Accumulate 15-20 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand
(hold for 1 second in the handstand, but goal is to get comfortable finding balance point)
followed by . . .
Four sets of:
25-Foot Handstand Walk to Wall + Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Rest as needed
For time:
20 Muscle-Ups
followed by…
Complete 20 reps each of your choice of two of the three Muscle-Up Transition drills
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
For time:
15 Muscle-Ups
followed by…
Complete 20 reps each of your choice of two of the three Muscle-Up Transition drills
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
For time:
30/20 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
followed by…
Complete 20 reps each of your choice of two of the three Muscle-Up Transition drills
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
Fight Gone Bad
Three rounds of:
Wall-Ball (20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75/55 lbs)
Box Jump (24″/20″)
Push-press, (75/55 lbs)
Row (Calories)
Rest 60 seconds
Three rounds of:
Wall-Ball (20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (55/35 lbs)
Box Jump (24″/20″; step ups allowed)
Push-press, (55/35 lbs)
Row (Calories)
Rest 60 seconds
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
25 Minute Tempo Run
< 6 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 7 minute mile pace (1:45 per lap)
< 7 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 8 minute mile pace (2:00 per lap)
< 8 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 9 minute mile pace (2:15 per lap)
Two rounds for time of:
Row 500 Meters
15 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Thrusters
30 Double-Unders
40-49: 115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
For time:
Row 1,000 Meters
and then …
5 rounds of:
25 Pull-Ups
7 Push-Jerks (135/85 lbs)
For time:
Row 1,000 Meters
and then …
5 rounds of:
20 Pull-Ups
7 Push-Jerks (125/75 lbs)
For time:
Row 1,000 Meters
and then …
5 rounds of:
15 Pull-Ups
7 Push-Jerks (115/65 lbs)
25 Minute Tempo Run
< 6 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 7 minute mile pace (1:45 per lap)
< 7 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 8 minute mile pace (2:00 per lap)
< 8 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 9 minute mile pace (2:15 per lap)
Did some freestanding HS holds. Getting better.
Then worked out with class for Team Saturday (I feel guilty working alone on Saturday).
25:00 AMRAP (Teams of 3, rotating movements):
400m run (together)
10 Thrusters (45#)
10 Box Jumps (24″)
10 Strict Pullups
10 OHS (45#)
5 Burpees
5 T2B
5 Strict HSPUs
Decent workout. 8 rounds. Runs were the toughest part.
Coach I really love how on Saturdays we dedicate a good part to gymnastics I need it!! is there a trick to getting those muscle up trnasitions off the box, for instance are your rings supposed to be at specific height? I find it so hard ..I cant do them..LOL still not able to do kipping muscle ups but I did get strict muscle up in singles just not consistent… any suggestions?
Like Leticia, Saturday training on Sunday.
800m run
A. 8:30. Done w/SU (no DU) and 75#.
B. NFT, but 4:20 1,000m row. 5 rounds 15PU/7PJ 85/95/105/115/115.
Right wrist from Friday WOD still slightly sore, but seems to be fine otherwise.
Happy rest-of-the-weekend to all.
Saturday training today (Sunday):
A. Done
B. 20 MU = 9:49, B2 done
C. 322 reps; not a PR but I stepped down on BJ to save back.
Only got the run in today. 3 miles. Some of it on the trail. WOD Sunday.
sesh 1:
A.8:06 left my rope at home had to jump with a box rope 5 misses w 60 DUS
B. did 3 rounds 1000m biodyne bike 1:20/1:20/1:30 big 5 min rest in between
skipped the wod to give arms a break
Sesh 2:
3.1 miles 7:58 pace
Got the run in today: 3 miles in 8:37 pace (25:54); planning on doing the WOD at the box tomorrow morning.
Is that okay on your back?
Last week the 35 minute run on the road bothered my back so yesterday I ran in our dirt fields which was easier on my back. Also wore my back brace. It feels okay today; not any worse. 🙂
went to workout this am but the gym was closed until noon so went on a 2 hr mt bike ride. Dragged myself back at 4:30 for S1
A. 11:16
B. tore a few blisters on my hands the start of the 4th round so limped thru the round then stopped. Was under 2 min/round. Will do again for time when my hands heal up.
