Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Two-Three sets of:
60 Second Monster Walk
20 Banded Pull Throughs
50-Foot Kettlebell Overhead Carry
50-Foot Kettlebell Farmer Carry
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
10 Single Leg Hip Bridges (each leg)
60 Second Elbow Plank Hold
Three sets of:
Hang Power Snatch
+ Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat + Power Snatch
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Followed by…
Five sets of:
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats (70-80%)
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Snatch Pull x 1.1.1 (90-105%)
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
30 Double Unders
8 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35lbs)
6 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatches
4 Dumbbell Devils Press
30 Double Unders
At the 12:00 mark, perform the following…
Every 4 minutes, for 8 minutes (2 sets) of:
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs)(10/9′)
30 Pull-Ups
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs)(10/9′)
At the 20:00 mark, perform the following…
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
30 Double Unders
6 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35lbs)
4 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatches
2 Dumbbell Devils Press
30 Double Unders
Using a reverse hyper, accumulate the following, not for time…
50 Single Leg Reverse Hypers (each leg) with 40-50% of your bodyweight.
Followed by…
50 Double Leg Reverse Hypers with 70-80% of your bodyweight.
*If you don’t have access to a reverse hyper, perform the following…
Three sets of:
12-15 Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridges (each leg)
15 Double Leg Barbell Glue Bridges
Rest as needed
Athlete Notes: The time is ticking on this workout. If you want any rest at all you’re going to have to keep moving. For the first section we want all of these to be unbroken and quick. Push the tempo and even ride the line of rep vs. no rep to just see how fast you can move. The second section is only two sets so it’s more of a mind test than a physical one. Hang on and go unbroken on those wall balls, but if you need a quick second on the pull-ups, take the quick second. Pick a number for those that you can do in 1-2 sets. The last segment is similar to the first but with less reps. We know you’re going to be gassed at this point, but just hang on and earn your rest day!
B. Done with 40# and 6-4-2, 20 wb/15 pu
A. 50/55/60Kg
B. Done Rx; loved this today!
1:57/1:58/1:57/1:56 (all UB)
2:11/2:07 (all UB)
1:33/1:35/1:28/1:27 (all UB)
C. Done with GHD and bands
Warm up: done
A. 105-115-125 lbs
A2: 145/150/155/155/165 lbs
A3: 185/195/205 lbs
B. I’m still alive ????????????
It was so hard hahahaha
I did 6-4-2 en the last two rounds of the first portion
C, D done
A1. 65/75/75
A2. 80, 80/80/85/85
A3. 90/90/90, these finally felt good today, on point.
B1. The amrap left me with no rest, so I changed it up to 4 min work, 1 minute Rest btwn rounds. Used 30lb DBs
B2. 30 wall balls (16#, that’s my lightest one)+30 pull ups+30 wall balls + 30 pull ups.
B3. Followed first AMRAP protocol. 30lb DBs.
Whew, today was spicy!! Have a great weekend.
A1. HPS + Sn Bal. + OHS + PS: 85, 95, 105# A2. Sn. Pull + PS + HPS + 2 OHSs: 110, 115, 120, 125, 130# A3. Sn. Pull x 1.1.1: 155, 165, 175# B1. 4 sets done: 30 DUs, 8 Burpee DB DLs @ 30#, 6 Double DB Power Snatches @ 30# (didn’t realize they were hang snatches), 4 DB Devil Presses @ 30#, 30 DUs B2. 2 sets done: 15 WBs @ 20#, 15 Pull-ups, 15 WBs @ 20# B3. 4 sets done: 30 DUs, 6 Burpee DB DLs @ 30#, 4 Double DB Power Snatches @… Read more »
Finished the warm up and part A), then at the 3rd db dumbbell hang snatch snapped my lower back again. Same spot where last year and the year before. Stopped obviously immediately, and have no idea what’s next. Knee from last week’s injury just got better and then this happens…