Primary Training Session
Snatch Technique Warm-Up
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 95/65 lbs
*Set 3 – 95/65 lbs
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
(Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch) x 2 reps
(Perform a power snatch then lower the bar to just above the knee & perform a hang power snatch. Repeat this for 2 reps)
*Sets 1-3 = 70% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 4-6 = 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 55%
*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 90%
“Heavy Isabel”
For time:
30 Squat Snatches (185/135 lbs)
Every 90 seconds, for 18 Minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1: 6-8 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Station 2: 30-45 second Ring Support Hold
Station 3: 6-8 Strict Ring Pull Ups
Station 4: Rest
One set of:
100 Banded Triceps Extensions
Make them fast and take minimal breaks.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Sumo Stiff-Leg Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest as needed
Single-Leg Glute Bridge x 8 reps each leg
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Minute 1 – V-Up x 30 seconds
Minute 2 – Hollow Rock Hold x 30 seconds
Minute 3 – Russian Twists x 30 seconds
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
60 second KB Front Racked Wall Sit (24/16 kg)
60 second Assault Bike
6-8 Bar Muscle-Ups
Please note the time taken to complete all three movements and also the total calories for each 60 second assault bike.
Rowing Endurance Option
For time:
Row 10,000 Meters
This is as much mental as it is physical. Give this test the respect it deserves and stay focused throughout the full 10k.
A. 85-95#
B. Box squats – lowered the box to parallel, progress!
125, 150, 175, 195, 205
C. No squat snatches for me so did the wod from the competition blog
D. 8 SHSPU, 6 ring pull ups, :30 hold
E. Done
Both palms are ripped to shreds ? first time ripping in a very long time, so unpleasant
Getting close to squatting fully and pain free!! Now to sort your hands out ?
A. 130lbs and 140lbs complete. These felt good today. Widened my grip on the bar and it made my turnover feel faster.
B. Back squat
C. Did the conditioning piece from the 12th. Haven’t got much training in this week with my work schedule.
Every 10min x 3 sets: 10Mu/20DL/30PU/400m rub
Set 1: 4:38
Set 2: 4:59
Set 3: 5:17
UB on the first two sets of MUs and had to break up the third set. Deadlifts felt strong.
Good to see you managed to get some good training in today. Hope to see your work schedule settle and you can get training consistently again.
warm up done
A. 105-115# I felt like maybe I was pulling a little early on these
B. off of 275#
C. 13:12
okay so I was thinking of scaling this to 115# but I put on 135# and they felt great today so I just went for it. I really wanted to see how well I would move this weight. Missed 3 snatches early on but hit the last 22 without failing! Happy with that!
D. done really happy with how my shspu are getting
E. done
Love that you went 135! You’re more than capable of moving that weight! Awesome work!!
Thanks Tino! Really happy I stuck with it I felt pretty confident today!
Done at 165-185
B. 225-275-315-350-375
Was feeling good so I did another set of 2 at 400 (96%)
C. 5:39 at 185, (1 miss)
D. Done
Looking strong Grant!
A) snatch 170 1-3. 185 4-6
B) squats. 265-305-365-400-420
C) isa – 6:29rx
D) emom done. 8 strict 2” deficit 35sec hold. 8 pull
E) core emom – ouch! Loved this one
4km trail run
Abs for the summer!
A. Snatch primer ✅
B. Power snatches: 180/180/180/195/195/195
Used straps
C. Heavy Isabel at 185
4:14 no misses and all singles
D. Class metcon with Ryan about 10 mins after C.
For time
30 cal row
20 alt Db snatch (70)
10 def (3in/Black 45) SHSPU
E. Back squats 5×5 at 155 with a 3211 tempo. Working on eccentric loading for the thigh and knee.
Solid days work! You threw that 185lb bar around like it was nothing!
A. 165,180
B. 250,295,345,390,410
C. 6:45
D. Done
E. Done
AB Conditioning
Scaled to 35lb KB wall sit,
Calories: 20/18/15/17/19.
Times: 2:46, 2:51, 2:58, 2:52, 2:46
Always 8 BMU
A. 165-185-205
B. Done
Primer done
A. 145, 155
B. 190-225-260-295-310
C. 7:50 (-1:20 PR)
D. Done, 8/45 second/8 each rd
E. Done, lol. Loved feeling the burn!
Crushed those snatches!! Awesome work!