C. put legs in normatec compression for 25 min!
Enjoy your weekend and rest day.
Off season
Only had time for A and B
A) handstand holds were sketchy, but I am getting a bit better at them ,
The hsw to the wall were kinda fun, wasn’t sure how they were going to go, so I started close and worked my way out, furthest I got was about 15 feet (made the holds tougher)
B) 20 mu , 7:00 slow, but the good thing here is no pain in the catch position.
Awesome Dave!!
A. 10:00 Sub 10 burpees, Ankle sore, no jumping or running today :((
B. 4:25 Row
C.15:56 row Including row
M and a done,
Did freestanding kick ups x15
Left walks till after wod
20mu for time 4:20 was hoping for bit faster but three misses sets u back a bit.
Wod got 277 reps total
Hsw were pretty average today.
Then 3×5 butterfly pull thrus for shoulder strength.
Games Prep
Did a quick Clean and Jerk session: tied PR at 245, just missed jerk at 250
A. 8:52
B. 10:45 (long break between A & B to make room for class but 6 seconds faster than done at 2014 Games)
C. 25 min. run (so slow that it took me 30 min.)
Have a nice weekend all!
Nice Al!!!!
AM – Endurance -Lacate threshold 1 mile run test. 5:53
A. HS holds getting more consistent, several held for at least 3 secs. (Which is good for me).
HSW & hold – done ( 1st 2 sets UB)
B. 7:48 – only sets of 2&3 on these today. Some days feel better than others.
C. 352
Post – COS – recovery
Fast mile Art!
Thanks. Hit a 2:50 split at 800 after going out faster than I wanted with a 1:15 first 400. Settled in with a 1:32 and 1:31 split on the last 2 laps.
So great Art!!
At my affiliate the first half of any 400/800 or mile is up a good hill. It was nice to run on a track.
Rough lifting week-Great Gymnastics Week- Did some accessory work today with 2 other Masters YAY! 5X5 Hang C&J light built to #95 worked on mechanics-finished last lift held bar over head for 35s 6-Sets of Cycled T2B 5-6-7-8-9-10-last set a little struggle-had 1 double kip in the beginning of set 10. then finished strong. 5×5 SHSPU-worked on progression did 2 with ab mat only YAY- 5X3 dips-Getting stronger at them learning to kip. 5 rope climbs- only 3 pulls to get up now. Better technique Sometimes it is hard to do programming at open gym on Saturday’s Have a great… Read more »
Off Season
I was here, haha!
A. Done
B. Did shoulder mobility/stability- lateral tennis elbow pain
press to handstand from box
C. 2 Rounds: no counting, just moved fast
Some mobility.
A. Kick-ups and HS walking practice. Walking wasn’t going so well this morning.
B. Granit Games #1 69 reps. Finished at about 13 min but I’m struggling with the 205 squat clean, I hit a wall at this weight. Right after the 15 min time limit I pulled a 195 squat clean and jerk no problem, just can’t seem to get that 205.
C. 15 MU for time – 4:30 After the first set of 5 was only getting 1 and 2 reps at a time.
Time issues today… did the Class WOD at our gym. Goodness is was crazy.
Got it in though.
tempo run done later
8 minute pace
Have a good Weekend!
A. 20 W/ 10 extra to make up for the missed ones.
B1. 11:48: 7×1, 4×2, 1, 2×2
B2. 10 w/ feet on ground, 10 experimenting w/ feet between 9 & 18” boxes
C. 235 (77,70,88)
Games Prep
A. 9:30
B. (40-49) 16:27
Have a great weekend!
Nice Perry !
Thanks Nichole!
Games Prep (early morning hotel workout…tried to do as much programmed as possible in the hour I had):
A. 8:30. 2 rounds of: bike 2:00, 15 strict hspu, 15 DB thrusters (30# each hand), 30 du.
B. No pull-up bar or barbell so instead did 3 sets:
10 one arm overhead strict press (25#) each arm
10 one arm dumbbell row (45#) each arm
C. 25 minute tempo run on treadmill…3.0 miles
Have a great time!
Thank you Kim!
Good job Cheryl! Way to get it in at the hotel!
Nice work Cheryl!