June 10, 2020 – Competition

At-Home Workout (No Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, perform…

Two sets of:
60 second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 seconds of Front Leaning Rest
Rest 30 seconds

Followed by…

Two sets of:
45 seconds of Mountain Climbers
45 seconds of Lateral Line Hops

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Rest 30 seconds

Followed by…

Two sets of:
30 seconds of Sampson Pulses each side
30 seconds of Robot Dog
Rest 30 seconds

Followed by…

Two sets of:
30-60 seconds of Handstand Hold
30 seconds of Running Man Line Jumps
Rest 30 seconds

When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following:

Complete as many reps possible in 2 minutes of:
30 seconds ofProne Walk Outs
200 Meter Run
Max Reps of Strict Handstand Push-ups in the remaining time

Rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of FIVE sets.

When the running clock reaches 40:00, perform the following:

Three sets of:
20-30 Band Pull-Aparts OR 30 seconds of Bent-Over Bat Wing Hold
16-20 Alternating Cossack Squats @ 1111 Tempo
8-10 Single-Arm Backpack Rows per arm @ 2111 Tempo
Rest 60 seconds” “Followed by…

5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.

Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.

Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.

Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to work on some “sprintervals.” The two minutes goes by fast so you have to work quickly in order to accumulate reps on the strict handstand push-ups. The one minute rest should be sufficient to help you recover enough to hit each interval as hard as the previous. Throughout the sets your shoulders will fatigue and the handstand push-ups will become increasingly difficult, but try to hold on and remain as consistent as possible.

At-Home Workouts (Limited Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, perform…

Two sets of:
60 second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 seconds of Front Leaning Rest
Rest 30 seconds

Followed by…

Two sets of:
45 seconds of Mountain Climbers
45 seconds of Lateral Line Hops

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Rest 30 seconds

Followed by…

Two sets of:
30 seconds of Sampson Pulses each side
30 seconds of Robot Dog
Rest 30 seconds

Followed by…

Two sets of:
30-60 seconds of Handstand Hold
30 seconds of Running Man Line Jumps
Rest 30 seconds

When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following:

Complete as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
30 seconds of Push Press
200 Meter Run
Max Reps of Strict Handstand Push-ups in the remaining time

Rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of FIVE sets.

When the running clock reaches 40:00, perform the following:

Three sets of:
20-30 Band Pull-Aparts
16-20 Alternating Cossack Squats @ 1111 Tempo
8-10 Single-Arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell Rows per arm @ 2111 Tempo
Rest 60 seconds

Followed by…

5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.

Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.

Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.

Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to work on some “sprintervals.” The two minutes goes by fast so you have to work quickly in order to accumulate reps on the strict handstand push-ups. The one minute rest should be sufficient to help you recover enough to hit each interval as hard as the previous. Throughout the sets your shoulders will fatigue and the handstand push-ups will become increasingly difficult, but try to hold on and remain as consistent as possible.


Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed

Two sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Stiff Leg Deadlift
Rest 60 seconds

Keep the weight light, around 25% of your max deadlift with the goal of moving for the full 60 seconds. Use straps if necessary.

Two sets of:
Reverse Hypers x 30 reps @ 1010*
Rest as needed
Banded March with Front-Loaded Carry x 3 minutes
Rest as needed

*If you do not have access to a reverse-hyper perform barbell or safety bar good mornings or band pull-throughs.

Four sets of:
Single-Arm Deadlift x 5 reps (Left Arm)
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Left Arm)
Single-Arm Deadlift x 5 reps (Right Arm)
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Right Arm)
Rest as needed

Ten rounds for time of:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
30/22 Calorie Row or Bike Erg

Every 5 minutes including 3, 2, 1 GO! stop your bike or row and run 200 meters.

Three sets of:
Strict Toes to Bar x Max Unbroken Reps @ 2110
Rest 90 seconds
Extended Plank x 60 seconds
immediately followed by…
20 seconds of Med Ball Slams x Max Reps
Rest as needed

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Drake Webster
Drake Webster
June 11, 2020 5:06 pm

A. Done
B. Done(135lbs 32/26)ouch
C. Done(good mornings)
D. Done
E. No machine and weather is bad here today so skipped
F. Done

samuel senecal
samuel senecal
June 11, 2020 2:11 pm

Je m attendais pas à ça très surpris de ce training,
My core is broken
Good job Tino ?

