Dynamic Mobility and Activation
One set of:
Partner Assisted T-Spine Stretch x 3 breathes
Front Rack Partner Assisted Stretch x 3 contract/release per side
Deep Squat Progression x 6-8 reps
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Band Assisted Lateral Walks x 10 each direction
Band Assisted Monster Walks x 10 forward/backward
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes, complete:
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 3 – 1 reps @ 90%
*Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 90%
*Set 6 – 1 reps @ 95%
*Set 7 – 6 reps @ 75+%
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Push Press x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+
Granite Games Qualifier #1
As many reps as possible in 15 minutes
10 Squat Clean & Jerks (135/85 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
8 Squat Clean & Jerks (185/115 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
6 Squat Clean & Jerks (225/145 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
4 Squat Clean & Jerks (275/175 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
2 Squat Clean & Jerks (305/200 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
Max Squat Clean & Jerks (315/205 lbs)
As many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
10 Squat Clean & Jerks (135/85 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
8 Squat Clean & Jerks (185/115 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
6 Squat Clean & Jerks (225/145 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
4 Squat Clean & Jerks (275/175 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
2 Squat Clean & Jerks (305/200 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
Max Squat Clean & Jerks (315/205 lbs)
As many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
10 Squat Clean & Jerks (115/75 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
8 Squat Clean & Jerks (145/100 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
6 Squat Clean & Jerks (175/125 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
4 Squat Clean & Jerks (205/145 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
2 Squat Clean & Jerks (225/155 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
Max Squat Clean & Jerks (235/160 lbs)
As many reps possible in 15 minutes:
10 Squat Clean & Jerks (95/55 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
8 Squat Clean & Jerks (115/75 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
6 Squat Clean & Jerks (135/95 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
4 Squat Clean & Jerks (155/115 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
2 Squat Clean & Jerks (175/125 lbs)
15 Burpees Over Bar
Max Squat Clean & Jerks (185/130 lbs)
Six sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Build to a heavy single for the day
Five sets of:
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
8/6 Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 90 seconds
Five sets of:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
8/6 Ring Dips-Ups
Rest 90 seconds
Two sets of:
Overhead Yoke Carry x 50′
Rest 2-3 minutes
Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls x 100′
Rest 2-3 minutes
*Keep your elbows locked out throughout the movement, with absolutely NO shrugging. Shoulders have to be locked down in position while walking.
**Athletes should be able to achieve at least a 50-foot overhead carry with their 1-RM Snatch weight, and their goal should be to achieve that distance with their 1-RM Clean and Jerk weight.
Every minute, on the minute for 10 minutes:
1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb (15′)
Every minute, on the minute for 10 minutes:
2 Rope Climbs (15′)
Two sets of:
One-Arm Press x 5 reps each arm
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Right Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Left Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Left Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Right Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets for time of:
40 GHD Sit-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
Off Season.
A – FS 3/235, 2/250, 1/265, 3/250, 2/265, 1/270, 6/235
B – 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 206(F), 206 (PR), 210(PR)
C – 48, cleaned 225 but couldn’t jerk it. Bummer.
Then did Class WOD to get heart rate going:
3 rounds: 30 air squats, 25 KB swings (53#), 20 Pushups. 5:00.
Then had time to kill so I did a 15 min EMOM:
M1: 10 GHD situps
M2: 10 weighted (45#) GHD hip extensions
M3: 5 strict MUs.
A) 172,182,193,182,190,204,161
B) 69,81,87,94,95,100,106,112x1x1 fail, 120x2fail,
c) amrap in 15 min
85,115,145×2 fail dropped to 135, 175x 1 fail, dropped to 138 only got 2 reps
(my PR was 141 I havent been able to hit it never mind heavier LOL – I tried)
A. 215
B. 2:32/3:20/4:07/3:31/3:09 had to use band on sime dips
C. Done w/135 yoke and 135 sled
A. Got 16 total
B.25/35, 70 SCC, 90 sled drag
M&A done
A. Last set of 6@215
B. Up to 230
C. 69- I feel like there is gonna be a log jam at the 69 score
Traveling next few weeks – family and sons wedding. Mt biked 2 hrs then worked with a gymnast on HS walking & swings for hr – super fun and learned a ton
Not a spectacular eve of training.
A. No squat rack available. Had to clean everything, which meant FS was limited to 155#.
B. PP to 140#.
C. Tried Rx only 25 reps. Heard my wrist crack with the 145#, so then just stayed with SC&J technique reps between 95-135. No burpees.
Wrist seems fine, maybe a little sore-ish. But all is good since the W’s won.
Skipped squats~ feeling better decided to rest until Monday
Push press-#125 tried 130×2 failed
Got to #145 couldn’t get 1~ PR is #155
It’s ok chalking it up to my what’s been going on this week… Looking forward to a great training next week
Sesh 1:
A. FS 255/275/295/305/315/325PR
B. subbed 15 strict handstand push ups for 8 MUs and did the 40 cals on a Schwinn Biodyne
C. overhead @ 195/225
pulled a 90 sled 200mx2 took about 2:30secs
Sesh 2
A. babying my forearm so I did 6 regular rope climbs using mostly my left arm for grip
B. skipped
C. 1:43/2:22/2:57 wow!
A. 150/160/170/160/170/180/150#
B. Up to 140#
C. 69 reps; I actually got the clean at 175# which matches my clean PR but couldn’t finish the jerk ?
Good work Teesh!
