Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
*Set 1 = 2 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 89%
*Set 7 = 1 rep @ 92%
Three sets of:
Pause Deadlifts x 8 reps @ 65%
(pause for 2-3 seconds at mid-patella, then continue to pull to full lockout)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 77.5%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets for times of:
Row 2000/1500 Meters
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Run 800 meters
30 Burpees
150 Double Unders
Rest until the running clock reaches 25:00.
Note both times and total working time: e.g., 17:32 + 17:41 = 34:13
Compare results to June 4, 2018.
a) 55 up to 78kg;
b) 110kg;
c) 100kg;
d) no time for full 50min, every 12 min x2, half the reps: 10:01 and 10:11.
D. 23:30 (one round)
A. 35, 40, 45, 47.5, 50, 52.5 (fail), 52.5 (power), 55 (fail)
B. 115kg (had to stop for 7th and 8th rep)
C. 95 x 6, 92.5 x 7, 90 x 8
A. 122/130/140/150/160/165/172#
B. 280#
C. 257#
D. 23:30
A. 155,165,185,195,205,215,225-f. Juice just not there today.
B. 305.
C. 6×4 @ 300.
Worked late so started late- began with squats and did few snatches for quality
– Activation’s quickly
C. BS- up to 220#
A. Up to 155- got some really nice ones in there- squatting first made me really use my legs more
D. Modified workout per Ricky due to equipment and time:
18:36 min AMRAP
400m run
15 CtB
200m med ball run (30/20#)
15 burpees
75 DUs
= 3 full rounds (right behind Sam) – subbed some C2B cuz tight shoulder for t2b & reg PU
Completed yesterday:
Mobility: done 1 round
A: Up to 65KG
B: 80/80/90 KG (still got some back pain since last week monday)
C. 100KG
D. Did one round with around 20 minutes
A) 70/75/80/85/90/95
B) 135
C) 120
D) 18 & 19:01 = 37:01 so so hot died on my ass
Home gym
A. Up to 195. Shoulders were a little sticky today… hip flexors too.
B. 325. Hard.
C. 255… just somewhat gassed from those deads.
D. Subbed AB (100 cals) instead of the Concept 2. Two minutes between sets… due to the long session workout.
16:56, 17:11
Just got back from trip, getting into the swing of things again.
A/B/C/ – Subbed handstand walk practice. Worked up to 10 ft open standards (new PR!)
D. Scaled to roughly 80% of volume and time. (1600, 24, 600, 24, 100)
15:55, 16:06
A) did Power Snatch Because of some knee pain but shoulder is fine again ?
C) 142,5kg
D)15:35/15:32rx, no time to compare. All Sets unbroken, Row 7:04/7:14
A: Up to 145, failed 3 times at 150… still smoked from Saturday
B: done at 205
C: skipped
D: 21:28 & 20:30 (June 4: 19:36 & 20:31, but gave 2 mins rest between rounds)
Was feeling realllllyyyyy beat up today, even after rest day yesterday…
A. Up to 205
B. 280
C. 290, 295, 300
D. Class WOD instead
Up to 77.5 kg
117.5 kg
107.5 kg
No time
A: Up to 245#, 255f, starting to feel better
B: 245#
C: 305#
D: 18:36 min AMRAP:
400m run, 15 C2B, 200m med ball run (30/20#), 15 burpees, 75 DUs
3 rds + 180m
Miss you man!
Miss you too Hunter! Come up to the northern sorrento lands!
A. Up to 105. Tried 110 (1RM) but failed twice. Not tonight. B. 175. Feeling really strong on deadlift recently. 🙂 C. Still no squatting – 3 weeks so far easing off my hip. D. Modified workout per Ricky due to equipment and time: 18:36 min AMRAP 400m run 15 CtB 200m med ball run (30/20#) 15 burpees 75 DUs 2 full rounds plus the 400m runs and 15 C2B. Wasn’t a fan of the med ball run, as apparently I’m a retard and don’t know how to carry it properly without giving myself a concussion. DU were actually pretty… Read more »
A. 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120. Stuck to the percentages. Snatches felt great tonight!!
B. 210
C. 190
D. Due to equipment/time limitation, workout was modified.
18:36 min AMRAP (thanks Ricky)
400m run
15 CtB
200m med ball run (30/20#)
15 burpees
75 DUs
I started on the 200m run.
2+215 Rx.
A. Up to 135 tie PR. Then failed 140 three times
B. 6×3 backsquats@167.5
Solid day matching a PR!
A- 95 up to 125, no misses, failed at 130
B- 180
C- 195, think I’m close to my goal of 200×10
D- no time before class. After class
80 du, 40 kbs (35#), 20 ring pushups, 5 bar mu, 800m run, 5 bar mu, 20 ring pushups, 40 kbs, 80 du – 12:08
A. Up to 170lb- got under 180 a million times. Literally had it but my funky elbow gave out. Oh ?
B. Done at 215lb
C. Done at 240lb. Failed the 8th rep on the last set ?
D. Skipped
A) 180/190/205/220/235/242/250 all barefoot
B) 295 barefoot
C) 355 barefoot …. this felt like 1 million lbs today
D) 16:20 + 16:50 = 33:10. Happy with consistency lately. This was rough though
Keep up the good work Zach!