ll be looking for again slightly faster than your 5k pace on the row. From there you’ll go straight to the wall ball shots, hopefully unbroken on the toes to rings, then back to the rower where it’s time to burn it down for the final 500 meters. Finishing on a row is nasty and will hurt either way so you might as well push the pace to get it done sooner. 🙂

0:00-15:00 – Warm-Up
15:00-20:00 – Clean Complex Prep
20:00-40:00 – Clean Complex Sets
40:00-45:00 – Push Press Prep
45:00-57:00 – Push Press Sets
57:00-62:00 – Conditioning Prep
62:00-82:00 – Conditioning
82:00-92:00 – Cooldown

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Melhor programador WEB3.0 Francisco Junior
Melhor programador WEB3.0 Francisco Junior
June 29, 2024 7:28 pm

Seu trabalho faz toda a diferença. Obrigado!

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