Thanks Tino! Putting in work 🙂
B. Skipped, going to keep squats to two days a week for right now.
C. Failed 10 reps in, 185 is around 92%, should have scaled but was feeling optimistic after hitting 175 for 20 in the middle of the workout last week. Receiving position is pretty much completely upright, so focusing on getting under the bar to any degree is a priority right now. Throwing a bar 6+ ft into the air only works for so long.
D. Done, this was fun.
AB conditioning and part E. tonight
Let’s see some video of your snatches to see what we can do to help. Nice work getting through those 30 snatches at 185!
I have video but would have to email them since I’m not on FB, and pretty sure that is an Athlete+ perk. I do work with our Oly coach here, the main issue is that 14 years of rugby combined with the aggressive strength programs that come with that left me with garbage knees and shoulders, since I switched to crossfit in august, I’ve done alot of mobility work and have improved a ton but as of right now lack of overhead range in my shoulders makes OHS torture, but 3 months ago couldn’t do them at all. It will… Read more »
SOunds like you’ve got you’ve gt things pretty dialed in and are making progress. We also have some great article on the blog. Use the search engine and type in key words like. “overhead mobility” etc… Here are some of my favorite thoracic exercises:
Power snatch + Hang Snatch
Heavy Isabel:
Quads were a burning toward the end. But I kept pace pretty conservative. Think I could cut some time down on that for sure.
Back Squat:
Had time for the ab work.
Fun week! Thanks!
Great job going Sub 7!
Warm up done
A. 70-75kg
B. 90-107.5-125-140-150kg
C. 7:41 goal was to do rep every 15 sec, slip down towards the end. Felt solid tho.
D. done
E. done
Pm session
40 min run
8.3km (4:46/km)
A. 135/135/145/145/150/150#
B. 185/225/255/285/305#
C. 13:29 Scales weight to 155#
D. 7 reps for all sets, 30 secs for all sets, 6 reps for all sets
E. Done
A. 1-3@ 160lbs, 4-6@ 175lbs B. 245×5, 285×5, 330×3, 375×2, 395×1+f just don’t have the high % lifts in me right now. C. 7:27, no misses. In the last 10-12 reps figured a better start position. Straight feet, spread the floor. Keeps way more tension in my glutes and legs and core in the whole lift. My biggest weakness in moderate weight lifting in metcons is feeling a bit like a noodle and this helped a ton. But made the legs burn more, in a good way for sure. D. 3-3.5” deficit for 8 reps each set. 45sec, 40-5sec, 30-15sec… Read more »
Good learning in todays barbell conditioning. You’re top end weights might not be consistent but your conditioning and gymnastics have been on point!
Thanks Tino, that’s definitely what’s more important for me. I’ll always hang around the top in events with heavy weights, but can slip WAY down on events with high volume gymnastics and aerobic stuff.
AM Session:
10k Row
37:20 = 1:52 Average.
Not quite the push i was hoping to have for today. But glad i puckered up and got through it.
You’ve set the baseline number! Now to build that capacity and mental resilience!
Power snatch + HPS: 117, 125. Hangs are better. Will work on that.
Back squat: 185, 220, 250, 285, 300.
Heavy Isabel: 6:15. Started every :15 but felt good half way so just went for it.
SHSPU, holds and Strict Pull Ups done.
Ramping it up for the French!!
Started with some plyo work since I wanted to back squat first to keep all of the snatching together B) 215/255/285/325/345, felt much better today than these weights did last cycle A) 155/165 C) 8:58 – 10 seconds slower than last week at 192, but considering these were all squats I’m pretty happy. Came out a little hot in the first minute, so I’d like to try going every 15 seconds next time. D) Done, 8/45/8 each round E) Done SAO A) Missed the stiff leg part so just did regular sumos at 255, no weight for bridges B) Done,… Read more »
Looks like a damn good day and a solid start to the new cycle. Let’s keep it going!
A) 150/165
B) 210/250/290/325/345
C) 9:54 @ 155#
D) Complete
E) Complete
10k C2 Bike Erg
Qualifica wod “ La battaglia di Milano “
( master +40)
Buy In: 80 / 60 cal Rower
20 Deadlifts
7.5 mt Front Rack Walking Lunges (5 sections of 1.5 meters)
10 Shoulder to overhead
7.5 mt Front Rack Walking Lunges (5 sections of 1.5 meters)
Time 12:44
80 cal 3:40
Hope that score holds up well!