June 11, 2020 6:00 pm
Reply to  samuel senecal

Fun day!!

Pedro Mendoza
Pedro Mendoza
June 11, 2020 3:28 am

Primary session
A) ✅
B) 32/37 @ 60#
C) ✅ barbell good mornings
D) ✅ kept it light @25#
E) only could squeeze in 5 rounds with time 20:00 (subbed mountain climbers for bike)
F) ✅

?Feeling the (cardio) burn

June 11, 2020 5:51 am
Reply to  Pedro Mendoza

?‍♀️ ? ? ? ? ?

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
June 10, 2020 10:24 pm

A. Done
B. 38/42 @ 50Kg
C. Done with BB GM
D. Done with 40Kg DBs
E. 38:57; done Rx with Echo and row
F. Done

June 11, 2020 12:21 am
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

???‍♀️??‍♂️? ?

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
June 11, 2020 1:27 am
Reply to  tino

This was a total mental grind!

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
June 10, 2020 9:15 pm

The humidity is REAL lately!
A) done. This always feels so good on my shoulders
B) 85# 37/38
C) done
D) done
E) 35:19 Rx
F) done

Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome!

June 11, 2020 12:21 am
Reply to  Jessica Uehlin

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Peter Bristotte
Peter Bristotte
June 10, 2020 6:14 pm



A. Done.
B. 125 lbs: 35-36 reps.
C. Done.
D. Done.
E. Done with Echo Bike and Rowing: 44:18.
F. Did 20 GHD Sit-Ups per round. Slam balls: 13-12-12.

Have a great day!

June 10, 2020 6:18 pm

???‍♀️??‍♂️? ??

Peter Bristotte
Peter Bristotte
June 10, 2020 6:25 pm
Reply to  tino

The farts were real!

Robert DeLeon
Robert DeLeon
June 10, 2020 5:41 pm

A: ✔️
B: 75# on the barbell
C: banded pull throughs (green). Banded March with 25# ball
D: 70# KB
E: 6 rounds to the 30 min mark. Running short on time
F: ✔️

June 10, 2020 6:18 pm
Reply to  Robert DeLeon

Made the most of the time you had!

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
June 10, 2020 3:32 pm

A) Done
B) 115lbs – 35/32
C) Done with light barbell good mornings and banded march
D) Done with 70lb KB
E) 12k Bike Erg with 200m run every 5 mins: 28:17
F) Done

Really good day of training

June 10, 2020 4:35 pm
Reply to  Patrick Benson

Fun days work!

Benjamin Ransom
Benjamin Ransom
June 10, 2020 2:37 pm

A. Done
B. @135# 57/47
C. Done used 65# sandbag
D. Done using 40kg KB
E. 44:12 Rx AB + Row and used air runner
F. 11-10/15-11/14-10 using 20# ball

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
June 10, 2020 1:40 pm

I made up yesterday’s gymnastics and glad I did L-sits are a major weakness right now!
B. 85
C. Subbed barbell good mornings and 2 minutes of marching (never done this so thought I’d start slow holding 20# wallball)
D. Am going to try this evening outside with the kiddos
E. OMG and to think I was excited about this workout ? subbed 200 ski for run and finished 34:58 i was NOT getting off that rower! Crazy how this one pushed you mentally!

June 10, 2020 1:49 pm
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Haha fun one to go into. rest day 🙂

Solid three days of work!

Sam Dellis
Sam Dellis
June 10, 2020 12:47 pm

A- done
B- done
D- done
E- 12 cal ski, row, 200m run x10rds 39 min. Felt really good found my groove around rd 6
F- done

Meghan/Matt Sabean
Meghan/Matt Sabean
June 10, 2020 12:44 pm

E. 5 rounds = 17:25 (15 cal row, 10 cal echo, 200m run E5MOM)

Probably should have locked in for the full 10 rounds given it’s just cardio but I’m feeling super dizzy today on my first ‘B deplete’ day. Also, holy smokes rowing hurts a lot more after “back day” Wtf?!

June 10, 2020 1:48 pm

Make sure your hydration is on point! Thats important as you reduce your calories.

Meghan/Matt Sabean
Meghan/Matt Sabean
June 10, 2020 2:26 pm
Reply to  tino

There has to be a correlation because I’m parched today for sure

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
June 10, 2020 12:08 pm

For E I just have a rower how many cals can I sub for the bike?

