Primary Strength Session
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
Rest 15 seconds
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 seconds
Hindu Push-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Press x 5 reps each side
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3 Clean Pulls + 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks @ 55-60% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Clean Pulls + 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push Jerks @ 65-70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk @ 75-80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Three sets of:
Jerk Recovery x 3 reps @ 85+%
Rest as needed
Build to today’s 8-RM Dumbbell Z-Press
L-seated position on the floor, sit tall, and make sure your elbows stay out to the side and in line with your hips and shoulders at all phases of the lift.
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps with today’s 8-RM
Rest as needed
Primary Conditioning Session
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Full Support Hold on Rings x 10-20 seconds
Interval 2 – Catch Position Hold on Rings x 5-15 seconds
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Ring Dip Negatives x 6 reps @ 31A1
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Ring Dips with Scaling Option x 3 reps @ 3111
Interval 2 – Full Support Hold on Rings x 15 seconds
“2014 CrossFit Regionals Event 7”
For time:
64 Pull-Ups
8 Overhead Squats (205/135 lbs)
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Five rounds for time of:
Row 250 Meters
50-Foot Handstand Walk
(must be performed in 25-foot unbroken sets)
Three sets of:
100-Foot Rope Pulls
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 2-3 minutes
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Front-Racked Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps @ 3111
Rest 45 seconds, then switch legs
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps each arm
Rest 60-90 seconds
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Five sets for times of:
60/40 Calories of Assault Bike
Rest 2 minutes
Note times for each of the five sets, and note your total working time (the sum of the five times). Like last week, you have incomplete rest between sets, so use this as an opportunity to learn your pacing. Your goal is to be as aggressive as possible, without seeing a drastic drop in your performance in the final sets.
A) done
B) 72kg
D) 25kg
Gymnastics done
A) 4:46
B) 12:47
B. 3 Clean Pulls + 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks @ 55-60% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk 105# 2 Clean Pulls + 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push Jerks @ 65-70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk 120# 1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk @ 75-80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk 135# D. Build to today’s 8-RM Dumbbell Z-Press 35#, hit 4 at 40#. Two sets of: Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps with today’s 8-RM Five rounds for time of: Row 250… Read more »
A. 4×8 dips strict
B. 3 sets
Max rep strict tempo 1/2/3/1 chin ups
Rest 45 seconds
8 weighted hip extension 3/2/1/1 , 35# plate
Rest 1 minute
30 seconds L-Sit Hold
Rest 2 minutes
Gymnastics skill warm up done
A. 3:14 (first 32 pull ups UB-PR) , 105# OhS UB
B. 17:34 I did 10′ increments and it hurt lol
C. Did outside on gravel basically with 90# on prowler
Primary Session
A. Warm up completed, very helpful
B. 115#, 120#, 125#
133#, 143# x2
153#, 160#, 165#
C. Subbed jerk dip at 205#-210#
D. Used 35# across, no 40#’s at gym
Skill warm up completed, great session!
A. Conditioning 2:40 did pull ups 40/24 (off bar at 1:26) and unbroken ohs
B. 14:10, took my time getting into the hand stand walk but did the most unbroken distance I’ve ever been able to do. Was able to do 25″ unbroken every round except 2.
Had to skip rope pulls and sled pulls because of space and equipment
Pm Session
Rope pulls done
Strength Accessories done
A. Done
B. 205-245-worked to 305
C. 275 jerk
D. 60lbs
4:23 35-10-10-9 but dropped on oh
PM Strength
A. 4:38 Scaled OHS to 61kg. Butterfly rhythm fell apart which was really frustrating, finding it harder to cruise with all this extra weight.
D. 50kg. Did this in 10m segments. Still to buy a rope for C.
How much weight have you out on?
Put on 3kg at start of the year, increased by 5kg originally end of last year which was my goal but then didn’t keep track and added too much extra weight. Had all my measurements done last week and back to tracking with a goal of getting back to 82kg lean in 10 weeks.
Primary Strength: A. Done. Bottoms up with 8kg KB B. Triples: 90/95/100 Doubles: 105/110/115 Singles: 120/125/130 C. Jerk recovery: 140/145/150 D. 8RM = 30# DBs 2×5 done Gymnastics Skills: done A. 4:39 Pulls ups mostly sets of 10 Scaled barbell to 115# — unbroken. (First time c&j to back rack with this weight) B. 13:21 All rows done between 0:55-0:58 Subbed 50 ft handstand walk for 50 wall-facing March steps C. Rope pulls done w/ 140# to 75ft D. 100ft Harnessed sled pulls done w/ 285# Strength Accessory: Front racked Bulgarian split squats w/ 35# KBs Landmine rows done with… Read more »
A: done
B: 169/169/169/198/198/198/231/231/231
C: 275/275/275
D: 45s (I think there is more there)
Warm-up: done
2014 WOD: 3:32 (33/17/10/4 on pull ups, shouldn’t have broken that last time, OHS unbroken)
Good to see you getting in some of the conditioning.

