Primary Training Session
Snatch Technique Warm-Up
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 95/65 lbs
*Set 3 – 95/65 lbs
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Minute 1 – Hang Snatch x 1 rep
Minute 2 – Snatch x 1 rep
Perform both movements at 85-90% of your 1-RM Snatch.
Three sets of:
Pause Deadlift x 8 reps @ 60%
Rest 2 minutes
Pause for 2-3 seconds at mid-patella, then continue to pull to full hip and knee extension.
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 75%
Rest 2 minutes
Against a 3-minute running clock…
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
400 Meter Run
Max Burpees in remaining time
When the running clock reaches 3:00…
For max reps:
60 seconds of Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of FOUR sets – 24 total minutes.
Record two seperate scores:
Score 1: Total number of Burpees
Score 2: Total number of Thrusters
Four sets of:
Med Ball Rotating Side Toss (Right) x 10-15 reps
Immediately followed by…
Right Side Tall Kneeling ISO Anti-Rotation Hold x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Med Ball Side Rotating Side Toss (Left) x 10-15 reps
Immediately followed by…
Left Side Tall Kneeling ISO Anti-Rotation Hold x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Kettlebell Biceps Curls x 8 reps
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option
Complete two rounds for time of:
30 Toes to Bar
30/20 Calorie C2 Bike or Row
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
30/20 Calorie C2 Bike or Row
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
30/20 Calorie C2 Bike or Row
*Every time you break on a gymnastics movement you must perform 50 Double-Unders.
(Modify or cap yourself at a total of 8 breaks throughout the entire workout and do not perform more double unders after that. Do not use this as a strategy but as a way to just limit the amount of double unders you are going to perform.)
Rowing Endurance Option
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets):
40/30 Calorie Rowing or Bike Erg
Hit these hard! Note times for each set.
Haven’t died! Was away on the weekend for a wedding so a few days off track/program/training but back at it today.
Start with Aerobic Gymnastics
I think time was 27:35
T2B 30/10-12-8
SHSPU 20-10/20-10
Bar MU 9-6/9-6
Double Unders were a bit sloppy.
Deadlifts 3×8@300lbs used straps
Back Squat 3×8@330lbs felt pretty good
All I had time for
Back squats.
Snatches done at 225,
Had four or five misses.. not my day
Burpees 16-8-4-6
Heat and humidity was crazy today. The run absolutely crushed me..
Stay safe in the heat dude! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Make sure your adding electrolytes and extra salt ???
Row endurance
Lifting add on
C&j every 1:15×13 @80% all done at 265lb
Dead’s @325
Metcon burpees. 11-10-6-5. Thrusters done at 120# with axel bar because I have them in a comp wod in a few weeks.
Thrusters – 17-16-14-15
Core done
Ooo the axle bar was a nice variation ??
Wod took a piece of my soul ? loved it
A. 170, didn’t have any misses but definitely pressed a few of the hangs out.
B. 330, was supposed to be 340 but this was really taxing grip wise so dropped a few pounds, started double overhand but had to switch to mixed pretty quickly, bringing my straps with me next week for sure.
C. 205
Short session today, feeling good after the weekend off and pumped for the rest of the week.
Straps for sure to keep you pulling double overhand. We don’t want you torquing unevenly. Solid start to the week!
AM Session: A. Snatch EMOM: Hang: 105, 110, 115, 115, 120, 120, 125, 125, 130, 130 Snatch: 105, 110, 115, 115, 120, 120, 125, 125x, 130x, 130 SO SO happy to hit 90% 3 times, it’s been a long time! B. Deads done @ 150# C. Back squats: 170, 175, 175 D. ?** scaled to 8 cal bike after 1st round to actually get some burpees in Burpees: 2, 5, 6, 3 (had to stop to tie shoe ?) Thrusters: 15, 16, 13, 14 PM session: Aerobic/gymnastics capacity: Total time 27:12 Broke 7 times Scaled to 20 strict HSPU /… Read more »
Strong start to the week! You made some good adjustments in the conditioning too. That one was ?
Nice work Holly!
Thanks Tino! Strict HSPU are coming along slowly but surely!
A. Worked from 135-155 over the 20 minutes, felt great.
B. Done at 250 3 second pause
C. Done at 250
D. Burpees 44 thrusters 80
12/10/12/10 and 20 for all 4 sets on thrusters. This was brutal.
E. Done 30lb ball, 35 lb kettlebells
Did one round of the gymnastics conditioning and called it. Felt good but didn’t wanna burn out for the rest of the week. When I started this program 2 months ago I didn’t expect to be able to handle this kind of volume so soon but I’m loving it.
Great to see your body has adapted well and you’re listening to it! Keep up the good work!
A. First 10min @ 175lb then second 10min @185lbs. No misses. These felt really good this morning.
B. Pause Deadlifts done at 275lbs
C. Back squat done at 320lb
That is all I had time for today.
Got the important stiff in. Nice work Sean!!
PM Session: Every 45 seconds, for 18 minutes (8 sets of each) perform the following: Interval 1 – Snatch Balance x 1 rep Interval 2 – Hang Snatch x 1 rep Interval 3 – Snatch x 1 rep Perform all movements at 75-80% of your 1-RM Snatch. *All sets at 165 – hang snatch was the hardest For time: 200/150 Calories of Assault Bike* *Every 3 minutes, including 0:00 perform a 200-Meter Run Immediately following completion of Assault bike. . . For time: 100 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs) *So I have done a few of these style of pieces… Read more »
Good to see you putting in some work in those weaknesses. Don’t let that 30lb wall ball defeat you!!