Thanks Cheryl! I wasn’t expecting to make the 175# clean! It was a good day 🙂 Save travels to you!
Too bad they aren’t giving credit for a clean!
A. 255, 275, 295, 305, 315f, 315f. Couldn’t make it out of bottom at my PR weight. Maybe still jacked up from GHD.
B. 3:30, 2:51, 3:30, 3:40, 3:49. 40 cal bike and 15 HSPU. Started out strict but switched to kipping.
C. 185 overhead carry, 100#sled drag.
A. Major struggle bus. Arms blew up 3rd set of legless, had to go regular. Only got in singles and used 3-4 pulls instead of 2.
B. 1:30, 1:50 1:39 Situps cuz GHDs messed me up for days last couple times….
A. 255,265,275,285,295,305
B. 3:10, 3:20, 3:30, 3:40, 3:50 4:00 MU’s all unbroken, rows
C. done: yoke carries done with barbell at 225
A. 7 sets of climbs, stopped because rt. bicep started to hurt
B. suit case carries and farmers carries done
C. 2 sets of 40 GHD (1;40, 2:30)
also did a quick snatch as well as split jerk 10 min. EMON up to 80%
Nice work on those MU!!
Nice work Al!
M and a done. 1rm back squat testing. Just missed 127.5kg. So may try that again in couple of weeks. Did some light front squat after and back was feeling this , so just couple sets and into push press emom 50,60,70,75,80,85,90f, 87.5 f. Damn you. Thought 90kg was acheivable today. Still happy with 85kg Scaled the wod because i wanted a workout instead of a challenging lift as my 1rm clean and jerk is approx 85kg or 188lbs. So started at 50,60,70,80,90kg got through the 80 and 2 burpees in 15min. Lower back may need a roll out after… Read more »
Games Prep …traveling right now and did what I could in the time I had:
1A. Front squat: 155-165-175-190-205-215#
1B. 5 sets 30 cals assault bike/6 mu, rest 90 secs…. Bike took 2:23 to 3:00, Mu were tough today took approx 2:00-2:30 for 6. The straps were shorter and rings turned the other way than I’m accustomed to.
2C. 3 sets for time: 40 GHD situps, rest 60
1:01, 1:01, 1:00
Thank you Oregon CrossFit and Jennifer Noble for the hospitality!
1:01/1:00/1:00 ??????? WTF????? I will need to see the video 😉
No video just witnesses! ?
Fsq 195
PP 180
Assault bike 100 cal
GG1 88 reps @13:36 tried to squat clean 200 and it turned into a high pull .
1 mile swim 1 mile run on beach
Whoo hoo way to go!
Off Season
A. FS 195/210/220/210/220/230/185
B. PP 100/115/125/135/145/155/10/165/170/175
C. GG Qualifier 52 reps…too slow through 145lb and 175lb C&Js, felt good though
Nice work on that Qualifier!
Mob/Act done
A. 275/295/315/295/315/325/275×6
B. 135/155/165/175/190/200/210/220/225/230
C. 69 reps, fun work out. Missed jerk attempts at 275. Staying tight while breathing hard.
Off Season
Mob Done
Up to 235 (94%)
69 Reps
** Really paced it out. No missed on the SCJ. 135/185/225 went up much easier than I anticipated going in. 265 is 1RM so didnt go through first 69 reps with sense of urgency but rather working on hitting each attempt as cleanly as possible. Really pleased with the reps I was able to get in.
Happy Friday all!
OFF SEASON–Woops–Apparently tired, I did & posted in the Invictus Comp page.
A. 15 min to find 1RM: UP TO -210- (5# PR)
B.Granite Games Qualifier #1
I scaled. I thought Prescribed scaled would be to easy ( I think differently now) and set up for 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 210 (only made it through 175# C&J to 5 burpies over the bar before time ran out.
C. & D. Done…beat.
Nice Ian!!!!
Session 1, Noon:
A. Front squat singles 225-275
B. 40cal row/8 MUs 3:26/3:48/3:57/3:56/3:52
C. One-arm db presses @50/55#
Off Season
Crossover Symm
Dynamic Mob and act. done
A. 135/155/170/155/170/175/135
B. 75/80/85/95/105/115/120/130
C. GG – 51 Reps- not sure if I want to be happy or slap myself. 145 went up no problem Jerk was hard. I just really took my time getting there. Happy to get 145 up 4 times. 1 Rep max is 150 guess I just need to believe in myself more.
5000 meter row – time trial for Dark Horse rowing
Happy Friday
Well done Tracy! Getting those reps at 145 when 150 is your max is awesome!!
Thanks Leticia!
Nice job Tracy; getting 5# under your PR multiple times after all that is great!
Way to go Tracy!