Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10-12 reps
(working on smooth, efficient rhythm and mechanics)
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 60-90 seconds
Double-Unders x 40-50 reps
Four sets of:
Clean x 2.2.2 @ 70-75% of 1-RM
(rest 10 seconds between doubles)
Rest 3 minutes
Four sets of:
Bent-Over Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Tempo Push-Ups x Max Reps @ 2020
Rest 90 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups x 10 reps @ 2110
Rest 90 seconds
***Program Note – I know that today might feel a bit light on volume. That is by design. The program modulates intensity and volume, and we’re at the mid-point, which was a good point to reduce the load, let you heal and be ready to come on strong for the final stretch of training leading into and peaking at Games.
A. 12 C2B, 60 sec x 3, du’s not so hot tonight 3-4 misses each set…
B. 80kg all 3 sets, powercleans made it easier on finger
C. 50kg
8, 7, 8, 7
A. Done still working du’s.2-3 sets to get 50…
B. 195# sc
C. 185#
26, 24, 20, 18
10, 10, 10, 10
A: done
235 tng pc
245 tng x4 pc, x2 sc
250 drops and all squat a for the last 2 sets
25, 17, 15, 17 at tempo
10, 7/3, 5/2/1/1/1, 4/2/1/1/1/1 at tempo
Rough day. This tempo stuff beat me up.
Awesome work Brent, keep up the good work!
A. Done; 10 rep C2B unbroken – last round butterfly; :60 hs holds, 40 rep DU’s
B. 4 sets 175# tng 2,2,2
C. 10×50# DB, 16/15/14/13 strict 2020 pushups, 10 strict 2110 pullups
This was harder than it looked!
A. Done
B. 185# enjoyed this one.
C. Push-ups 17,17,15,14
Back today after 5 straight days of self-imposed rest. Wife and I took kids on vacation and all had an awesome time! Celebrated my 45th birthday and then came home to find a Games invite in my email box. That was one heck of a present! Glad I’ve been working out with you guys all this time
Congrats Brandon!!!! Look forward to meeting you in person
Awesome Brandon! Where did you go for vacation?!
Congratulations on making it to Games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Brandon. Glad you had some time away with the family.
So pumped about this Brandon! Congratulations, and I will look forward to seeing you at Games!
A. C2B mostly in singles
nose to wall 90 sec ea round
DUs 50 ea round
B. All @ 95#
C. Bent over rows 65,65,65,75
Push ups 30,30,25,25
Pull Ups 5+3+2, 5+3+2, 5+2+2+1, 4+2+2+1+1
Megan Becker
Nice work on the push ups Kim!
A. C2B 10 each round. I’ve been doing singles as I can get more reps in less time. Did 10 x HSPU/rd do to shoulder. DUs 50, 48, 50
B. All reps at 165 (70%) Did some TnG, and some drops.
C. Only 3 rds. BOR at 105 x 10; Push-ups 20, 18, 16; PUs (underhand grip)10, 8+2, 5+3+2
Megan Becker (50/5’5″/135)
A. C2B 6+4, 7+6, 5+5
Nose to wall 60 seconds each round.
DUs 50 each round (35+15, 50, 49+1)
B. 105, 110, 110, 115 (Most of these were power cleans.)
C. Bent over rows at 85# (8 reps)
Pushups 17, 18, 14, 12
Pullups were: 5+3+2, 5+3+2, 4+2+2+2 (skipped the last round because my hands are really sore from T2B yesterday and C2B today.
Are the doubles in the cleans TnG or just a quick drop & go?
Megan (50/5’5′
I did TnG, Brent. I think if I had done them as squat cleans I would have had to do a quick drop & go.
Sorry just saw this!