June 10, 2020 12:31 pm
Reply to  Elena Ingoglia

15 Burpees

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
June 10, 2020 12:55 pm
Reply to  tino

Sweet thanks Tino!

Sabrina Quintão Pereira
Sabrina Quintão Pereira
June 10, 2020 10:18 am


A) Done
B) 33 / 32 reps @ 63lb (~26%)
C) 40lb Reverse Hypers/ 20lb Medball Belt Squat Machine
D) Done @ 20kg KBs
E) 44:58 RX (Echo Bike and Row). One of my favorites even though is 98F today ??
F) Scaled to Unbroken tempo V-ups, extended plank and Mountain Climbs (people borrowed all the slam balls).
V-ups : 10 – 12 – 13
MC: 32 – 30 – 33

Have a great day! ??

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
June 10, 2020 11:28 am

This workout and that temperature makes for the perfect sweat today!

Corey Talbott
Corey Talbott
June 10, 2020 9:57 am

For banded marches, i put a loop around my feet and front rack held a barbell, marching in place. Is this correct?

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
June 10, 2020 11:28 am
Reply to  Corey Talbott

That will definitely work, but sounds like an uncomfortable set up. You will be good to stretch it around your back shoulders though and just go no barbell.

June 10, 2020 11:29 am
Reply to  Corey Talbott
Corey Talbott
Corey Talbott
June 10, 2020 2:00 pm
Reply to  tino

Lmao not at all what i did. I was hoping things like that would be linked in the workout. There’s a few things ive been unsure of and had my doubts anyone would answer at 5am.

June 10, 2020 2:53 pm
Reply to  Corey Talbott

Thanks, Noted for next time. At least you know now!

Corey Reutlinger
Corey Reutlinger
June 10, 2020 9:24 am

I made up Tuesday’s Limited Equip Option today.
A1. 3 rds + 10 reps of the 8 min AMRAP
A2. 2 rds + 15 reps of the 3 min AMRAP
B. 6:23. I used a 70# load for my Front Squats and did 30 DUs using the new Invictus Rapid Fit jump rope. It’s a lot heavier than my old speed rope.
C. 7:18 using 40# for DB DLs

I will likely do today’s workout tomorrow.

June 10, 2020 9:29 am

Its a good active recovery day 🙂

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
June 10, 2020 8:26 am

A. Done
B. 35/35 with 135#
C. Done 70# dball
D. 70# KB
E. 37:54 RX with assault bike and row
F. Gonna do this tomorrow gotta run!

June 10, 2020 9:32 am
Reply to  Bobby Wallum


Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
June 10, 2020 8:13 am

A) done
B) 50kg done
C) 50kg good morning and 20kg plate for the march done
D) 32kg kb done, tried to do nice and slowly the walk part and focus on the straight position (more or less)
E) oh my God this one…
20 cal assault bike and 30 cal row/bike changes after every round, so 5-5.
15 bp instead of running
At first i wanted to skip this part, then said I’ll do 5 rounds, then it was a 30’ TC, eventually went through with it
Time: 38:29
F) did not happen today

100% no training tomorrow 😀

June 10, 2020 9:30 am
Reply to  Aron Megyik

OMG this one…is one of my favorites 🙂
Good job getting through it. Its just a long mental grind.
Now go eat and rehydrate and enjoy that rest day!!

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
June 10, 2020 11:14 am
Reply to  tino

Pure cardio ?

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
June 10, 2020 7:44 am

Hey Tino, any recommendation for part E with only a Bike Erg (and running)?

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
June 10, 2020 8:03 am
Reply to  Patrick Benson

Hey! You can do a 12k Bike Erg and still run the 200 Every 5 minutes instead of the original workout

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
June 10, 2020 8:31 am
Reply to  Hunter Britt

Appreciate it Hunter!!

Wyatt Beebe
Wyatt Beebe
June 10, 2020 6:50 am

Limited on time today so just got in what I could.
A. Done
B. W 135
C. Done
E. Set a 30 minute cap at slightly above moderate pace. 7 rounds +6 cals
F. Just the ttb and slams

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
June 10, 2020 8:01 am
Reply to  Wyatt Beebe

Looks like you were still able to get a lot done!

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