Primary Session
Mobility & Activation
Hamstring Floss using a Softball x 60 seconds per leg
Shoulder Mash using a Lacross Ball x 60 seconds per side
and then …
Y’s, T’s & W’s x 8-10 reps per position
and finish with …
Two sets of:
Ring-Row Scap Hold x 20 seconds (hold at the top of the ring-row, focusing on shoulder blades being pinched back and midline engaged)
Medicine Ball Hamstring Curls x 8-10 reps
Plank with Forward Taps
x 10 reps each arm
Plank with Lateral Taps x 10 reps each arm
Ring Muscle-Up Skill Development
One set of:
Ring Swings (small) x 8 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 60 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Elbow Drops on Box x 5-6 reps
Followed by. . .
Option 1 –
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Pop Swing x 5 reps
Interval 2 – Muscle-Up Transition (Feet on Box) x 1-5 reps
Option 2 –
Every 30 seconds, for 4:30 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Speed Swing x 2 reps
Interval 2 – Shove Pop Swing x 1 rep
Interval 3 – Muscle-Up x 1-5 reps
Deadlift Progressions
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 75% of 1-rm
Conditioning: Assault Bike + Rope Climbs + Walking Lunges + sHSPU
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
2 Rope Climbs
50′ Farmers Carry Dumbell Walking Lunges (50/35 lbs)
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
35/25 Calorie Assault Bike
2 Rope Climbs
50′ Farmers Carry Dumbell Walking Lunges (35/20 lbs)
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 5″” Riser
If you don’t have Strict Handstand Push-Ups then complete the above doing one of the following progressions:
Elevated Foot Handstand Push-Ups
Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Ups
Hamstring Curl Handstand Push-Ups
If you don’t have access to a rope then please substitute 3-5 towel pull-ups for every rope climb
Midline Accessory Work
Three sets of:
Side Plank Reach Thru’s x 30 seconds per side
Rest 30 seconds
Alternating Leg V-Ups x 20 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Additional Optional Assault Bike Session
Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete (15 sets):
Assault Bike x 15/10 calories
At-Home Workout (No Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
When the clock starts perform…
Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row
30 Seconds of Single Leg Ground to Sky Reaches per Leg
60 Seconds of Downward Dog Stretch
60 Seconds of Alternating Scorpion Kicks
60 Seconds of Shoulder Plank Taps
30 Seconds of Alternating Reverse Lunges
30 Seconds of Air Squats
Rest 30 seconds
When the running clock reaches 15:00, perform the following:
Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 90 seconds of:
150 Foot Shuttle Run
20 Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell or Kettlebell Alternating Reverse Lunges
*Max Reps Hang Snatches OR Backpack Sumo Deadlift High Pulls in the remaining time
Rest 2:30 between sets and repeat for a total of SIX sets!
*Perform your hang snatches with a dumbbell, kettlebell, back pack, barbell or whatever you can use safely and have access to.
When the running clock reaches 42:00, perform the following:
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1: 10-15 Weighted OR Banded Hip Bridges
Station 2: 20-30 Banded Pull Aparts
Followed by…
5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.
Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.
Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.
Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to work though sprint type intervals. You will get more rest time than work time. Your goal should be to sprint hard through the first set and then try to hang on for the remainder of the six sets!
At-Home Workout (Limited Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
When the clock starts perform…
Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row
30 Seconds of Single Leg Ground to Sky Reaches per Leg
60 Seconds of Downward Dog Stretch
60 Seconds of Alternating Scorpion Kicks
60 Seconds of Shoulder Plank Taps
30 Seconds of Alternating Reverse Lunges
30 Seconds of Air Squats
Rest 30 seconds
When the running clock reaches 15:00, perform the following:
Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 90 seconds of:
150 Foot Shuttle Run
20 Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell or Kettlebell Alternating Reverse Lunges
*Max Reps Hang Snatches in the remaining time
Rest 2:30 between sets and repeat for a total of SIX sets!
*Perform your hang snatches with a dumbbell, kettlebell, back pack, barbell or whatever you can use safely and have access to.
When the running clock reaches 42:00, perform the following:
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1: 10-15 Weighted OR Banded Hip Bridges
Station 2: 20-30 Banded Pull Aparts
Followed by…
5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.
Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.
Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.
Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to work though sprint type intervals. You will get more rest time than work time. Your goal should be to sprint hard through the first set and then try to hang on for the remainder of the six sets!
Mus – 2-1-2 …very poor
DL @ 285
W1- 7:50 W2- 8:29 W3- 7:57 … I Did 3-4-4
Ring muscle ups instead the Ropeclimbs ! Home Workout !
DL X 3 @ 365
2 rds of 50 cal air dyne plus 15 shspu
M&A) done
Ring MU) done, option 2 MUs: 3,3,2
DLs) done @ 280#
Condo) 50-54. 4:19, 4:38, 4:55 sHSPU. unbroken
A day behind Strict presses: up to 32 kg, felt easy. 4 x 5 at 27 kg, felt good. Cleans: Tall cleans at 35 kg for 2 reps, felt good as well. Then High hang clean up to 53 kg, uploaded some clips. AMRAP: 2+45. No air to breath at all in the garage today. DU were a mess and afterwards I noticed I took my husbands rope…PP 10/10, PU 10/10 Accessories completed Cossack squats with 12 kg for 14 reps (should have done heavier) and lunges with 12 kg KB x 2 (Farmer’s carry), should have done heavier. Sled… Read more »
You guys need a fan in the garage!
M&A) done
Ring MU) done, option 2 MUs: 5,5,5
DLs) done @ 335# (every 2 min)
Condo) done every 8 min
Very nice work with your muscle-ups! How have they been feeling?
Thanks, been feeling good in single sets – not great with more density. Was fun in this combo, felt like I was really popping up and over the rings.
No ring MU
A. 358 for all deadlifts
B. 6:41 w/ 5 strict 10 reg hspu
5:43. 3 strict 12 reg
6:37 4 strict 11 reg
C. AB work done Ouch!!!!!
D. Optional AB work nice sprints 240 total cal under 1 min per Rd