Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
300 Meters on Assault Runner or 400 meter Run @ 1-Mile PR pace
12 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
1-3 Rope Climbs
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-80% of 1-RM
Followed by…
Build to today’s heavy…
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat
Two sets for times of:
30/22 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Hang Snatches (135/95 lbs)
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 5 minutes
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Sets 4 – 10 reps @ 75-78%
Rest 3 minutes between sets
West Coast CrossFit Classic Semifinals “Triple-G Chipper 2017”
For time:
100 Pull-Ups
80 GHD Sit-Ups
60 Alternating Pistols
40 Calorie Row
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Presses (100/70 lbs)
Time Cap = 15:00
Athlete Notes:
Lots of work today on your overhead positioning between the overhead squats and snatches. Find that perfect groove to stabilize and move quickly without any chatter overhead. When it comes to the two sets for times, the goal is to move fast and unbroken for top athletes. If you know that will be tough, back off the Assault Bike and/or take one strategic break on each movement to ensure that you can keep moving for as much time as possible.
For the Triple-G Chipper, be sure to warm-up with a few reps of each of the movements incorporated in the chipper. Each athlete will need to consider their strengths and weaknesses to know where they can attack on this workout. If you’re a bodyweight ninja, you probably want to push hard on the pull-ups and pistols; larger, stronger athletes will want to be very strategic about their breaks on the pull-ups and then really push the final two elements of the chipper. All athletes need to stay very disciplined about their rest periods in this workout. Any rests on these movements should be very brief, so be careful to not lose time purely from lack of focus.
Skill-based: Done
A: emom at 155 and 225 for todays heavy
B: 16:29
C: 255, 295, 325, 275
D: x feel tired at the end
Primer done didn’t time bc I used as a warmup
A: 110-120; 155. Failed 165 (frowns)
B: 5 min rounds with ring pull-ups
C: 195, 225, 250, 195
D: oh my lord buckle your seatbelts kids we’ll be here a while. My goal was 30 minutes. I had to put equipment up as I was doing it and finished just over 30.
My shoulders haven’t gone on strike but that is probably the fastest I’ve ever done that much volume with GHD and pull-ups.
LMAO on you seatbelt comment.
I was tired at the end of the GHDs I miss counted and did an extra 10 reps. We’re going to assume that’s why I didn’t make the time cap bc that’s bro reps.
Primer done subd 15 strict pull-ups (no rope) – 3:14/3:10/3:05
A. EMOM 1-4@65/5-8@70/9-12@75Kg
Up to 70Kg
B. Rx – 5:48/5:13; rhythm on HSs was a lot better on second one.
Echo – 1:37/1:30
Hang Power – all fast singles
MU – 4/3/3 for both
C. 130/150/170/145Kg x 10
D. 14:34 Rx except used 40Kg DB, heaviest I have.
Pull-ups- 2:13 (25/20/20/15/20)
GHD – 4:53 (40/40)
Pistols – 6:13 (UB)
Row – 7:59
PP – 2/1/1/2/2/2/2/2/6×1; these crushed me!
Skill based: 2:33/2:31/2:24
A. 145
A2: up to 205
B. 4:55/4:53
C. 305/350/370/325
D. 191 reps
Primer with 500m row and 2 short rope legless from L-sit done
A) 70kg, then 90kg
Kept everything light
B) skipped
C) earlier the day, 105-120-135, then 120 for 10 reps, that was tough
D) did 50 reps at 50lbs at the end, because no heavierr, other than that rx
It was horrible, ghd took really ages today, core couldn’t work for some reason
Did 2 10-12 min wod yesterday, maybe they also didn’t help. Or the +30 celius in the gym, no ac ????
Warm up done
A. 185×8/195×2/205×2
B. RX 2:38/3:33
Bike went hard
Snatches: 11-4/10-5
MU: UB/7-3
C. No squats – limited time on fridays and knee bothering me a little bit
D. RX 14:57
GHDSU were horrendous abs were still smoked from Wednesday and Pistols are just weak for me
Last hotel workout, heading home to my garage gym tonight!!! A. 1 HSN +1 SN, 1 rep each arm, 40lb db then 5 rounds of Push press x 5 each arm w/35lb db + 10 banded OHSQT(to my defense, tried db oh squat… that was not happening ????????). B. 30 call Elliptical +15 Alt db SN(35lb)+10 burpees over the DB- 4:20/4:08 C. Skipped D. For time: 100 Push ups 80 Sit-Ups 60 Alt Lunges 40 Cal treadmill run 20 Single Arm DB Push Press, 35lb Time- 15 min cap, made it to 37 calories, went on and finished the work… Read more »
Good work today! Have fun on the plane:)
A1. HS + Snatch: 110×6, 115#x6
A2. Sn PP + OHS: 155#. That’s good for a post-shoulder injury. ????
B. Skipped
C. Back Squat: 190×5, 220×3, 245×1, 212#x10
D. 14:49. I halved the reps. Did 50 pull-ups, 40 GHD sit-ups, 30 Alt. Pistols, 20 Cal Row, 10 SA DB PPs @ 70#
What a fun day! ????
Solid days work Corey! Nice work!
Primer: done w/300 m xybex runner and 8 strict pull-ups instead of RC
A)165 (75%) across all sets; worked up to 205, failed 225 twice
B) 7:00/7:27 – 20 burpees instead of AB, BMU instead of RMU – pretty challenging workout for me today
No time for anything else this morning. May do the squats during lunch but don’t hold your breath.
Snuck in some good work! Hopefully you get to those squats!
Primer 2:38/2:39/2:36 subbed 6 strict pull ups for rope climbs.
A. 180 then 225
B. 5:06/5:36 Rx
C. 270/310/350/290×10
D. Not enough time.
Missed the fun part!
Primer done, AR, 12 ohs & 3 rc, 3.13/3.02/2.51 ????
A. Emom @ 75kg, then up to 70kg ????
B. Skipped.
C. 132,5/152,5/172,5 then 10x 132,5kg(70%).
D. Skipped.
Short on time again but got some good stuff in ????????
Nice work Simon!
Thanks coach!