AM. Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option 22:33 T2B and BMU UB SHSPU 15/15, 18/12. Only 2 sets of DU. PM. Warm up done A. 205lb x 10, 215lb x 10, 2 missed full snatches. I made one up after the clock. I was surprised here, my hang snatch is much better than my full snatch. Also very surprised I could do these at true 85% and 90% today. B. 260lb, 3s pauses. C. 275lb. This was a 80%, but heavier than last week. This is my old 10RM from last year and I’m feeling really strong! However… D. Coach Hunter had me… Read more »
A lot of athletes lift better from the hang. The pull from the floor will determine the position of the barbell. If it’s off it messes everything up. Get Hunter to take a look!
A. Worked between 150-160# for both. The hang snatches were a struggle today. I failed basically every other rep.
B. Wow these were hard. 210#
C. 260#
D. So looking at everyone else’s burpees scores, I obviously have some work to do ?
9/7/7/7-I was actually super happy with this. I had about :30 for burpees. Runs felt really good today. :20 – :30 for the bike and about 2:00 for the run
18/16/14/15-yeah these were a mess.
So…30 burpees and 63 thrusters
Video of hang snatches?
Is your run 400? I’d like to see these closer to 90 seconds for sure!
It’s more like 450. There’s also a pretty decent hill on the way back that gets me. But I neglect working on running for sure and yes I do have videos. I’ll post them.
Moved AM condo around a little bit.
Hit Wednesday’s Assault Bike
254.8 calories.
Tried to keep 20 minute pace. It was close.
Snatch complex: built from 215-235. A couple of misses. But overall felt like a good day.
Pause deadlift @325
Back squat 315-325 Squats have been feeling heavy lately but I know it’s because it’s after the snatch and deads on Monday.
Had a little trouble with transitions on this one cuz I often have a stairway to go down after assault bike.
Burpees: 8/9/9/6
Thrusters: 17/16/15/16
Phew what a day! Thanks!
Back squats will for sure be challenging after all the pulling prior. Not to mention the Assault Bike too 🙂
Extra credit for the Assault Bike transition too. Nice work Kenny!
A) 185
B) 300
C) 290
D) Burpees: 9/5/4/1 Thrusters: 12/12/11/10
Heading to the field for 3 weeks on Wednesday so this’ll be my last workout till August ? see you guys then ??
Safe travels dude. Please keep me posted on how things are and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help when you’re away.
Thanks Tino! Unfortunately this time around I won’t have any access to equipment or wifi but I’ll be Rdy to rock and roll when I get back
Ps – For Siggi: it was pouring down rain today, still ran. Haha. ?
A. Done at 225. No misses.
B. 305
Ran on track for conditioning 3×1200 meter runs @ mile pace
– warm up done
– snatch emom @90kg. 1 hang snatch missed so I did it on min 21th. Really happy with that.
– deadlift 150kg
– squat 135kg
– E. done
– Condo :
burpees : 17 11 11 11 (50)
thrusters : 18 17 17 18 (70) 1 set UB each round
Solid day of lifting and great start to the week!! ? ?
A. Done @ 67.5 kg
had some misses at the end. Time was not quite enough to recover fully.
B. Done @ 110k
Struggled to keep the bar close during the pause.
C. Skipped not enough time today.
D. Burpees 15-12-10-9 thrusters 21-18-15-15
Subbed run with 400m row.
Let’s see some video of those snatches!
Primary strength:
-Snatches 125-120(4 set)-125(4set)- 130. A couple of misses but overall this was good, since last 5 sets were between 91 and 94% of max.
– deadlift 190lbs
-squats 180 lbs, 5 lbs more than last week. And last week I thought I was already dying on this!!
– conditioning: hunter had me do 15 cal bike (22 on airdyne) and 10 cal ski erg instead. Burpees were 23-21-16-17, thrusters 17-16-13-17. Total 77 burpees, 68 thrusters.
Accessory done
Crushed the burpees of course!! 😛
being 5.2 with short legs has to help somewhere!! ;p
Spend 12 hours digging trench yesterday, body feels little bit sore hence the shorter session.
Warm up done
A. 90kg (85%)
B. 120kg
C. 125kg
pm session
5 mile run
37 min
That manual labour life! It’s harder than training!! ?
A. Done @ 185#, 20 reps on 23 attempts. 3 misses from the ground, but hit them immediately after missing
B. 3×8 @ 300#
C. 3×8 @ 305#
D. Burpees-9/8/4/0=21
finished last round of running right at 21:00
E. Done
Solid work getting after them and making some successful lifts
Warmup done
A) Done at 205 – no misses, but this might be as heavy as I can go from the hang, felt like I had a bunch of pitch and pray reps
B) 260
C) 285
D) Done on the air runner, burpees were 18-17-15-12 (62) and thrusters were 20-20-20-17 (77). Had about 45-50 seconds for burpees on the first 3 rounds, and 30 on the last round (crashed and burned on the treadmill big time here). Thrusters were just one unbroken set each round.
E) Just did a cool down, the lifting was tough today
Great job not putting the bar down on the thrusters
Lets see some video of your snatches to see if we can help.
Oki now I know I read this morning 40 du in the aerobic option haha.
Wow people are getting in so many burpees in the primary I am just happy to get maybe one or two in next week haha
I’m pretty sure your numbers will be up there with the best
Haha don’t thing so our lab takes around 2 min to run ?