B – 175 for 3’s
195-215 for 2’s
245-275 for 1’s
D- 55lbs each hand
Primary conditioning
A- didn’t do OHS was not feeling hot on my left hand (thumb pain into wrist )
B- 11:46 felt ok here
C- not available
D- also not available
Assault bike conditioning
On Ad4 so way different
Still way good for me
As suggested perform jerk dips in place of Jerk recoveries at 95-105% of 1-RM Jerk.
To be honest I didn’t even register that option but will make that adjustment moving forward and thank you for the accountability!
Primary Strength
A. Done
B1. Clean Complex #1 – 145
B2. Clean Complex #2 – 165/170/180
B3. Clean Complex #3 – 195/205/205
C. Unable to do since racks don’t go that high, need to improvise
D. Z-Press 8-RM – 40# (got 4/8 on 50#), did 2 sets at 40#
Strength Accessory
FR KB Bulgarian SS – 33#/20kg/20kg
Landmine Rows – 45#
As suggested perform jerk dips in place of Jerk recoveries at 95-105% of 1-RM Jerk..
Wasn’t aware of this substitute thank you.
Had another job interview today, so had to fit everything in a morning.
Hit the warmup/core and then worked from 145,175, and 200 on the clean complex. Then did jerk Recovery 3×3 @225
And then both workouts. Regional event 7 took me 3:25 and rowing/HS took roughly 10 minutes didn’t set a clock
Hope the interviews are going well. What do you do?
Technically I just coach a few classes and clean the gym right now. I’m only 16 so it’s not bad. I interviewed at a local grocery store
Gotta start earning that cash!
Loving this warmup, if that’s what you wanna call it. First Clean Complex Set: 175 Second: 205 Third: 225 Small press out on the push jerks on the third weight, but not terrible. Forgot how cardio these are. -Skipped jerk Recovery. DB Z Press x 8: Stopped at 50lbs. May have had 5 more lbs but my leg was cramping during for some reason and I did a lot of sets working up. Did 2 sets of 5 at 50lbs. 4 sets of: Snatch Grip Romanian Deads (4011) @ 155lbs Rest 60 seconds 100ft Waiter/Suitcase Carry. 70 suit/53 wait. 3… Read more »
A. Done B. 205 for 3s 240 for 2s 275 for 1s C. No blocks. Just read that dips are good substitute here. Next time D. Only have 50s. Done Strength accessory 2 sets, of split squats with 53s, last set with 70 My landmine hasn’t showed up so I did KB rows with 88. Session 2 Gymnastics warm up done. A. 2014 Reg. 3:49 – my hand felt awful. Tore on yesterday’s bar MU’s. OHS felt good. Could usually go UB on the pull-ups but not even close today. Lucky to make it out with sub 4. B. 7:31… Read more »
Look after those hands dude. There should be no reason to tear in training. It only hampers future days work. Hope they feel better tomorrow.
Thanks Tino! You’re absolutely right. It was an accident. It was a small puss blister after the GG and didn’t feel it til after my last set of bar MU. I worked around it today, that’s why it took me a little longer.
A. Done
B. 185-220-255
C. Jerk dips 275-285-295
D. 50
A. 4:08 paced the pull ups was too much. 8 sets of 8
B. 13:18 did 25 ft out then back in
C. Sled plus 45
D. Sled plus 135
Primary Strength Session :
A. Done
B1. 145#
B2. 187#
B3. 215# , 225# , 235#
D. 40# Z-Presses (Feels way stronger and stable than last time)
Primary Conditioning Session :
Gymnastics Done
A. 4:05 Rx (34/15/15 Pull-Ups and 4/4 OHS)
B. 12:05 Rx
C. 210#
D. 210#
Today’s metcons were a lot of fun. Liked having the UB handstand walks ????
Glad you enjoyed them. Nice work on those hs walks.
Post coaching session:
Every :20 for 10 mins. 1 strict mu with 25lb vest. No misses
8pm can’t come soon enough!
AM Session
Primary Strength
A. Done
B. 3s @80/2s @95/1s @110kg
C. Jerk recovery @110kg still a bit light but getting a feel for them now
D. 25kg
Gymnastics skill/Warm-ups
A. 2:43 rxd pull ups 40/14/10 felt terrible couldn’t get a good rhythm , ohs unbroken
B. 8:17 rxd
I’ll do the rest this afternoon
Primary Strength Session A.
3 Clean Pulls + 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks set1/2: 55% set3: 60%
2 Clean Pulls + 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push Jerks Set1/2: 65% set3: 70%
1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk Set1/2: 75% set3: 80% C.
3×3 Jerk Recovery @85/90% D. 8-RM Dumbbell Z-Press 30#
failed rep 7
2×5 Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps with today’s 8-RM Primary Conditioning Session C.
3x 100-Foot Rope Pulls @100#… Read more »
Am sesh
A. Done (35lb db for press)
B. 175/175/175
*weight felt really light today
C. Dont have the capability to do jerk recoveries (tall people problems)
D. 8rm db z-press 65lbs
Same for 2 sets of 5
Regional event 7
4:10- dropped on one of the over head squats -_-
Pm sesh
5 rounds
250m row
50′ hs walk
Sled work- done
Strength accessory
62lb kb’s for split squats
100lb db’s for rows
In future perform jerk dips in place of jerk recoveries. 2 second hold at around 100% for 2-3 reps
Ok will do! Thanks!